Not all Star Trek is really boring. A lot of the recent TV shows have been shit, but the movies (and most of the original series) are masterpieces 9 times out of 10.
You probably watched some Voyager or last-season Next Generation episodes and turned the channel out of boredom. I don't blame you... But even within the "Star Trek" realm itself, the stuff is all very very different depending on when it was produced and who wrote it. A lot of the 80's stuff had more action elements, while a great majority of the stuff produced in the 90's and this century was soap-opera-in-space type crap.
I personally liked The Next Generation for the most part, but by the 7th season it seemed like everyone was sleepwalking through their parts and it just got real boring. TNG peaked, IMO during season 2 and/or 3. It was like the original series on steroids, and the stories were all relatively fast-paced and interesting. There are probably only like 1 or 2 bad episodes to show for both those years combined.
And BTW, it was Scotty who created the transparent aluminum. He tried to give the formula to a Mac Plus by talking to the mouse. Good times.