This reminds me of a specific interview with the creator of Every Extend Extra, and how he talked about encouraging his employees to make _this_ game without the aid of mind altering drugs. The impression he gave me after hearing the interview was that games like Lumines and Rez were made entirely out of drug induced hazes.
That being said, I personally love drinking while playing any of the Crazy Taxi games, drunk in the arcade is even better ^_^ Crazy Taxi just feels perfect as a drunk simulator, especially with all the people screaming, running away, and cursing at you.
Some games like Ikaruga are impossible to beat on the hard setting I think unless you are in that "Winners don't use drugs, unless they are in the "zone"" kind of mindset someone else mentioned. There's a very relaxed, frantic, zen like state you must achive to really flow in a game like that.
Recently I took Return to Zork on the FX for a spin and decided I needed to drink for that game. For minutes at a time a few pixles on the screen will move and a lot of Japanese talking without any text will commence. I found myself getting up to do things while scenes went on, but drinking some, kept me in my seat lol.