I'm looking to get all the system cards I'll ever need (my DUO-RX and SuperGrafx should both be arriving on Friday; still looking into getting a Super CD-ROMĀ² for the SX), and I've got a couple questions.
First, I want to confirm that an Arcade Card Pro works fine in a Duo-RX (i.e. there's no advantage beyond price that should make me consider an Arcade Card Duo).
Next, I want to confirm that I definitely do need a System Card 1.0 for maximum compatibility (and as an aside, is Altered Beast the only game that needs the 1.0 card and why exactly is that?)
Third, which color Games Express card is the "better" one (the one that can access more memory)? I believe it's the blue one, but I'm not sure (for that matter, I'm not even sure the color always determines which one is which).
This last question is just to satisfy my curiosity, but are there any games that don't like the Arcade Card but do work with the 3.0 card?