I dunno, no offense to any professional critics or anything, but it's my opinion that they need to get a real job. Telling other people what to like and what to hate, and basically forcing your opinion on the world doesn't really count as a "job" to me, despite however you try to play the "I provide a valuable service to the consumer" card.
Also, they probably never programmed a game in their entire life. So when you hear one of these people
paid to sit on their ass and criticize one of those things, it's a real sting. Online communities, not as much. They aren't getting paid for their honesty, they're just shooting the shit.
But when you tell me your job is "video game critic", all I hear is "I get fat cash to make fun of people's honest work, I don't care if they slaved over it, I don't care if they put their heart and soul in it, if I say it sucks, well goddamn, it sucks".
And for those who are saying "Well, video game criticism provides mature CONSTRUCTIVE advice and makes companies make better games", f*ck you as well. Video game critics have been around since the day of the early arcade, and they have not made ONE thing better. Shit games are still made today, and in increasing numbers. And when every issue of every video game magazine that you pick up today is overflowing with juvenile humor and just relentlessly bashes on shit games instead of saying "Look, this game is not good, here's why", well, there went your defense of the industry. Video game criticism will never be taken as serious journalism, because of this.
So one down, one million to go. Maybe one day it will be worth picking up a video game magazine to read it's helpful, insightful advice.
Maybe one day my dog will win the lottery.
(And yes, I realize the irony in criticizing criticism, but this had to be said.)
EDIT: Grammar, it is my bad.