Author Topic: Why T-Mobile Sucks  (Read 742 times)


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Why T-Mobile Sucks
« on: December 05, 2007, 04:44:31 PM »
Kitsunexus, you work for T-Mobile customer service, don't you? Well, I had lots of fun with them today. And boy do I wish I had been able to speak to you instead of half of these brainless idiots.

My wife and I share 1,000 minutes on the family plan which is MORE than enough even though she uses her phone as her business line. So I get my latest bill, right? It says for the latest period we used 1,600 minutes. Since we went over our minutes, my bill is $250. Wha...WHAT?!?! (The bill is normally about $80 give or take, and we've never in history gone over our minutes.) So I think OK, she got a little chatty with her friends. I start looking a little closer and notice half the calls I'm being billed for were made between 9/29 and 10/14. This bill is for the period of 10/15 thru 11/13. Anyone else see the problem here? Yeah, those calls were paid for on the LAST bill.

So I get on the ol' horn to customer service, billing department. After the first call, which lasted about 30 minutes, I am told nothing can be done because I don't have her SS (the account is in her name). I didn't catch this first girl's name, but the number of teeth in her mouth probably totaled higher than her IQ. First of all, what a retarded policy. Sure, I can understand they do this to protect from unauthorized changes being made, but I wasn't calling to change the account. Plus, I'm CALLING FROM ONE OF THE PHONES ON THE PLAN. Third, I've got the entire bill right in front of me. And last but not least, the online My T-Mobile account is in my name. It didn't matter she refused to help me though, this first girl didn't even grasp the problem I was laying out for her. She kept saying "I hate to break bad news to good people." Bad news, honey, you're an idiot.

Her: "But it looks like there is an overage."
Me: "Yes, because you added all the calls from the LAST billing period we already paid on top of these newest calls."
Her: "Have you created a My T-Mobile account online? It shows you the breakdown of the calls there."
Me: "That's not the issue. I have a paper bill that lays all that out right in front of me.
Her: "So what's the problem? Looks like you went over your minutes."

.... OK, enough of this. I'm embarrassed I let this go on for as long as I did.

So wife gets home, get her SS. Call back. This is where the fun really starts. I get someone on the line named "Sharon" (I think...or was it Shannon?). And I swear on the holy mother it was the same f*cking girl. And this was like five hours later. After I laid out the problem and proudly presented the SS number, she started in on the exact same speil about how it looks like there is an overage. I start getting a little irritated and raise my voice a bit, laying things out so even someone with a sub-50 IQ can understand. SHE HANGS UP ON ME. This is great. I haven't even STARTED to get angry yet and I'm already getting hung up on? Wonderful!

So I call back immediately for round three. I'm on hold for 20 minutes and I still haven't gotten anyone yet. So I'm thinking maybe this chick is there alone by herself today, sees the caller ID (I can only assume they have one... They're the f*cking phone company!) and doesn't want to deal with me. So I get the house phone and call on that phone too. Picture: I've got a phone up to each ear at this point. One number she knows, the other she doesn't. Even if she's there by herself and is avoiding me purposefully, I'll get her on the number she doesn't know.

Pretty soon thereafter one of the phones gets an answer. It's someone named "Victoria." Lucky for me, this time around I'm blessed with someone that actually has a brain. She immediately understands the problem and promises to get right on it.

It's about 8:00pm right now. I'm on hold 10 minutes. She's back, just needs a few more minutes. 8:17 now, she's back. Says she has never seen anything like this before. Asks for just a couple more minutes. 8:28, back. She starts explaining about something called "late billables" and asks if I went on vacation out of the area. I reply no-- the only vacation I've taken was AFTER this bill for the Thanksgiving holiday. She's gone again, on hold. Back at 8:32. Mentions the late billables again. Mind you, by now I've been on the phone dealing with this FAR too long already. Before 8:00, I was on phone call #2 and then phone call #1 took 30 minutes earlier in the day. I tell her to add up all the calls that belong on the previous bill and subtract those minutes from this current bill. I state this pretty matter-of-factly and she says OK. On hold until 8:45.

She's back, and is telling me she's been told that unfortunately "late billables" are valid charges and they will remain on the bill. BTW, "late billables" were explained to me as calls that went through another provider's tower and weren't reported to T-Mobile in time to make the correct billing cycle. Only I never traveled anywhere, and this was for TWO WEEKS worth of calls that totaled around 700 minutes. If I never traveled anywhere away from home, then that must mean my local T-Mobile tower went out of service for this duration of time and my calls were being routed through a different tower. NOT MY PROBLEM. Why do I have to pay $200 extra because T-Mobile was having technical difficulties? I don't-- take them off my bill.

So this is where I blow my f*cking top. I unleashed on the poor girl. I became "that guy," you know, the irate customer that wants it his way, right now. Only I was right. Poor Victoria was only doing her job, but I'd wasted waaaaaay too much time on this already and needed closure. I would write down what I said to her, but I am not proud of it, and had to apologize afterwards. It's been a long time since I've gotten upset like that and I think I may have made her cry. She put me on hold quickly and after a minute or two came back and said she had removed the charges. I apologized for my outburst and thanked her.

When all is said and done I am still very put off that this had to happen at all. This is the most ridiculous fight I've ever fought, and I can't believe I had to go through so much to get anywhere when the opposing arguments are so feeble. I've had a cell phone for a long time and I've never heard of "late billables." These are not to be confused with "roaming" charges. Even if there is such a thing as "late billables" there are absolutely NO arguments that make these charges the customer's responsibility. I am in business professionally, and to me these sound like operating expenses that the service provider must either absorb or write off. It's like if I own a retail store, and my main source of power is temporarily unavailable. So I plug the cash register into generator that eats extraordinary amounts of gasoline per minute so I can ring up a customer. I ring up the customer's charges but then mark them up 300% to pay for the gasoline my generator is using.

I am still reeling from the whole thing, and I can't fathom that a company would even try to hold me financially accountable for something that had nothing to do with me, other than the fact that I am a customer. They even thought that not only would I understand, but be OK with the situation!!

And Kitsunexus, if you do indeed work for T-Mobile, no offense towards you whatsoever. Believe me when I tell you the entire time I was on the phone I was yearning for you to pick up the phone and come to my rescue.


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Re: Why T-Mobile Sucks
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2007, 04:51:50 PM »
Well, since I'm not allowed to browse the Internet at work, I guess they won't see this.

I can tell you honestly that I'm not surprised that happened. Unfortunately I'm only in prepaid, so I don't really understand half of what you're talking about (they tried to get me into activations for monthly but it's boring shit so I didn't go), but pretty much it's T-Mobile's main agenda to screw people over.

I'm only working with this sorry-ass company to get me a car, and then after that, I'm never associating with them again, and I have actually NEVER EVER had a T-Mobile phone (I have a Motorola TracFone running off of Cingular).

I seriously hope you change carriers nat, off-job I do not stick behind them.

Also, if you could PM me their names and representative ID's, I'll put in a request for their termination.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2007, 04:53:50 PM by Kitsunexus »


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Re: Why T-Mobile Sucks
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2007, 05:10:22 PM »
Naw, it's OK, I'm not looking to get anyone fired. Poor Victoria was just doing her job within the limits set out for her. She didn't create the policies. The only person I'd be halfway interested in getting fired is the first twit I got on the phone, and that was the one who I didn't get a name nor ID # for.  :?

I'm interested to hear more about their agenda to screw people over, however. Are they more active in pursuing this goal than other major corporations?

Believe me, I had many thoughts of switching carriers today. It's just such a pain to do that and keep the same phone numbers.

Joe Redifer

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Re: Why T-Mobile Sucks
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2007, 05:10:49 PM »
Man, that sucks, but I'm glad you fought for what was right.  Too many people give in these days.

Don't feel too bad.  I've been "that guy" a couple of times myself. Certainly not something to feel proud of, but with companies these days, it happens.  One time was when Discover kept calling me on my phone (think: telemarketing).  Every single day.  Yes, I have a Discover card, but they would not heed my polite requests to please stop calling me.  So one day when they called, I asked why they kept calling me, telling them that they call every day and each time I don't give in.  Why do they persist?  I finally got them to say that they'll remove my number, but it can take up to a month to get out of the calling cue.  I told them no way, it must be removed NOW as I am sick of the unsolicited calls.  They kept saying no, no no.  I started swearing and getting really worked up, transferring from person to person.  I told them that they had no business calling me and that I would cancel my Discover card if they kept calling me.  I really, really gave them lots of hell (very loudly).  They stopped calling immediately.

Another time was with my former internet service provider who liked to have lots of downtime.  Usually this was a problem on their end, never on mine.  But they kept wanting to send out a service crew to check things out.  Of course their service crew is only able to come by when I am at work.  I told them that I am unavailable and I can't just take off of work like that.  They didn't understand.  I made them understand.  Probably about 20 minutes later my internet was working because some guy down at the station saw that he accidentally flipped the "Internet" switch to off.  a$$hole.


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Re: Why T-Mobile Sucks
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2007, 05:19:00 PM »
I'm interested to hear more about their agenda to screw people over, however. Are they more active in pursuing this goal than other major corporations?

Believe me, I had many thoughts of switching carriers today. It's just such a pain to do that and keep the same phone numbers.

I don't think they're more corrupt than any other company, I think it's just that when you work for someone, you get to see the faces they DON'T put on for the media or for JD Power and Associates, etc...

So many times I have had a situation where I could help somebody, but policy says "No". So I go to a supervisor and ask if I can bend the policy, "NO."  So if I have a good feeling that I'm not being recorded on that call, and the caller really sounds genuine (and they pass the little subliminal tests I put them through), I bend the policy for them. f*ck the book, I hate the book, and I only play by it when I have to.

Ironically, the software we can use to suggest improvements directly to T-Mobile is so clunky and complicated, that it's not even worth trying, because if you miss a detail, one little detail, the request is marked invalid (and thus nonconsiderable). >_>

And I completely understand about the mobile number thing though. If it makes you feel any better though, it's a bitch for us to do too. ^_^

Oh and fun fact: we have NO caller ID (I guess it's just the prepaid division that lacks it). I sure wish we did though.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2007, 05:20:36 PM by Kitsunexus »

Turbo D

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Re: Why T-Mobile Sucks
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2007, 06:05:46 PM »
I had t-mobile when I was in High skool like 3 or 4 years ago. It really sucked balls. I have sprint now and can say that they have screwed me too. I don't think that any cellular company is good; like kitsune said.


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Re: Why T-Mobile Sucks
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2007, 06:52:08 AM »
I use tracphone myself.  I use under 60 minutes a month, I use it like a pager generally and I call people back when I am at a land line.  The calls though on my free phone are crystal clear.  My end of the call never, ever drops out for anyone.  And the phone shockingly has full or one less than full bars in areas where my friend's non pre-paid phones will have 1 bar to no service.  Because of this I think the tracphone is the ultimate emergency phone, well short of a sat phone.
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Re: Why T-Mobile Sucks
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2007, 07:48:53 AM »
I'd only use a prepaid phone.  That way my elicit rendezvous and TG-16 deals can remain on the street and untraceable, just like God intended.

If I were you, nat, I'd send those bastards a nice, long letter explaining your grievances and expressing your disgust.  You never know - sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and sometimes it wastes a stamp and gets laughed at.
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Hobo Xiphas

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Re: Why T-Mobile Sucks
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2007, 12:10:12 PM »
This is why you use payphones...

...oh.  :-&


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Re: Why T-Mobile Sucks
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2007, 12:52:58 PM »
As others have said, pre-paid is the way to go. Also, if worse comes to worst you just burn the phone with the body and you're only out $30.

I don't know about TracFone though. When I was searching around for the best deals in pre-paid TracFone seemed to be, by far, the most expensive. At the time their phones really sucked too. Also, those racist mofos on AM radio pimp the stuff constantly.

I use Virgin Mobile. For $34.99 I get 300 anytime minutes and 1000 nights/weekends and I've never come close to running out.


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Re: Why T-Mobile Sucks
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2007, 01:00:26 PM »
With tracphone you have to stack their deals when you buy: free phone + double minutes for life + 1 year card.  You then use a free 100 or 200 minutes when you use a 1 year card deal and you end up with about 100 minutes per month, 1 year of service for under 100 dollars.

Since I don't use the phone very often as a phone, I am able to have cell service when I need it, a pager and I never have to worry about a contract or bill.  It's not for everyone, but it works for me.

My phone was some Motarolla flip phone, grey.  It works very well.
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Re: Why T-Mobile Sucks
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2007, 01:39:12 PM »
Wow, I had forgotten how crappy cell-phones were back in the states.  Here in Japan the cellphone is king.  They are cheap, dependable, and have great customer service.  Even though I speak Japanese, my carrier always insists on calling a professional translator for me to be sure that I understand everything. 
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Re: Why T-Mobile Sucks
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2007, 02:06:04 PM »
 Haha.. yeah - companies really do suck these days. I think everyone has been "that guy". I have T-Mobile and haven't had any problems as of yet (cross my fingers). But I've had it out with Quest DSL service and a number of occasions. The service tech finally admitted it was a problem with the phone lines outside of my house, but they weren't going to do anything about it - but they were going to charge me full price for shotty internet connection. Such bullshit.

 I don't know if this makes you feel any better, but 4 years ago I quite my job and needed some temp work for a bit. I got a job at AFNI company as a phone company representative for an east coast phone company (can't remember off hand which one it was). Anyway, after a month of boring *paid* training, I went to work for the billing and customer service department. I was warned people would call in with all sorts of excuses and such as to why they couldn't pay their bill or wanting to have 3rd party charges removed from their local bill (glad I don't own a land line). Warned no to give in easily.

 To make a short story short, I gave out soooo many credits and removed charges and reconnected service without any payments. It was my revenge on the phone company and other bastards. I only lasted a month as they were getting suspicious that I wasn't making the "addon" sales - hah! Those fools never saw it coming...

« Last Edit: December 06, 2007, 02:08:10 PM by Bonknuts »


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Re: Why T-Mobile Sucks
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2007, 03:14:35 PM »
I have Verizon, which is meh, but every other carrier I hear about is worse.
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Turbo D

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Re: Why T-Mobile Sucks
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2007, 03:19:40 PM »
I had verizon for a short time and I was pretty happy with them.