So I found this thing on ebay, haha. It seems to be a beefy memory base 128. What do you dudes know about it? Here is a link to the one I saw:
I actually asked this seller to find me one of these a few months ago, and he said he'd check his "warehouse"
I don't know if he found it specifically for me or not, but the fact I asked for it may have something to do with the price.
Holy crap, $70 for that? Then I have about $700 worth of those. Anyone needs one let me know. Cheap.
Dean, actually I've wanted one of these for quite some time.
I saw you also have Nobunaga-no Yabou Zenkokuban on your big sale list, but without a spine card. Toshi of DreamStarsJapan told me that originally the save-kun unit was available with Nobunaga Zenkokuban....
I've noticed that the spine card for my Nobunaga-no Yabou Bushoufuunroku has no barcode on it, so that may have been sold with save kun as well.
Anyway, I'm interested. How much do you want for a save kun? (I want the koei save kun and not a NEC mb-128, as I'm a Koei geek)