Ok, this is kinda wierd. First, unless my copy is deffective for some reason, Legion's PSG only plays on one speaker right? Well, going into the sound test, there is multiple versions of songs. So, I decided, what the hell, why don't I put one version of a song on one speaker, & combine another version with it, onto the other speaker. They match up, to the point where, they sound like they were supposed to be stereo in the first place, including drums in some songs, going back n' forth from left to right. I'm very puzzled by this. Why did Reno proram this game like this, what crack where they smoking at the time?
Might I add, the music in stereo, while better, still is of poor quality for the most part
Maybe it's just coincidence, but, the alternate versions fit together too well, like Reno litterally took the music, & split it in half into seperate songs.