Author Topic: tzd, dead?  (Read 4915 times)

Michael Helgeson

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Re: tzd, dead?
« Reply #165 on: January 17, 2008, 05:36:13 AM »
Complaint process for items not received from Redfrog/aka TZD:

MY message:
Looks like I do need to contact you again after all sadly enough.The Philosoma item did arrive,but this one and Sol Divide PS1 CIB NICE Playstation L@@K! (370009736457)have not as of today.TZD nonsense put aside,this issue needs to be resolved. It has been plenty of time for them to have arrived. I will open a claim with paypal probably this weekend if they do not arrive by Fri-Sat. You don't have long to get the problem resolved,but regardless of our past communications,this is your chance to fix a situation related to a actual ebay purchase from you.

Redfrog reply:

It's hard to really want to communicate with someone so frustrated with our items. YOu stated that we did not have these items in stock on these forums, when the issue is we use a system that uses UPCs to expedite listings, and vintage Japanese games do not have this option.

I will check on this tomorrow, but you are definitely not coming across directly on any of these items. If there was an issue with these not being combined, I would fix it, but again, to berate and complain and accuse without coming to us is not a nice thing by any means.

MY reply:
The Japanese one that you say you could not scan,Philosoma,is the one that arrived.It is the one that you required me to pay for separately.If all 3 were in stock at the same store you could have shipped all 3 together,right? I did contact you on its issue multiple times also,the whole shipping issue in fact,everything,and the response you gave were justifications for why you could charge so much for shipping,and after awhile admitted that Philosoma was going to have to be shipped separately due to not being in your stores stock or something along those lines. The 2 US released titles have not as of yet arrived.They were paid for on Jan 3rd. If you say you shipped them,and really did then its a safe bet by now they are lost in the mail if you shipped them out close to when I paid. If you did not ship them then its prob best to just refund me for them plus the amount I paid to have them shipped.Anyway,I saved the prior replies over it incase Id need them for paypal or otherwise.

Redfrog reply:

We don't have separate stores. Just separate listings on vintage and regular items.

I'll check on the tracking to see where these are at. If there were paid through the checkout system, they should have been sent out a day later (unless it is a Friday or Sat), if not, I will refund you.

MY reply:

As I said,I made prior request to get a better shipping rate,and thats how I found out you were shipping the Japanese Philsoma game separately among other things.I explained how I did not even see the way overcharged combined shipping rates policy you had because the vast majority of items you had that I bid on were Japanese imports,and you did not list the policy on those auctions. The 2 US titles I bid on,I bid on those last,and assumed the policy would be the same as the Japanese ones,a fair one. I never bothered to scroll down on those,I assumed you would have offered a fair combined shipping total,and shipped all items together at once. You refused to make good on the issue then,so its kinda late to fix it now as far as that goes. My only concern now is that 2 of the 3 items have not arrived. The only reason it is even on my mind right now is because of the TZD thing,so in a sad sort of way its all related now,since you as Redfrog now claim to be TZD also.

Redfrog reply:
TZD has nothing to do with any of these transactions.

I don't have any record of you asking me for these discounts. We just let someone go recently, so he may have been doing the customer service, but what I can do tomorrow is find out the status of the two items, and give you a refund on the double shipping costs once I check on the tracking.

MY reply:
That is fine,but I saved all of them incase I would need them in the future,as after the items arrived I was going to scan the packing off and send the pics to paypal anyway and report you for unfair shipping cost.If your company did indeed send them,then they may have been lost in the mail or mis-delivered which sometimes happens,def has happened to me before as both a buyer and seller. Too bad too because Sol-Divide is a favorite of mine,and Zero Divide had Phalanx hidden on it.If you shipped them,they are either lost,stolen,or mis delivered.I paid for insurance,so you should have insured them for any of the above just incase. Due to this do not refund half the shipping yet if that is your intention. If they do not arrive by this weekend I would rather have it all refunded at once and will be opening a claim with paypal for that.Due to this it will prob be best for you to file a claim with USPS if that is what you used. Your company stated they would be shipped by First Class.

Redfrog reply:

YOu really are making a big deal out of this. Report us for unfair shipping practices? It's not like I am saying you won't get a refund, but you are extrememly adamant about not cooperating for some reason. You'll get your tracking tomorrow as stated or a refund on those two items.

MY reply:

I saved the original responses due to the manner and how uncooperative they were towards me and uncaring of the situation they came off as,and the fact of how much I wa shaving to pay to ship the games.It came in handy in past cases where a seller has over charged me quite a bit,as I was able to recoup in a paypal claim after providing proof of wrong doing.I figured you shipped the 2 items out close to the same time as the Philosoma game because a email from you via ebay stated they would be since they could not be shipped at the same time. You should find out what you can.I was going to give it until Friday or Saturday,but either way Id say its either lost,stolen or mis delivered.I get others mail here alot,so USPS isn't too great.I have already had to make a complaint about these kinda issues to my local post office.Im sure you shipped them if you say you did,but I have a feeling youll have to file a claim.Due to probs like that I usually track & pick up stuff at the post office.

Redfrogs reply:
Don't know what to tell you on this one. Both packages were shipped and delivered Priority Mail back in January to your address listed.


We did our part and shipped both packages Priority and were shown delivered to your address.

MY reply:
Ok,well the Philosoma arrived,but the other didn't,so you are going to need to file a claim with USPS then since you claim you insured it,as thats also your part to do since it wasn't delivered to me.Insurance covers both loss and damage. Also,the tracking numbers don't actually state being delivered to my address,just my general area.I def didn't sign for it or anything,nor did anyone else here. Most likely it was delivered elsewhere. Just thought Id point that out. Let me know when you do,as I think I will have to make a statement for you for your claim that it did not arrive. I double checked my pile of stuff here,it never arrived,to MY house at least. I will get started on a paypal claim here sometime this week when I get time to fumble with it.Till then,like I said,you are going to need to file a claim with USPS if you care to recoup the money from them.

Redfrogs reply:
You can go ahead and file a claim if you wish, but PayPal will find in our favor. In Tracking, as long as it is listed as being delivered to your zip code, that is all we need, and all PayPal needs.

To be quite frank, according to your definition, anyone can say they did not receive a package, but we shipped them both with delivery confirmation to you via Priority Mail, and you still complained about shipping costs for some reason, and they are both shown as being delivered, so I can't really do much on my end, and PayPal will not either because it shows it was delivered to your address and zip code.

MY reply:
Thats where your sorely wrong. Your confirmation number only shows being delivered to my area,not my home,and I paid for insurance to cover loss and damage. It was not delivered to me,that is considered loss. Its up to you to file a claim with USPS. I'm not stupid,I have been through this before,and paypal has always sided with me.I have always been refunded. I am offering to at least make the statement for you for your USPS claim,be thankful I am even willing to do that.You want to be a continuing dick about it,then I will continue to post your messages about it on the TZD thread,that way everyone can see you are more then willing to charge for insurance,but not willing to actually back it up incase of loss or damage,along with overcharged shipping. I honestly don't think you want that image associated with your new company purchase. Use some common sense. If I was in it to lie for the quick buck,I would have jumped at your offer to partially refund me on the shipping,but I didn't.


I will also be sure to forward all messages sent by you to paypal with headers. This will also show that you were prior giving me hassles and way overcharging on shipping,at one point willing to make good to fix it,then backing out completely,and charging people for insurance,but not actually being willing to back it up if the item is lost due to your grudge. I'm sure paypal is going to side with you for sure then. They may even relate your unwillingness to cooperate due to the TZD issues completely,as I will direct them to the ongoing thread. One thing I know for sure is that paypal doesn't tolerate bad sellers,and sellers who charge for insurance and don't make good on it,esp for personal reasons. Your best bet is to issue the refund via Paypal when I do their claim process,and file your claim with USPS,if you really even did insure the package.....

Redfrogs reply:
YOu ever try going to your post office and see if the package is there? PayPal will side with us on this one. I want you to post the tracking numbers I gave you on the website, go ahead. Post this message. Post that you have some type of personal vendetta against anyone and everyone and it clearly shows we shipped, and it was delivered, and you are trying to sabotage our name for some reason. The people that believe you and all the things you say are the ones I feel sorry for, because we clearly did our part, but you feel the need to just try and squeeze anything you can out of everyone. Please, by all means, file the PayPal claim.

MY reply:
Yes,actually I did check with them,they are 4 mins away from my house,all I had to do was call them. Its def not there. I will gladly post the tracking numbers,but as Missa pointed out,you may have got the address wrong,and at anyrate,it was not delivered to my home. This would be a USPS issue,but since I paid for insurance,this is your problem too to deal with,as you have to file a claim with them. Which part of that are you missing??? I highly suggest you make good on this.Incase you missed it,I posted in the thread I get neighbors mail all the time,I will even check my mail box today and post a scan of something if its there and it doesn't belong,before I take it back to the post office. Your going to look like a real ass before its done I'm sad to say.This is something you could easily prevent. If your willing to charge people for insurance,you better back it up and make good on it.

Redfrogs reply:
You're ridiculous. We charge shipping and handling, we sent them both Priority Mail insured with DC. It shows you received them. eBay allows us to charge handling fees. Your argument is really lost here because the items were delivered according to our tracking numbers. You really are obsessed with how people perceive you on this "thread" for some reason. Telling us you will forward eBay and PayPal the thread where you are going off on sellers that don't usually have issues with anyone but yourself? Sad thing is, you are 100% in the wrong on this one from your initial message saying we owed you games since we are TZD, then accusing us of having games we did not have, it's become laughable now to say the least.

MY reply:
I never once said TZD owed "us" games.They do however owe a refund on my friends credit card.They said they couldn't fill the order. I honestly don't think you want to go there since the paypal account used to pay for my items was his,my address is on there because I give him money to pay for items when I am out of town,ect..its easier then using my own account,and you now own and run/lay claim to being TZD. That doesn't look good on any count.No way you can spin that positively.

I want to point out  a few things. First. Redfrog starts to offer to be helpful,saying maybe my initial complaints were ignored and replied to rudely due to a ex-employee they had to let go or whatever... passing the buck onto the mysterious employee that got fired excuse....

Another thing. I was reluctant to accept the partial refund,I don't want a quick buck in this matter,I wanted the games to arrive,or to be refunded in full by this weekend due to the ethics of the situation,and possibly a apology would have been a added bonus.I want them to make good on the deal. I made this clear before the seller provided tracking. If nothing else they can honor the paypal claim and refund it instead of having to have Paypal force it on them.

 If I was making up bull shit and just wanted money itself,Id have simply jumped on the half back on shipping they charged me,which they magically stopped offering once they tracked the package and stated it arrived to me.Now they have reverted to the original attitude that they claim a ex employee used and had,saying the extra on the shipping covers handling,and also now stating instead of using First Class,they used Priority Mail insured.

 There wouldn't be much difference there either way price wise,and the items weighed next to nothing,2 PS1 games for christ sake.They have yet to provide a scan showing they used Priority Mail to me on it,and sent it to my actual address. No shipping info was done via paypal either...We always get updates when a shipper ships and pays for shipping via paypal.

The package didn't arrive,the tracking is useless,as it only states a item was delivered in my general area. The Philosoma one did,but the other 2 did not. IF the tracking number provided is even related to a item going to my own address then it was delivered to someone else's home,or lost,or stolen. I paid for insurance,and insurance by USPS covers all of this.

 It is also feasible since this seller sells so much that they have shipped other items to my area,as Jacksonville has a airbase,and the population is quite large here. I'm not the only one here in Jacksonville who plays games,or uses ebay,thats a given.Id be naive to think otherwise. Because of this is and how Redfrog is such a dick it leads me to believe they could be providing another's delivery confirmation number also.A different customer in the area. That option is left open to speculation as is the possibility they did ship,but without insurance.

That could be why they are now being uncooperative on the issue and reluctant to agree to file with USPS. They clearly know USPS insurance covers loss,stolen,and damaged goods.

As I promised Redfrog,I am posting scans of my mail today. Someone else's arrived again,from house 1609. As I said,this happens alot. I scanned this off and dropped it back in the mail slot. For the next couple of weeks I will do so to prove that point. If by chance they honestly did ship to me,then it is their job to file a claim with USPS. If any of my neighbors got this package,I would never get it. I don't keep in touch with my neighbors,we do not get along actively,and I am not going door to door to track down 2 PS1 games that should be insured against this sorta thing.

Redfrog changes their story alot. Its also clear from every reply that they are all coming from one person,not any ex employees. All the manners and styles are the same. Considering how crappy they are acting,and how Philosoma was shipped (the one item that did arrive) ,I highly recommend no one does business with them unless they really want to risk items not arrived or arriving damaged from poor packing. My issues are the same as others from reading their feedback,so it seems when problems do arise,Redfrog doesn't really make good to fix them. The only customers they cater to/treat well, are ones who do not complain if something goes wrong.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 06:01:16 AM by Michael Helgeson »


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Re: tzd, dead?
« Reply #166 on: January 17, 2008, 05:51:56 AM »
Well since Redfrog has made it CLEAR he is trolling the forums here I have a little message for you, you shiftless coward.

It's clear you have had the good fortune to be given everything in life, so much so that you feel attempting to raise the price of T16 games as the most useless middleman in the world is a real job and feel that you run a real business.  I got news for ya pal, sodding the fanbase of a console is not a moral, nor an ethical act.  You are worse than a pure software leach/pirate.  Grow some balls or ovaries or whatever you keep in your knees to reproduce with and actually back the product you are attempting to sell.  You charged for insurance, the package was lost (you scammer), claim the bloody insurance and refund this person's money.  Oh unless you charged for insurance and didn't actually insure the packages #-o
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Re: tzd, dead?
« Reply #167 on: January 17, 2008, 06:10:42 AM »
Dude that really really sucks a lot that this is how your being treated by them. I sicerely hope than that my item i won from them on Sun arrives safe and sound. I will be really upset if it doesnt.


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Re: tzd, dead?
« Reply #168 on: January 17, 2008, 06:50:12 AM »
Looking from Redfrog's point of view: they shipped the package and USPS lists the package as delivered.

Sure, USPS tracking/shipping sucks and Redfrog's shipping prices are ridiculously inflated... but they do not seem like they would be legally obligated to do anything more.

It would be nice of them to have worked with you to file a USPS claim or just issue a refund for the sake of good customer service.  But, you've been carrying out what does seem like a "personal vendetta" against them: in essense accusing both TZD and Redfrog of being unethical crooks and posting their private correspondence with you on a public messageboard.  After doing that, I would not expect nice treatment.


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Re: tzd, dead?
« Reply #169 on: January 17, 2008, 07:07:20 AM »
Quote from: BigT
Looking from Redfrog's point of view: they shipped the package and USPS lists the package as delivered.

They didn't honor their own shipping terms though.  Only in a twisted mind could this be considered doing your obligation.

Quote from: BigT
Sure, USPS tracking/shipping sucks and Redfrog's shipping prices are ridiculously inflated... but they do not seem like they would be legally obligated to do anything more.

They are obligated to file with the USPS for insurance...oh wait they didn't insure.  Well that is what they are supposed to be obligated to do.

Quote from: BigT
It would be nice of them to have worked with you to file a USPS claim or just issue a refund for the sake of good customer service. 

Only the shipper can make an insurance claim.  It is not Michael's responsibility. 

Quote from: BigT
But, you've been carrying out what does seem like a "personal vendetta" against them: in essense accusing both TZD and Redfrog of being unethical crooks and posting their private correspondence with you on a public messageboard.  After doing that, I would not expect nice treatment.

If it cheats like a crook, and lies like a crook, it is a crook in my book.  All this user has done is to inform us about the practices of this ebay seller.  If thay ebay seller is embarassed by what they said, they should have never said it in the first place.
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Michael Helgeson

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Re: tzd, dead?
« Reply #170 on: January 17, 2008, 07:18:20 AM »
Looking from Redfrog's point of view: they shipped the package and USPS lists the package as delivered.

Sure, USPS tracking/shipping sucks and Redfrog's shipping prices are ridiculously inflated... but they do not seem like they would be legally obligated to do anything more.

It would be nice of them to have worked with you to file a USPS claim or just issue a refund for the sake of good customer service.  But, you've been carrying out what does seem like a "personal vendetta" against them: in essense accusing both TZD and Redfrog of being unethical crooks and posting their private correspondence with you on a public messageboard.  After doing that, I would not expect nice treatment.

So that you know,before I even paid for this item,I had tried to resolve the shipping cost issues amongst other things prior to all of this being posted.I did this before it was known that TZD was bought by Redfrog,or that they posted our email and contact info. They failed to do so and blamed this on a ex-employee. It is merely a coincidence that they are the same people who own TZD assets now,if you go back and read my original post when this was discovered... IF you yourself are going to criticize me,you better get your facts straight and read everything. Nothing at all excuses them ,or ANY seller,from ripping ANYONE off PERIOD. They have  a tracking number,thats it.

I don't care if any of my buyers are people I don't like,or a$$holes. If they pay to have something insured,and it gets lost,stolen,or damaged,I do my part to make sure they are taken care of.

The item did not actually arrive to MY address. I paid to have this thing insured against this sort of situation,and regardless of any other issues with them TZD wise,this is the current issue,items I paid for not arriving that they do need to take care of. This means filing a claim with USPS. Until they have done so,and refunded me,they have not at all kept their side of the deal. If they are not at all willing to back up the fact they are charging insurance,then they do not need to charge for it,because insurance covers both lost,mis-delivered,stolen,and damaged goods.

They have not actually even sent me proof that they mailed it to the correct address. Delivery confirmation via USPS only states delivery to a areas zipcode and city.This is another reason to have items insured or to request signature upon delivery.

EDIT: Paypal complaint has now been filed for items not delivered.

" 1. You've been insulting long enough.

2. Your item is being shown as delivered. When you go to the, it does state an address for a DC slip. If you have dealt with tracking before, you would know this. How we have ripped you off, and how you seem to still not think an item was sent Priority when you click on each tracking number and the items were DELIVERED and SENT within 2-3 days of each other is beyond me.

On another note, how people in that thread think we are "raising" the prices of games by putting a few games on eBay and starting them all at 9.99 is beyond me. It's probably the rudest thread I have ever seen of people attacking TZD, then attacking us based on your claims.

Bottom line, items were delivered. If anyone is scamming anyone, it's you trying to scam us because the items were sent, and shown as delivered. End of story."

I would like to state they have as of yet sent me a scan of any slip with my address on it,and regardless,insurance was paid for. Even if they got the address right,it was not delivered to my address. In a perfect world,USPS would always deliver to the correct address,and insurance would not be needed. This is not the case. It was not delivered to my address,and they need to file a claim with USPS. Since they are fighting this sooo much,it does seem very likely they charged me to insure the package,and did not do so themselves.

As per USPS website,stated delivered to general delivery area,not my exact address:

I do not see my address or name anywhere on here. Only ONE package arrived to me of these two. As said multiple times,package of two PS1 games not delivered to me,my home,Redfrog charges for insurance,then refuses to back up that service and file a claim with USPS.

I sent Redfrog this reply,probably my final one via ebay:
Regardless of anything else,USPS is capable of making mistakes and delivering to the wrong address. You as a high feedback member with over 13,000 transactions would know this. This is one of the reasons why insurance is offered,and purchased,due to lost goods and items stolen or delivered to wrong addresses. I paid for insurance to you,and you are flat out refusing to file a claim with USPS for lost/non-delivery. If you can not follow though with this then you should not offer insurance on packages. Its that simple.
You being stubborn and refusing to resolve this matter is making you look worse and worse. Its simple,fix the problem,I will post you have done so. Refuse to do so,the claim stays open,and I will continue to spread the word about my experience with your ebay business."

« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 08:00:44 AM by Michael Helgeson »


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Re: tzd, dead?
« Reply #171 on: January 17, 2008, 07:26:12 AM »
Maybe BigT is Redfrog?  He has only ever voiced things in their defense.  He only registered after the emails were posted here.  I mean maybe he isn't, but if he was a turbo fan who registered here, I would expect him to at least once post about a NEC system.  Not just defense posts for Redfrog.

Is there a specific reason you think that Redfrog is right?  Or are you just defending him, feeling he is the underdog here?

I'm not trying to put you on the spot here, but it is pretty hard to ask this without doing that.
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Re: tzd, dead?
« Reply #172 on: January 17, 2008, 08:00:07 AM »
They didn't honor their own combined shipping policy posted in 2 auctions I won,because they were selling items in other peoples hands not located at their store.

I agree that it's crap that they didn't adhere to their combined shipping quote, but that's the only part of the originally posted conversation with Redfrog that is germane to the transactions.  I wouldn't have sent payment for an invoice that was contrary to previous quotes, but you did and they should refund the overcharge.

Also,when a store takes over a different one,it usually means they have to repair any prior customer service issues.

Its nearly impossible to start from scratch otherwise,unless you change the business over completely including the name,in this case being TZD. There is no exception to this honestly.

Rarely does a company buyout entail taking over all previous liabilities and is usually limited to asset acquisition only.  The few exclusions are secured debts and obligations (and sometimes guarantees / warranties).  Your friend's credit card chargeback is most likely not an obligation, as the transaction was completed before Redfrog bought TZD and it's doubtful that TZD transferred ownership of their bank accounts to Redfrog.  Your buddy has already been awarded a provisional credit and TZD can't prove that the chargeback is invalid, so the money will be withdrawn from their account even if they tried to issue a refund now.  Once a chargeback is initiated, the merchant's hands are tied and they won't be able to do anything outside of the realm of the card issuing and card processing banks.  Besides which, it would totally inappropriate for Redfrog to discuss it with you, as you are not on the account.

My hopes was that whoever purchased TZD would have been a caring member from here or someone who loved the Turbo community as a whole and the system,and wanted to keep things in order and deal with Turbo and PcEngine related items,new and used.

I stated this already here,you must have missed that :P. This would have then made TZD actually become a positive force for the community.

Yeah, that would've been great.  So would me winning the lottery.  Redfrog doesn't owe you anything and is free to do whatever they want with the acquired TZD assets.  I'll wait and see what else they do before I throw them under the bus, and vote with my wallet when the time comes.
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Michael Helgeson

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Re: tzd, dead?
« Reply #173 on: January 17, 2008, 08:09:41 AM »
Added more to my other post,also,I did address the situation with them about the overcharging,and around 4 times requested a combined invoice so I could make one entire payment. They refused to do so,said I had to pay for the items separately. This is how I found out Philosoma was not in their hands and why they had to ship it separately.

They don't have to discuss the charge back in detail,I already have all the details on it,and that its still in temp status.

Currently the major situation is that the second package was not delivered to me,and they refuse to file a claim with USPS even though I paid for insurance. A paypal claim has been started due to this. I gave them many request to file a USPS claim,and offered to provide them with the needed statement that I did not receive the package.

They are maintaining the attitude that USPS is perfect and flawless,which most likely is a cover for the fact that they took my money but didn't insure the package.

I never once stated or maintained Redfrog owed me or anyone else here free games. They do however owe me a refund on my current purchase,or the items I paid for.


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Re: tzd, dead?
« Reply #174 on: January 17, 2008, 08:39:16 AM »
Michael is a bit gung-ho and has about as much tact as a tuna sandwich, but if he's not getting what he paid for, then that's an obvious problem. Sure he could use better words in his communication with them, but if things were working smoothly then said communication wouldn't have to happen in the first place. I dare not speculate the identity of BigT but I can say that they obviously have no idea how Michael is. :D It really doesn't seem like this whole situation is faring too well, and that doesn't look too good for Redfrog.

Well, my auction with them still has just under three days to go, and while I am completely unwilling to raise my initial bid, if I win it and get my merchandise then I will be satisfied. However, quite obviously my suspicions have been altered by this volley of communications so I'm retaining my neutrality until I know otherwise.


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Re: tzd, dead?
« Reply #175 on: January 17, 2008, 08:47:41 AM »
Maybe BigT is Redfrog?  He has only ever voiced things in their defense.  He only registered after the emails were posted here.  I mean maybe he isn't, but if he was a turbo fan who registered here, I would expect him to at least once post about a NEC system.  Not just defense posts for Redfrog.

Is there a specific reason you think that Redfrog is right?  Or are you just defending him, feeling he is the underdog here?

I'm not trying to put you on the spot here, but it is pretty hard to ask this without doing that.

Damn, you caught me... I am the evil Red Frog... a close relative of Dynastic Hero's Fat Toad... you've foiled my master plan to corner the lucrative Turbo Grafx market (My dreams of a $99.99 Power Golf and Keith Courage bundle shipped by uninsured 4th class mail for only an additional $39.99 are no more)...  :-s Sorry about that, I couldn't resist... But, no, I'm not in any way affiliated with Red Frog. Besides, you couldn't pay me enough to live in Tennessee; I'm in sunny southern California. For the last several years, I've mainly been following the Turbo via emulation and most of my Turbo related posts have come on the Magic Engine message board under "Tomasz" (My real systems have long ago been put in storage).  I've been lurking periodically on this site to check for any Turbo news and this post caught my eye.

I'm not saying Red Frog is a great company, but I don't think that this is a clearly black and white issue. Rather, it is a he said - he said case. So far, there is no proof that Red Frog did anything wrong. USPS says vaguely that the package was delivered... USPS tracking sucks, but that's just the way it is. I'm not sure what proof is necessary to successfully file a USPS insurance claim.

Personally, I've never had problems with TZD in many years. In my limited experience with Red Frog (1 shipment), I've had no problems (although it is true that they ship in cheap packages and overcharge for shipping). Maybe Michael is unlucky with both TZD and Red Frog  :-k


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Re: tzd, dead?
« Reply #176 on: January 17, 2008, 08:51:39 AM »
Maybe Michael is unlucky with both TZD and Red Frog  :-k
Are you kidding? Michael is unlucky with just about everyone. :D


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Re: tzd, dead?
« Reply #177 on: January 17, 2008, 08:57:06 AM »
Damn, you caught me... I am the evil Red Frog... a close relative of Dynastic Hero's Fat Toad... you've foiled my master plan to corner the lucrative Turbo Grafx market (My dreams of a $99.99 Power Golf and Keith Courage bundle shipped by uninsured 4th class mail for only an additional $39.99 are no more)...  :-s Sorry about that, I couldn't resist... But, no, I'm not in any way affiliated with Red Frog. Besides, you couldn't pay me enough to live in Tennessee; I'm in sunny southern California. For the last several years, I've mainly been following the Turbo via emulation and most of my Turbo related posts have come on the Magic Engine message board under "Tomasz" (My real systems have long ago been put in storage).  I've been lurking periodically on this site to check for any Turbo news and this post caught my eye.

I had to ask.  Now that you say you are not him, that is enough for me.  Make a hello post though, introduce yourself a little.  The majority of the time, the people here are pretty friendly.

Quote from: BigT
I'm not sure what proof is necessary to successfully file a USPS insurance claim.
None, none at all.  At least in my experience.  The problem is though that Redfrog didn't pay for insurance, so the package is not insured.  Since the buyer paid for insurance, Redfrog needs to just refund and get out of the transaction.  If Redfrog had not kept the insurance money and purchased insurance, he would not be out of any money either.
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Re: tzd, dead?
« Reply #178 on: January 17, 2008, 08:59:23 AM »
I never once stated or maintained Redfrog owed me or anyone else here free games.

Choosing words carefully I see.  You may not have intimated that they owe you free games, but you have said that they owe you more than anyone is rightfully due.

If you cared about this community,you would have upfront addressed us,offered the Turbo community,not the ebay community,the games.
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Michael Helgeson

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Re: tzd, dead?
« Reply #179 on: January 17, 2008, 09:06:49 AM »
Maybe Michael is unlucky with both TZD and Red Frog  :-k
Are you kidding? Michael is unlucky with just about everyone. :D

Am not :P
Got hundreds of great sellers I have dealt with ebay wise,arcade vendors,ect...When its ebay related,I really do only complain when I have been overcharged,the item is broken,or doesn't arrive. If its minor I don't bother,because not every experience can be exactly perfect. Like the fact Philosoma arrived with  a damaged case. I did not bother to mention or file a claim on it cause I just wanted the game more then anything else,and cases can be replaced.
As far as members here go,I think its safe to say I get along well with the vast majority of you all,even you Rover,even though we did have moments,sometimes everyone does.

BigT,the shipper themselves have to file a claim with USPS. Sometimes at USPS request the recipient has to make  a written statement for the sender,which I offered to do. The fact that Redfrog would refuse to file a claim with USPS and issue a refund would it in itself be the wrong action taken seller wise.