Wait wait wait, I just now read this. So because I asked for clarification on something Necromancer said, now I'M THE BADGUY? Just where the f*ck do you get off? You hardly ever post, I don't even f*cking know you, and now I'M THE f*ckING BADGUY when I didn't even say a damn thing in that post that would be offensive to the OP.
Really man, f*ck you. I hope none of your loved ones ever contract cancer or AIDS, because it would be a disgrace to those diseases.
EDIT: And thank you for runing my weekend even more than it was just ruined 2 hours ago.
Yeah, this is exactly what I'm talking about...
Now going back to the beginning of the thread, everything after Necromancer and Nat's original posts was mindless jibber-jabber between a few board regulars and there were even a few insults thrown towards this guy (in the form of sarcastic joking). Now I don't know who he is, but putting myself in his shoes, I'd be insulted too.
The majority of people come off as asses when typing something out. It happens, and easily thanks to the lack of tone in something typed. And it's all too easy to read what someone typed the wrong way.
From someone who's been part of the Turbo online scene for 10+ years now and has been doing his best to educate the uneducated, I view this thread as a step back. There isn't a single person to blame, it was kind of a team effort - the raster guy was a significant part of it too.
Think of it from his point of view - the TG16 Hucards are the only cartridges since the Master System that don't have some sort of memory built in for saving. His question was perfectly logical and reasonable in my mind. But things spiraled way off topic quickly.
This isn't my board, so all I can ask is people think of this forum as a knowledge base. I don't know about you, but when I am searching for information, forums are a great place to browse or search. This thread is completely unsearchable - how is this going to help the next guy who has the same question?
I realize that by me butting into this thread I've also helped take it off topic, and that what I am saying is obviously pissing a few people off, but that is not my intention.
/edit: to show I am trying to be helpful and mean so in a positive tone, I've changed my personal text in the forum (on the left)