Author Topic: How did my PCE remember this  (Read 2679 times)


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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #60 on: January 17, 2008, 03:29:57 AM »
Hrm...some posts disappeared.

So what did the missing posts say, or am I better off not knowing?
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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #61 on: January 17, 2008, 03:34:46 AM »
Hrm...some posts disappeared.

So what did the missing posts say, or am I better off not knowing?

raster-nutcase went back and deleted all his posts where he went off the handle on everybody. Hence my last comment.


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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #62 on: January 17, 2008, 04:16:48 AM »
Wait wait wait, I just now read this. So because I asked for clarification on something Necromancer said, now I'M THE BADGUY? Just where the f*ck do you get off? You hardly ever post, I don't even f*cking know you, and now I'M THE f*ckING BADGUY when I didn't even say a damn thing in that post that would be offensive to the OP.

Really man, f*ck you. I hope none of your loved ones ever contract cancer or AIDS, because it would be a disgrace to those diseases.

EDIT: And thank you for runing my weekend even more than it was just ruined 2 hours ago.

Yeah, this is exactly what I'm talking about...

Now going back to the beginning of the thread, everything after Necromancer and Nat's original posts was mindless jibber-jabber between a few board regulars and there were even a few insults thrown towards this guy (in the form of sarcastic joking).  Now I don't know who he is, but putting myself in his shoes, I'd be insulted too.

The majority of people come off as asses when typing something out.  It happens, and easily thanks to the lack of tone in something typed.  And it's all too easy to read what someone typed the wrong way.

From someone who's been part of the Turbo online scene for 10+ years now and has been doing his best to educate the uneducated, I view this thread as a step back.  There isn't a single person to blame, it was kind of a team effort - the raster guy was a significant part of it too.

Think of it from his point of view - the TG16 Hucards are the only cartridges since the Master System that don't have some sort of memory built in for saving.  His question was perfectly logical and reasonable in my mind.  But things spiraled way off topic quickly.

This isn't my board, so all I can ask is people think of this forum as a knowledge base.  I don't know about you, but when I am searching for information, forums are a great place to browse or search.  This thread is completely unsearchable - how is this going to help the next guy who has the same question?

I realize that by me butting into this thread I've also helped take it off topic, and that what I am saying is obviously pissing a few people off, but that is not my intention.


/edit: to show I am trying to be helpful and mean so in a positive tone, I've changed my personal text in the forum (on the left) :)
« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 04:45:10 AM by Odonadon » - the truly Turboist of all Turbo sites.


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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #63 on: January 17, 2008, 05:20:11 AM »
Thing is, this guy had an issue with a game, 2 guies answered to help him out and the guy reacted by feeling insulted...wait, something must be wrong...
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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #64 on: January 17, 2008, 05:21:09 AM »
The guy is a twat. Period.


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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #65 on: January 17, 2008, 05:40:45 AM »
Thing is, this guy had an issue with a game, 2 guies answered to help him out and the guy reacted by feeling insulted...wait, something must be wrong...

Right, but there were about 8 miscellaneous posts after that poking fun of him, and making light of his question.  I don't remember exactly when he posted (as the dork has removed them) within those 8 posts, but he definitely saw some of them.  I think that was the catalyst - from there he responded poorly, then back and forth it went.

OD - the truly Turboist of all Turbo sites.


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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #66 on: January 17, 2008, 06:39:03 AM »
There's a difference between mischievous and insulting, any normal person could have seen that necromancer was just goofing off in a light-hearted way (he even apologized before the guy went ape shit).  What I find hilarious is that the guy has a whole list of boards that have pissed him off, which leads me to believe that the problem is his uptight ass since most people don't go around having problems with every message board they come across.


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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #67 on: January 17, 2008, 07:09:49 AM »
There's a difference between mischievous and insulting, any normal person could have seen that necromancer was just goofing off in a light-hearted way (he even apologized before the guy went ape shit).  What I find hilarious is that the guy has a whole list of boards that have pissed him off, which leads me to believe that the problem is his uptight ass since most people don't go around having problems with every message board they come across.

What I'm trying to say is the first two posts (Necromancer's and nat's) answered his question - Necomancer didn't need to apologize for anything I don't think.  But there was no need for anyone else to chime in after that (sometimes it seems like people post for the sake of bringing their post count up) :)

But this raster guy certainly could have responded better than he did.

OD - the truly Turboist of all Turbo sites.


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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #68 on: January 17, 2008, 07:15:18 AM »
This thread is still alive?  This guy was a new user who asked an ignorant question and maybe he was treated like a non-newbie, he surely overreacted and once he knew it was a joke, he continued to act like it wasn't a joke, which ended up dragging this on much longer than it had to be.  Maybe some people here need to be more newbie conscious but he also could have had an ounce of humor in him.

Lets just let this die, m'kay?
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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #69 on: January 17, 2008, 07:17:20 AM »
newbie conscious


OK, I'll let it die now. Really.


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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #70 on: January 17, 2008, 07:28:10 AM »
newbie conscious


OK, I'll let it die now. Really.

Hey, I'm the one who is dragging it on.  I'M the one who will be letting it die now, Mr.! :)

OD - the truly Turboist of all Turbo sites.

Michael Helgeson

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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #71 on: January 17, 2008, 08:31:51 AM »
Thing is, this guy had an issue with a game, 2 guies answered to help him out and the guy reacted by feeling insulted...wait, something must be wrong...

Right, but there were about 8 miscellaneous posts after that poking fun of him, and making light of his question.  I don't remember exactly when he posted (as the dork has removed them) within those 8 posts, but he definitely saw some of them.  I think that was the catalyst - from there he responded poorly, then back and forth it went.


Well,aren't we trying to b part of the group now,with you calling him a dork. Seriously,thats how it goes around here,someone goes off the deep end,we trash em and set'em straight. We are probably a little uptight,but as of late there have been other psychos posting here and causing issues. Unless you post here enough,its kinda like your opinion about our reactions to the dumb asses don't count because you don't know half of us or our reasoning.

Wait wait wait, I just now read this. So because I asked for clarification on something Necromancer said, now I'M THE BADGUY? Just where the f*ck do you get off? You hardly ever post, I don't even f*cking know you, and now I'M THE f*ckING BADGUY when I didn't even say a damn thing in that post that would be offensive to the OP.

Really man, f*ck you. I hope none of your loved ones ever contract cancer or AIDS, because it would be a disgrace to those diseases.

EDIT: And thank you for runing my weekend even more than it was just ruined 2 hours ago.

Yeah, this is exactly what I'm talking about...

The majority of people come off as asses when typing something out.  It happens, and easily thanks to the lack of tone in something typed.  And it's all too easy to read what someone typed the wrong way.

From someone who's been part of the Turbo online scene for 10+ years now and has been doing his best to educate the uneducated, I view this thread as a step back.  There isn't a single person to blame, it was kind of a team effort - the raster guy was a significant part of it too.

The majority here didn't come off as asses as far as I could tell,just the original poster in his initial attacks.Those types of things always bring reactions. Thats a given. Its kinda odd of you to come here and play judge on all of us,no one asked that of you....I do see your point OD,but it doesn't apply to every situation,esp this one.

This isn't my board, so all I can ask is people think of this forum as a knowledge base.  I don't know about you, but when I am searching for information, forums are a great place to browse or search.  This thread is completely unsearchable - how is this going to help the next guy who has the same question?

I realize that by me butting into this thread I've also helped take it off topic, and that what I am saying is obviously pissing a few people off, but that is not my intention.


/edit: to show I am trying to be helpful and mean so in a positive tone, I've changed my personal text in the forum (on the left) :)

Id honestly never find this useful,as most US titles state you need a battery back up,aka turbo booster plus,or Turbo Cd,or Duo back up memory,and if your able to import and collect Pc-Engine stuff,you should have prior knowledge and know these basics.Someone like him who has a real problem managing a cheat code obviously has  a hard time managing their temper and life too in general. The guy made that obvious.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 08:33:59 AM by Michael Helgeson »


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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #72 on: January 17, 2008, 08:42:37 AM »
Think of it from his point of view - the TG16 Hucards are the only cartridges since the Master System that don't have some sort of memory built in for saving.  His question was perfectly logical and reasonable in my mind.  But things spiraled way off topic quickly.

Things went wildly off topic because he refused to believe that he was being given correct information and started berating us.

This thread is still alive?  This guy was a new user who asked an ignorant question and maybe he was treated like a non-newbie, he surely overreacted and once he knew it was a joke, he continued to act like it wasn't a joke, which ended up dragging this on much longer than it had to be.  Maybe some people here need to be more newbie conscious but he also could have had an ounce of humor in him.

Lets just let this die, m'kay?

Since I'm the one who got his dander up, I'll stick my final two cents in before the madness ends.  My original comment was not meant to insult but only to say that he made an error; it's not a new saying, and I've never heard it to applied to mean that someone is an idiot.  Regardless, he took it as an affront, for which I apologized and he declined.  There were no other mean or insulting posts until he returned to make further threatening, ignorant, and abusive comments.

PS - Posting in a thread to say 'let it die' is counter productive.
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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #73 on: January 17, 2008, 08:46:35 AM »
Well,aren't we trying to b part of the group now,with you calling him a dork. Seriously,thats how it goes around here,someone goes off the deep end,we trash em and set'em straight. We are probably a little uptight,but as of late there have been other psychos posting here and causing issues. Unless you post here enough,its kinda like your opinion about our reactions to the dumb asses don't count because you don't know half of us or our reasoning.
Don't loose your fury on Odonadon. He may not post much, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know what's going on. He tends to be a lurker rather than a poster, but trust me, he knows what's up at all times, and will only post if necessary.


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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #74 on: January 17, 2008, 09:48:45 AM »
Quote from: Necromancer
PS - Posting in a thread to say 'let it die' is counter productive.

If that's all I had said then yes I would agree with you.  However in this case I was trying to point out that everyone has some valid points and that the thread really isn't going in any new constructive direction so that people could take a moment to think about how important this all really was.
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