Author Topic: How did my PCE remember this  (Read 2508 times)

Michael Helgeson

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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #75 on: January 17, 2008, 10:21:32 AM »
Quote from: Necromancer
PS - Posting in a thread to say 'let it die' is counter productive.

If that's all I had said then yes I would agree with you.  However in this case I was trying to point out that everyone has some valid points and that the thread really isn't going in any new constructive direction so that people could take a moment to think about how important this all really was.

Agreed. Just ends up being though that we need to be destructive on threads like this so we can be productive on the far more important ones at times.


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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #76 on: January 17, 2008, 02:09:57 PM »
Well, since this discussion has veered into new territory...

Part of the problem is that this is a relatively tightly knit, insular message board. There are some of us who are friendly and welcoming, some of us who are relatively neutral, and some of us who are quick to insult and generally be dicks (but are otherwise contributing members of the community). This is much like any forum community.

The other part of the problem is that the mods are so laid back that those among us who are quick to lash out have no concern about being warned or having threads locked. There are a number of threads, some created by Validus and this one, that should have had some moderator-issued warnings (and not just to the OP/instigator) and have been locked, thus nipped in the bud, quickly. Period.

With proper mod response and involvement people like validus and rastafarian will quickly either begin to adapt and become productive members of the community or they will fail to adapt and go away. And they will do so with less foaming at the mouth all around. Our current "no holds barred" status means people do get run off, but there's a much smaller chance of reforming the offenders into positive contributors.

But that's just my opinion.
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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #77 on: January 17, 2008, 03:40:26 PM »
Well, since this discussion has veered into new territory...

Part of the problem is that this is a relatively tightly knit, insular message board. There are some of us who are friendly and welcoming, some of us who are relatively neutral, and some of us who are quick to insult and generally be dicks (but are otherwise contributing members of the community). This is much like any forum community.

The other part of the problem is that the mods are so laid back that those among us who are quick to lash out have no concern about being warned or having threads locked. There are a number of threads, some created by Validus and this one, that should have had some moderator-issued warnings (and not just to the OP/instigator) and have been locked, thus nipped in the bud, quickly. Period.

With proper mod response and involvement people like validus and rastafarian will quickly either begin to adapt and become productive members of the community or they will fail to adapt and go away. And they will do so with less foaming at the mouth all around. Our current "no holds barred" status means people do get run off, but there's a much smaller chance of reforming the offenders into positive contributors.

But that's just my opinion.

Wow, a great and well thought out post from an unbiased observer that makes a lot of sense, yet points fingers at no individual. This is what a certain wannabe vigilante needs to read.


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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #78 on: January 17, 2008, 04:01:06 PM »
If the mods get trigger happy, I'll simply leave. I'm only interested in natural, organic conversation. This isn't 5th grade, or corporate radio, or some such shit. If I have to think about the idea of some prick deleting my post, and structure everything I say some someone else's idea of "on topic", I'll just waste my time elsewhere.

I find it really pathetic that people actually want to be modded.

OK, this is pretty abstract, but I happen to be a huge fan of the anime Macross 7. At first I really hated it, but a few years ago I finally "got" it, and its become one of my all time favorite shows, especially the Dynamite OVAs. Basically, the reason why I like it is the hero, Basara, who instead of blowing away the enemy with lasers, sings and plays guitar. At first the reaction of all the people in the show is the same as mine, "My Dog, that is f*cking stupid", or something like that. After a while though Basara's total dedication to his form of peace making really wins you over though. He doesn't shoot when he's "forced to kill!" or whatever, he never shoots. Ever. He lives his method, Ghandi style, and it blows me away.

So I was really amazed by a story I read on the BBC about a group of musicians in Colombia who when they heard of tragically violent events like bombings, or guerilla rebel fighting and all that crappy stuff that those people have to deal with, would go the scene and play music. Some of them had guitars made from old rifles, which really reminded me of Basara because he would always fly into battle in a Valkyrie, a weapon of war, with no guns on it.

So anyway, I told my friend about it who reads Macross World a lot (or maybe some other Macross site I don't go to) and he posted it there calling it "Real Life Macross 7", or something like that.

A mod locked the topic saying it was off topic.

Even though I had never even been to the forum, this really pissed me off. The BBC article was TOTALY on topic. It really was a real life Macross 7 (with no aliens). It couldn't be more on topic, and anyone that actually understood Macross 7 would understand that utterly. I have no doubt whatsoever that Shoji Kawamori would also be amazed by the BBC article. (If I ever have a chance to meet him again, I'll mention it. Last time was before the BBC thing). The problem was simply that the mod was a dumb-ass. He didn't understand Macross 7, and locked the topic before any of the people that read the forums could even talk about it and decide what they though about it.

Basically, I say what I want to say and if you don't like it you can either ignore me, or flame me. Either take me on, or forget I exist. Don't pray to a internet guardian angel to shut me up because you can handle yourself in a conversation.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 04:06:16 PM by SignOfZeta »


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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #79 on: January 17, 2008, 04:52:00 PM »
Damn. More good points. I actually see no problem with the way we have things now, except for the people that come in just to start attacks, and Odonadon deputizing himself and painting me as Public Enemy numero uno. I don't think I'll leave if we get moderators, but it definitely won't be as fun.

BTW Zeta, I heard good things about Macross, but I HATED Robotech when they put it on CN, and we all know the story of how the 80's TV studios had to PAY to finish the Robotech saga on air.

Is it better as Macross, or should I just not watch it?


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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #80 on: January 17, 2008, 05:08:03 PM »

BTW Zeta, I heard good things about Macross, but I HATED Robotech when they put it on CN, and we all know the story of how the 80's TV studios had to PAY to finish the Robotech saga on air.

Is it better as Macross, or should I just not watch it?

I'm quite the Macross fan and all. I have the DRYL Perfect Edition CAV laserdisc. I was mail ordering Macross model kits from photocopied catalogs that said, "Check your local TV listings soon for "Robotech", the English version of Macross!!!" hand written in the margins. I had Kawamori draw me an SD VT-1D, which sits framed on my dresser. Etc etc...

...but I have no idea what you are talking about. In my area Robotech ran all the way through several times. Although the time slot wasn't very good, it was on five days a week for two or three years. I don't know what you mean by "80's TV studios" since the entire of Robotech was animated in Japan, and only edited and dubbed in...Texas, I think. I had no idea they were showing it on CN. I haven't seen Robotech in 15 years or more. I prefer the Japanese series, but the core of Macross is the same. There are only a few differences.

Basically the original three series that made up Robotech are though of by most people like this:

Macross: The best. Very good. Too bad the sequels aren't very good.
Southern Cross: Not very interesting in either version.
Mospeda: Very different in Japanese, and rather a good show.

You can get them all from Netflix. I'm pretty sure you still can't get a US version of Macross the movie though, other than the terrible dub on VHS from ages ago. You also can't get Flashback 2012, or Macross 7. You can get Macross Plus, which is OK but not wonderful, you can also get Macross II which sucks almost as bad as Macross Zero, which I'm pretty sure isn't out in the US.


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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #81 on: January 17, 2008, 05:20:41 PM »
Yeah, back when I still cared to watch Toonami, I think around 2001-2002 somewhat, they decided to put on old episodes of Robotech, along with Gigantor during the commercial breaks (I think it was the year before the RT game came out?)

Anyway, I heard this story on the Internet that even though Robotech ran all the way through, it was a massive flop and the producers had to pay the studios that aired it in order to complete the story.

As a funny co-relation, I don't think Robotech ever finished when it was re-aired on CN; I certainly didn't care to watch it anyway (I only watched I think about 2 episodes).


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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #82 on: January 17, 2008, 05:45:22 PM »
Okay seriously - here we go wildly off topic again.  All I am trying to do is point out that the moderators need to moderate, keep the conversation on topic and friendly, etc - please, I am begging.  This is something that is not happening here, for whatever reason.  The board can be run however it wants, however the style we have here will really chase away the newbies, as we've seen and been part of a few times now.  This type of general conversation needs to be kept in the General forum.  I only browse the PC/Engine and TG16 sections and avoid the General and Chit-Chat sections, and I don't want to read about Robotech in a thread pertaining to a legitimate question regarding a Hucard and built in memory. 

Kitsunexus - I don't appreciate your profane personal messages, and I hope you don't expect a response from me.  I didn't single out a single person, and as was pointed out earlier, you've put 2+2 together and got 5. 

I've deputized myself here because I feel someone needs to.  My current ID has been part of this forum since 2005, but I can assure you I've been here since the beginning.  I'm appealing to everyone to just be helpful to the newbies, keep the off-topic conversations in an off-topic forum, and just overall try to be nice and accommodating to those who don't know any better.  When they flip out, start shouting profanities, and start deleting their previous posts - well, that just makes the person a dork in my book.  But let's forget that happened - was this newb initially treated with respect by everyone?  Go back and read the first page of this thread - Not very helpful beyond the first two posts (Kitsunexus, you asked to clarify something necromancer said in the third post - this does not make you my enemy, nor is it what I am referring to).

« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 06:27:18 PM by Odonadon » - the truly Turboist of all Turbo sites.


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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #83 on: January 17, 2008, 05:52:28 PM »
Well,aren't we trying to b part of the group now,with you calling him a dork. Seriously,thats how it goes around here,someone goes off the deep end,we trash em and set'em straight. We are probably a little uptight,but as of late there have been other psychos posting here and causing issues. Unless you post here enough,its kinda like your opinion about our reactions to the dumb asses don't count because you don't know half of us or our reasoning.
Well no, he did some things later on in the thread that makes me refer to him as a dork.  It's not the posters here you should be concerned about, but rather the readers.  An effective forum is one where people can quickly and readily share information.  This thread is not quick, nor easy to read.  This thread has had 439 views already - yet nowhere near 439 posts.  There is an invisible majority, and these are the people we need to be helping.
The majority here didn't come off as asses as far as I could tell,just the original poster in his initial attacks.Those types of things always bring reactions. Thats a given. Its kinda odd of you to come here and play judge on all of us,no one asked that of you....I do see your point OD,but it doesn't apply to every situation,esp this one.
Well this really is my point, you didn't read anyone as coming off as asses.  I did.  Other people probably did as well.  Other people probably read it and agree with you.  It's all about perception.

This isn't my board, so all I can ask is people think of this forum as a knowledge base.  I don't know about you, but when I am searching for information, forums are a great place to browse or search.  This thread is completely unsearchable - how is this going to help the next guy who has the same question?

Id honestly never find this useful,as most US titles state you need a battery back up,aka turbo booster plus,or Turbo Cd,or Duo back up memory,and if your able to import and collect Pc-Engine stuff,you should have prior knowledge and know these basics.Someone like him who has a real problem managing a cheat code obviously has  a hard time managing their temper and life too in general. The guy made that obvious.
So this thread doesn't help you out any - me neither.  Most of us here already know the answer.  But I'm sure there are 50 Joe Blows out there wondering something along the same lines as this guy.  I'd hope that any PC-Engine forum would welcome even someone who doesn't know the basics.  We're here to help people.

OD - the truly Turboist of all Turbo sites.


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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #84 on: January 17, 2008, 06:16:05 PM »
Things went wildly off topic because he refused to believe that he was being given correct information and started berating us.

I have to disagree with that - things started going off topic quickly.  Posts 4 onward look like:

PEBCAK - problem exists between chair and keyboard.  Razz

Necromancer is on fire this week.

First the q-tips and now this.

Haha, yeah! I never heard these terms before either, we're all learning something new.

Actually, I've heard both before.

When I was younger I actually thought I had personally coined the Q-tip line myself.

Very true. And if you don't play your PCE enough, it has been known to kill it's owners.

only fair!

OD - the truly Turboist of all Turbo sites.


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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #85 on: January 17, 2008, 06:26:01 PM »
Odonadon: Check your PM inbox man.


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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #86 on: January 17, 2008, 06:37:37 PM »
Odonadon: Check your PM inbox man.
No worries man - all good.

OD - the truly Turboist of all Turbo sites.


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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #87 on: January 17, 2008, 11:32:51 PM »
Okay seriously - here we go wildly off topic again.  All I am trying to do is point out that the moderators need to moderate, keep the conversation on topic and friendly, etc - please, I am begging.  This is something that is not happening here, for whatever reason. 

Yeah, and all I'm trying to say is that the people you want on this forum don't need that shit. The people that get chased away are worthless to the community. "Hi! This is my first post, but I assure you I'm hardc@re. Please buy my Duo on eBay for $400!". Crap like that. Or this Splatterhouse jerk that thinks there is some magic little man in his PCE recording his progress beyond the limits of technical possibility. f*ck em.

A noob that will eventually become a forum vet years down the road that is valuable to the scene and such won't be, for example, mortally offended because we told him he was putting the code in wrong.

If you really want to be told what to do, how to have your conversations can go, how to stay on topic, etc, there are many social and political organizations you can join that share your goodthink agenda. In the meantime I suggest you be the change you wish to see in the world and stop posting tons of off-topic posts about how off topic these posts are.


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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #88 on: January 18, 2008, 03:24:25 AM »
Okay seriously - here we go wildly off topic again.

I love the irony - it's delicious.

But let's forget that happened - was this newb initially treated with respect by everyone?

Yes, unless you consider an off topic post to be offensive (which it most certainly isn't).  The correct answer was given in the first post after his question and confirmed in the following post, so there is no need for anyone to search this thread beyond the first two posts anyway.  The abusive posts didn't start until after he came back, refuted the answers, and started making threats and hurling insults.
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Re: How did my PCE remember this
« Reply #89 on: January 18, 2008, 04:02:42 AM »
I don't think mods are necessary to keep threads on topic. I think there needs to be a natural conversation flow. Enforcing rigid discussion can be really restricting and is no fun. Threads should not be locked for going off-topic, they should be locked because the thread has boiled down to trading insults and there is nothing fun or productive coming out of it.

I do think mods need to be active on insults and flaming and be willing to hand out warnings and lock threads where necessary. Sure, it seems likely rastafarian and validus would not have made good forum goers in the long-run, but we can't know for sure. If we'd had more patience and just ignored his insults instead of throwing them back maybe one of them would have got the point and actually mellowed a bit. Remember, on-line first impressions aren't always right, and people do change to fit their environment if there's something in it for them, like community or whatever.

So again, veer off-topic all you want, but if your instinctive response to a perceived sleight is to start flinging poo like our more primitive distant cousins perhaps a mod needs to let you know you need to look BEFORE you leap. I think communities can be spontaneous and honest and still have some ground rules for how you treat other people. Society needs such rules to function, and forums are, after a fashion, little, contained societies. Eye for an Eye is not a good forum policy, ever.
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