Author Topic: Quest for the Console  (Read 1316 times)


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Quest for the Console
« on: January 16, 2008, 11:11:22 AM »
So yeah, I've been wanting one of D-Lite's awesome Duo-Rs with S-Video, region switching, and all that good stuff for a really long time. But my parents are unwilling to spend $275 on a console that's over ten years old. I have Magic Engine, but upon hearing of its problems, and the realization that my computer sucks, my need for a real PC Engine/Turbo has grown larger than ever. What's a slacker teenage gamer to do? The sad simple answer is easy to figure out.

I need a job.

This past December, I applied for a job at a local book/movie/video game store in my area. It is now a month after I was supposed to start. Due to the manager of the store leaving, I have only just now been hired, I will most likely start next week.

I'm finally on my way to owning a real, honest-to-goodness NEC console! But for some reason, I still feel a strange sense of foreboding. Hence, this journal giving a play by play as the adventure unfolds...

1/16/2008,  $ -60 saved

This week has been really trying. First, I bought a DVD set of a show I like. Not too long later, me and my bratty sister get into a fight over the mail that ends with the mailbox being broken. Our parents said that they were going to split the cost of fixing it and take it out of our allowance. Luckily the damage was so minor that they decided that it wasn't worth it.

It was that little she-bitch's fault anyway.

Two days ago, I find a pristine copy of Ys IV for PCE on ebay for a good price. I beg my mom for it, even though I have no money, but she refuses. The next day, the Gods of Gaming smiled upon me. I finally heard back about my job and get everything sorted out. Upon my mom's learning of this, I beg for the game again and I am granted my wish. Sure, I'm sixty dollars in debt, but hey, Ys and Captain S rule!

Today, I write this. I hope my job goes well. I need this system! I bet that when I finally get the money and buy the system, it will arrive smashed by those evil postal workers I hear so much about. Will it be able to play DVD-Rs? Should I also invest in a memory card and multitap? What about an arcade card?

I need to control myself. When I get the system, and if it works, there will be plenty of time to worry about that stuff later.

Here's hoping that this all works out...

He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit

Turbo D

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Re: Quest for the Console
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2008, 12:06:27 PM »
Good luck with that job dude :) As far as dvd-rs go, that answer is no. It does however play cd-rs! I would suggest getting a multi-tap to play dungeon explorer and bomberman. An arcade card can wait a bit unless you are able to grab some arcade cds that interest you.


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Re: Quest for the Console
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2008, 12:33:06 PM »
As far as dvd-rs go, that answer is no. It does however play cd-rs!

Jeez, how does one make a mistake like that!? Of course that's what I meant, but...

Anyways, thanks for the support.

The main reasons I want that memory card (you know, the "Something Bank?") is because not only do I like RPGs, but I also own a copy of Shape Shifter that I want to play. I don't want to lose all my saves!

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He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit


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Re: Quest for the Console
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2008, 03:19:37 AM »
Good luck with the new job, and go easy on your sister - she won't always be a pain.

Most Duos will play CDRs, but many do not (mine won't :cry: ); you might get lucky (especially with a R or RX), but even if you aren't, a laser assembly transplant should cure any CDR recalcitrance.  A Tennokoe Bank is a must have, as a few saves can quickly fill the memory - a couple games can completely fill it all by themselves.  I'm sure that D-Lite will have some during his giant sales, so don't pass 'em up.
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Re: Quest for the Console
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2008, 06:50:39 AM »
You should tell your parents that a Duo R is an investment, in 10 years it will still be worth the $275 (or more) that you spent on it, while any current system you buy will either be dead or worth jack shit in 10 years.  One of the coolest things about Duo systems is that you can always sell them for exactly what you paid for them, the price has been pretty consistent over the last decade (not counting new boxed ones which get ridiculously expensive).


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Re: Quest for the Console
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2008, 01:24:55 PM »
BTW arjack , the Duo comes with a built in Hard drive for saving games.  you only need the Tennoke Bank if you want more than the hard drive can store.

You could easily fit shapeshifter and many other games on the HD.



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Re: Quest for the Console
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2008, 01:28:40 PM »
The problem is Shape Shifter randomly deletes your save memory. It's best to isolate it away from your other saves by itself.

I just found out Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? does this too. I am not happy.


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Re: Quest for the Console
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2008, 04:28:57 PM »
BTW arjack , the Duo comes with a built in Hard drive for saving games.  you only need the Tennoke Bank if you want more than the hard drive can store.

You could easily fit shapeshifter and many other games on the HD.


By "hard drive" you mean "tiny bit o' ram", right?  :)

It's true that many save games will fit, but a few titles can take huge chunks of save space:

- Might & Magic III and Sim Earth will completely fill the memory with one save.
- Lords of the Rising Sun, Exile: Wicked Phenomenon, Brandish, and Dragon Knight 2 will each fill half the memory with a single save.
- Beyond Shadowgate, Dragon Slayer, Dungeon Explorer 2, Vasteel, Ruin, and Xak I & II will each fill nearly a third the memory with a single save.
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Re: Quest for the Console
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2008, 11:57:48 AM »
1/18/2008 - $ -60 saved

Today, I must accept a very, very sad loss to my gaming collection. Today, at around 5:30 PM, my first NES, a console beloved and cherished by me, was declared dead at the scene. It was discovered that it may have been very possible that the wrong power supply may have been plugged in, and therefore caused this beloved member of my gaming family to meet its sudden and abrupt end. I shall always savor my memories with you of playing Mario, Ninja Gaiden, Final Fantasy, many other classics, and during your final days, Zelda.

I'll miss you. :cry:

NES #1



Okay, all melodrama aside, I can always get another one. I was shocked at first, but I'm mostly over it. But still, with my quest for a Duo-R beginning, could someone be trying to tell me something? 8-[

Oh, well. Off to ebay...
He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit


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Re: Quest for the Console
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2008, 12:07:42 PM »
1/18/2008 - $ -60 saved

Today, I must accept a very, very sad loss to my gaming collection. Today, at around 5:30 PM, my first NES, a console beloved and cherished by me, was declared dead at the scene. It was discovered that it may have been very possible that the wrong power supply may have been plugged in, and therefore caused this beloved member of my gaming family to meet its sudden and abrupt end. I shall always savor my memories with you of playing Mario, Ninja Gaiden, Final Fantasy, many other classics, and during your final days, Zelda.

I'll miss you. :cry:

NES #1



Okay, all melodrama aside, I can always get another one. I was shocked at first, but I'm mostly over it. But still, with my quest for a Duo-R beginning, could someone be trying to tell me something? 8-[

Oh, well. Off to ebay...

Waaaay back in the day Nintendo repaired my NES which had the wrong power supply used on it.  It was a cheap repair too so I imagine they just had to replace 1-2 basic components to fix it from this state.  The NES even made really bad smells when it went down and smoke, so I think you are still in luck if you just poke inside it with a volt meter.
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Re: Quest for the Console
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2008, 06:09:54 AM »
An update on my dead NES. It turns out that the power supply is dead, so there may still be hope! :pray:
He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit

ceti alpha

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Re: Quest for the Console
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2008, 06:44:50 AM »
BTW arjack , the Duo comes with a built in Hard drive for saving games.  you only need the Tennoke Bank if you want more than the hard drive can store.

Curious: Aren't there only a handful of HuCARD games that allow for the save feature?

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Re: Quest for the Console
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2008, 06:57:08 AM »
Yes, but many CD games do.


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Re: Quest for the Console
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2008, 08:51:52 AM »
Was Populous the only game that saved onto the HuCard?
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Re: Quest for the Console
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2008, 08:59:39 AM »
no; you can't save on the hucard.
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