April 26, 2008

Warning! Large pics follow!
Yesterday, when I got home from work, a package was waiting for me.

Inside, lay my prize.

Here I am, opening the bubble wrap and, because someone said something about smelling how fresh it was, I did. Mom took a picture.

Here I am, holding my new system triumphantly! I'll post this picture in the 'What Do You Look Like?' thread later.

Anyways, I opened it up, plugged everything in (It came with a composite video adapter, interestingly) put in Lords of Thunder, flipped the power switch, and finally, FINALLY...
Nothing happened. WTF?
OMG, was my system broken? The power light wasn't coming on...
Turns out, that there is no power light, only a 'CD Busy' light, and that we had it plugged in the wrong slot. Success!
Everything worked great, even the sound! Even my little sister was excited and wanted to play. I let her play a little Lords of Thunder, which was a little too hard for her, but jeez! You guys should see her play Ys! In one night, she made it all the way to the Mine. My dad, who normally hates game music, actually admitted that he was impressed by Ys' tunes, and watched for a few minutes.
All in all, the system surpassed my expectations; I love it! I can already tell that I'm in for a busy weekend...
Now I just have to get this guy region modded...
...but that's another story.