In a rare show of form, I'm actually going to steer this thread back on topic.
I was thinking about it, and I guess I do have an "addiction" that extends somewhat beyond the "norm." Whenever I buy used games, I always ritualistically have to clean them very thoroughly to get them looking as new as possible. CDs get their playing surfaced serviced, cartridges get contacts filed to remove oxidization. Cartridges also get a bath, with as much scrubbing as is necessary to have them looking like they were manufactured yesterday.
Cases always get a Windex treatment and I make English spine labels for any games that have Japanese I can't understand.
I can't stand looking at dirty games. Anyone else do this?
EDIT: One more thing-- sticker removal. I can't stand price tags and other nonsense on my games. Peanut butter (yes, you read that right) applied to any leftover "stick" residue will nullify the stick and let you wipe it clean off, leaving absolutely zero trace it was ever there. This is because 99% of the time the glue used in stickers is oil-based. When the oil from the peanut butter interacts with the oil-based glue, it essentially liquifies it and allows you to remove it extremely easily.