Author Topic: Man Convicted of Killing Daughter Over Xbox Accident  (Read 995 times)

Joe Redifer

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Re: Man Convicted of Killing Daughter Over Xbox Accident
« Reply #30 on: February 03, 2008, 05:36:18 PM »
I agree.  People need to have FAR fewer kids.  Personally I hate kids with a passion and will therefore never have any.  My time and money is for me.  If a couple has 5 kids, then what happens when those 5 kids have 5 kids each of their own?  And then those kids also have 5 kids each?  That's potentially 155 kids in just 3 generations that all started from one couple who just couldn't use birth control or at least pull out in time.  Now when you realize how couples all over the world have this same retarded mentality, you'll soon realize how overpopulated the planet already is.  Sorry, but this planet does not have the resources to support this kind of stupidity.


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Re: Man Convicted of Killing Daughter Over Xbox Accident
« Reply #31 on: February 03, 2008, 08:11:06 PM »
Personally I hate kids with a passion and will therefore never have any.  My time and money is for me.

FINALLY, SOMEBODY WHO UNDERSTANDS!!!!  :dance: :dance: :dance:


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Re: Man Convicted of Killing Daughter Over Xbox Accident
« Reply #32 on: February 04, 2008, 12:42:05 AM »
What about a couple that had fives sons, like my folks?
Times were different when our parents were having children. The human overpopulation problem is now out of hand in most places of the world, especially in places like the USA. So what I say applies to the present time, not the previous generations. China was the only country to use a preemptive strike against overpopulation, although it's resulted in, as I stated before, mass infanticide. India has a similar problem; there is a very high abortion rate because everyone wants a son, so daughters are aborted (since their culture is so 16th century).

If people want to have a buttload of kids, they should move to Germany or New Zealand; countries with zero growth rate.


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Re: Man Convicted of Killing Daughter Over Xbox Accident
« Reply #33 on: February 04, 2008, 01:16:37 AM »
Sadly most of my acquaintances (I don't want to say friends- I have more in common with some of you fine folk) that are popping out babies are doing it thinking it's a magic solution to their problems.  Relationship woes?  Let's have a kid.  Not getting enough attention?  Let's have a kid.  Drunk and puking acting like I'm still sixteen every weekend?  Let's have a kid.  Some people rarely think these things through.  Being poor and having a kid's a problem sure, but not a problem like being stupid and having a kid.  if you don't have the mind and balance to correctly care for yourself and someone else then how can you expect to care for a kid?  Being poor won't make you beat on your kids- being an animal will.   

I myself am scared shitless to bring a new person into this bullshit world.  It'd be one more person to worry about.  I have to worry about my girlfriend eventually driving a car in Howard Beach, Queens- a neighborhood where imbecile guidos go speeding around corners and flipping their cars over.  I have to worry about a big portion of New York eventually being under water due to global warming.  I have to worry that the spot on my arm or wherever isn't a developing cancer.  I don't need to add to the list the million things that can go seriously wrong when trying to raise a child- let alone the state of social security, where this country is headed, knowing that when this kid grows up he/she would be lucky to afford a roof over his/her head. 

I'm more for adopting children.  Instead of bringing a new soul into an overpopulated, plagued world- it'd be better to help out with who's already here and whose situations could only improve by our intervention.

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atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
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they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real


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Re: Man Convicted of Killing Daughter Over Xbox Accident
« Reply #34 on: February 04, 2008, 03:57:00 AM »
Shit, this is weird. Usually people don't agree with my views, but some of you guys hit the nail on the f*cking head :)  :clap: :clap:

I'll come back to this later, I gotta do the dishes lol Yeah I'm so rock n roll. Anyway, I'm dead set against having children. I like kids, well..nice ones :) But, there is no way in hell I would bring a child into this f*cked up world. Aside from that, the over population problem. Adoption is GREAT, more people should do that. Its way more special than bringing a new life into this world.

Edit-Seriously, some of the words that you guys used, could have popped out of my mouth. I love this place!  :mrgreen:

« Last Edit: February 04, 2008, 04:04:17 AM by rainbow_bright »


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Re: Man Convicted of Killing Daughter Over Xbox Accident
« Reply #35 on: February 04, 2008, 09:36:47 AM »
I'm all for adoption as well. There are plenty of people in this world that can't have kids (some of us argue that nature is a cruel dictator like this) and would love them, and there there are plenty of people who are irresponsible dumbf*cks who can't care for a cat, let alone a child. These irresponsible dumbf*cks should give their kids up for adoption for those who want kids but can't have them. But then, that introduces a whole new level of social problems...most people who wish to adopt only want perfectly healthy white babies and would never dream of adopting a child who was black, disabled, or over the age of six months. So the problems exist on both sides.

Michael Helgeson

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Re: Man Convicted of Killing Daughter Over Xbox Accident
« Reply #36 on: February 04, 2008, 09:57:04 AM »
1984 and Hardware. You all go watch both and report back to me asap :P


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Re: Man Convicted of Killing Daughter Over Xbox Accident
« Reply #37 on: February 04, 2008, 10:52:34 AM »
If I was going to adopt, I could give a f*ck about the child's gender or skin color. The age thing is tricky, though, if you adopt older than a certain age there is an increased chance that kid is going to have some serious mental/behavioral issues later in life. I knew a few kids growing up that were adopted in the US between the ages of 5 and 7 years old (mostly of Asian descent) that turned out to be real nasty people. One guy in particular, was always in and out of jail, started selling drugs when we were in like 7th grade and continued on out of high school. I heard a rumor through the grapevine some time back that he ended up killing a guy over some stupid shit, although no one was able to pin it on him. One of my good friends was this kid's next door neighbor growing up, they were best friends before the other guy went bad. Anyway, this buddy of mine works as a paralegal for a law firm here in downtown Seattle. He takes the bus to and from work but the nearest hub is a nice walk away from his building. He told me recently on his way to the bus after work one day he passed by some vagrant sitting on the ground with a sign, and a cup, you know the drill. He did a double take at this dude and told me that it was that guy we grew up with, there was zero doubt in his mind. He lived next door to the dude for 10 years and hung out with him almost every day for a lot of that time period-- he said there was no way he'd forget the guy's face. He didn't say anything to him since no one we know has talked to him in years, but my friend said he looked really bad, was missing all his teeth, etc. The other kids I knew that were adopted old like that didn't end up quite so bad but most turned out fairly shady. Based on these personal experiences alone, if I were to adopt, I'd probably go as young as possible. Beyond that, any other traits mean nothing to me.