Hi everyone.
I bought a lot of several new Saturn games from Japan, but there were a bunch of other games included. I have only ever dealt with the Turbo GrafX 16, don't really know much about the PC-Engine and nothing about Super CD's.
I can identify some of the games, as they have the name in english, but don't know anything about them otherwise. Basically what I needed is enough information so I can post them on eBay and the buyer will actually know what they are getting. I don't want to be one of those people listing super common games as OMG SUPAR RARE!
The top three, left to right, are Psychic Storm, Crest of Wolf, and a Bomberman game I don't recognize. From the screenshots on the back, looks like it could be a multi-player party-type game? Psychic Storm looks like a shmup, Crest of Wolf I have no idea but the cover art makes me think of a Final Fight type of game.
Darius Plus is obviously a shooter, but I have no idea where it fits into the Darius canon.
Bottom left game is completely foreign to me, but from the screen shots on the back it looks to be a 16-Bit era RPG. Bottom middle is Fire Pro Wrestling 3, bottom right I have no idea, though the spine indicates it is Volume 1 of whatever game series it is part of.
Any information is much appreciated, even just english titles for the ones that are completely unknown to me, so I can know where to start looking on Google. Need to know which systems the individual games will play on, as well.
If you need close-ups of text or pictures of the back to aid in the identification, just let me know.