Author Topic: Some PC-Engine and Super CD-ROM games I need information on. (Picture inside)  (Read 300 times)


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Hi everyone.  :)  I bought a lot of several new Saturn games from Japan, but there were a bunch of other games included.  I have only ever dealt with the Turbo GrafX 16, don't really know much about the PC-Engine and nothing about Super CD's.

I can identify some of the games, as they have the name in english, but don't know anything about them otherwise.  Basically what I needed is enough information so I can post them on eBay and the buyer will actually know what they are getting.  I don't want to be one of those people listing super common games as OMG SUPAR RARE!

The top three, left to right, are Psychic Storm, Crest of Wolf, and a Bomberman game I don't recognize.  From the screenshots on the back, looks like it could be a multi-player party-type game?  Psychic Storm looks like a shmup, Crest of Wolf I have no idea but the cover art makes me think of a Final Fight type of game.

Darius Plus is obviously a shooter, but I have no idea where it fits into the Darius canon.

Bottom left game is completely foreign to me, but from the screen shots on the back it looks to be a 16-Bit era RPG.  Bottom middle is Fire Pro Wrestling 3, bottom right I have no idea, though the spine indicates it is Volume 1 of whatever game series it is part of.

Any information is much appreciated, even just english titles for the ones that are completely unknown to me, so I can know where to start looking on Google.  Need to know which systems the individual games will play on, as well.

If you need close-ups of text or pictures of the back to aid in the identification, just let me know.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 10:16:39 PM by Steveroni »


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The one on the lowest right is Jimmu Densho Yaksa. The top-right one is Bomberman Panic Bomber. Dunno the rarity of any of your games though.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 10:10:32 PM by The Old Rover »


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from the top left corner to the right:
Psychic storm, crest of wolf, bomberman panikku bonba.

the middle:
darius plus

down left corner to the right:
Honou No Doukyuuji Dodge Danpei , Fire Prowrestling, Jinmu Denshou

except of psychic strom nothing really value there. but a nice catch :)
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The top three, left to right, are Psychic Storm, Crest of Wolf, and a Bomberman game I don't recognize.  From the screenshots on the back, looks like it could be a multi-player party-type game?  Psychic Storm looks like a shmup, Crest of Wolf I have no idea but the cover art makes me think of a Final Fight type of game.

Crest of Wolf was released in the US as Riot Zone.

Darius Plus is obviously a shooter, but I have no idea where it fits into the Darius canon.

It's a PCEngine/SuperGrafx bi-compatible game.  It's slightly enhanced when played on a SuperGrafx.

As for the cannon, I just read that Darius Plus is an expanded version of the original "Darius" with extra bosses?  I've never played the original arcade to confirm.


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td741, I think Darius Plus is actually just a direct port of the arcade game itself. I don't think they added any bosses. The "Plus" part of the title undoubtedly refers to it's graphical enhancements when played on a SuperGrafx.

Super Darius, on the other hand, is the same game with a new boss for every single level (I think). That's probably what you're thinking of.

My memory on this stuff is a little foggy though so I might be off.


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hey NICE rug !!  is that a wall-to-wall ??  or is it just a carpet ?
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hey NICE rug !!  is that a wall-to-wall ??  or is it just a carpet ?

It's a towel.  :lol:


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I hadn't noticed the background... Only a pimp palace would have wall to wall carpet that color.

I'm dissapointed it's just a towel.  :lol:
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Turbo D

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Thats it, I'm turning my bedroom into a pimp palace and having that carpet installed!  :wink: