Now, I want to do that again and it seems that TurboRip will force me to finish my PhD in Mechanical Engineering if I want to use it.
Quote Now, I want to do that again and it seems that TurboRip will force me to finish my PhD in Mechanical Engineering if I want to use it. I'm a classic command line hater who considers this type of input to be a great big guy at the door who keeps out anyone who isn't a colossal nerd with a photographic memory but...TurboRip is extremely easy to use. It only has a very small list of commands, only one or two if which I ever actually used.
So, uh, I downloaded Turborip V1.00. I've never seen a .rar file. WTF do I do now? I can't seem to find any instructions for this weapon... How do I uncompress??