Alcohol 120% does a good job at doing backups if you have the original. If you already have a Bin / Cue file or a Cue file with MP3s or Wave files, then use Nero and click on the Recorder tab and then the Burn Image tab. Both give excellent results with the right equipment which brings me to the next point.
Buy a Pioneer DVR-115 (If you have IDE) or a Pioneer DVR-212 (If you have SATA).
Either one of them will cost you 30 bucks from Then buy a cakebox of Taiyo Yuden CD-Rs from the same company for 22 bucks.
For 60 bucks including shipping you can make the best burns possible for Turbo Duos.
I have spent hundreds of dollars trying out different burners and discs over the last 6 months to find the best results. Most modern burners only allow CD's to be burned at a minimum of 16x. Most crap or mediocre media with big names will not burn good enough at that speed to eliminate long load times and will really stress the Turbo Duos Laser reading abilities.(Especially since it wasn't designed to read CD-Rs to begin with.) I can even hear a light squealing or whirring noise continuously coming from my Turbo Duo Laser when playing backups made with low quality media or burns.
The Taiyo Yuden CDs are the main key and you can check on forums dedicated to DVD and CD burning and see that their reputation and consistant quality is primo.
They use a superior ink dye that older cd player and game systems can read without straining.
The reason for the Pioneer burners is that they will burn at both 10x and 4x.
For over the counter CD-Rs like TDK, Maxell, or Sony your best burn speed is 10x on the Pioneer. Your Turbo Duo will work OK with these different medias at this Speed. The 10x burns worked slightly better than the 4x burns.
But the real kicker is that if you team up the Pioneer Burners I mentioned above with the Taiyo Yuden CD-Rs, YOU CAN GET PERFECT BACKUPS BY BURNING AT 24X. 
No squealing...the same load times as my original discs...excellent sound. It's the best and fastest results I have gotten in the last 10 years with any burner / disc combination...and the most affordable!
Naturally this combination will not fix a broken Turbo Duo, but it does wonders for one whose laser is beginning to weaken.
I have both an American Turbo Duo and a Duo RX from Japan. The RX plays everything I throw at it without complaint, but the American Duo squeals and complains if I don't feed it right. I will probably pop in a new laser eventually, but for the last few months it has been great for testing out different burners and media.
I am not trying to be a know-it-all or any kind of a guru. But I am
extremely thorough in my pursuits. When it comes to classic disc-based game systems, I have the Duo, a Saturn, a 3DO, Sega CD, a Dreamcast and a Neo Geo CD. The Duo and the Neo Geo CD are the Pickiest at playing CD-Rs properly. And for good or bad, I am obsessive when it comes to finding the best quality and results in anything electronic.
Anyway, give the current Pioneer Burners and the Taiyo Yuden CD-Rs a shot. If they don't help, then there is a major hardware issue somewhere in your game system.