Online tech support for Linksys routers that don't work... I can't wait until some ISP comes out with online tech support like this.
Customer: Hi, my internet is down.
ISP: What seems to be the problem?
Customer: I can't get online at all.
ISP: Have you tried unplugging everything in your entire house for 10 seconds, and then plugging them back in?
Customer: No, I accidentally left everything unplugged for only 8 seconds. f*ck!
ISP: We will need to leave everything unplugged for the full 10 seconds.
Customer: I understand this highly logical troubleshooting action. I will do so.
ISP: Great!
Customer: OK, everything's unplugged.
ISP: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
ISP: Alright, 10 seconds, go ahead and plug everything back in now.
Customer: Sounds like an awesome plan. I will go do that!
Customer: OK everything's plugged back in now.
ISP: Does your internet work now?
Customer: Yes!!!!!!!
ISP: Good to hear, glad I could be of service.
Customer: Actually, you were quite useless.
ISP: Pardon?
Customer: Actually, my internet was never broken.
ISP: Then why were you talking to me?
Customer: Think about it. How could I talk to you online like this if my internet was down?
ISP: ...
ISP: .......