Now I'm battling whether I should get one just yet. You see, my wife's brithday is this month and I know she been wanting a coach purse. Those purses are expensive, the one she wants is close to $300. I was thinking maybe I can help her fund the purse purchase. : Personally I don't see why you would pay that much for a purse, I would rather pay that much for a mint duo.
She wants a 300 dollar purse for the same reason that the people on the neo geo forums feel the need to compulsivly post their collection pics, bragging rights and status.
Personally I buy my purses on clearance at Target or Fred Meyers (they have a lot of lovely leather ones) and usually I buy them based on if they can hold all my crap + a PSP and a cell phone. Not based on if it was made by some special designer.
I say you better get her the purse though, well as long as she is the kind of person who would get you nice turbo stuff for your birthday.