No, I'm being serious. Why does everybody think LD>DVD?
I don't think that LD is better than DVD, I just think that DVD shouldn't have been released until it was totally superior to LD in every single way, like Muse was. In some ways LD is better than DVD, and things shouldn't have turned out that way. HDDVD/BR is superior to LD except for region lock out, copy protection, and cover art. This makes them worth to exist.
Whatever player you have, it *does* produce artifacting, Major artifacting. Its a problem no DVD player can get rid of. Some players are better than others, but they all produce a night sky with big blocks of crap jumping around in it. If you can't see it, you just can't see it. That doesn't change anything. The almost total lack of artifacting is the best thing about the HD formats for me. The resolution isn't important at all. 640x480 proscan with no artifacts would be good enough for me.