Circus Lido: An Amstrad game, basically, only shittier.
Energy: An FC game, only shittier. I like the cover a lot for some reason.
Darkwing Duck: It took me well over a decade to trade this thing away because I didn't have the box for it, and people only want this thing to complete a US collection, and therefore the box more important than the code in the game.
Darius Alpha: as a freebie, which is what it was supposed to be, its nice. As a $600 bare HuCard though, its crap. There is no point to playing it at all.
The Kung Fu: I think we all understand this one.
Night Creatures: My word. Such garbage! The art looks sub-5th grade and the control is terrible. Your attacks stick out about 4 pixels.
Appare! Gateball: Junk. Great idea, but its junk.
Wallaby!!: See "Appare! Gateball"
Strip Fighter II: An "erotic" fighting game that is far less erotic than a standard fighting game. R. Crumb would *love* it though, wouldn't he?
All Firepro HuCards: I'm a big FP fan, but the series was garbage back then. Total garbage.