1- Turrican - even with the invincibility code I don't think I could clear the first level. I'd say the game pwned me if it wasn't such a pile of rubbish
2- Raiden - Ridiculously tough.
3- R-Type - Hey man I love this game- it's tough in a good way- but I'll be damned if it doesn't pwn me constant.
4- Tricky Kick - Some may have the mind for this low-octane garbage. I do not.
5- Night Creatures - The worst controls from here to Atari ET make this one tough as hell and mind numbingly unplayable.
6- Rabio Lepus - Got decently far in this- but I'm not looking forward to the next time.
7- Image Fight - The penalty zone makes this great game so tough.
8- Double Dungeons - I turned this dog off after reaching a second level- but with no map and the dungeons getting bigger- I can only imagine this getting insanely difficult, virtually unplayable and eyeball glazing f*cking dull.
9- Aero Blasters - Who here can beat this without an extra ship code?
10- Soldier Blade - Hard in a good way. Rewarding, masterpiece shooter
Honorable mentions (I didn't want em on my survey- but hey this isn't my survey!
Son Son II - Tough in an awesome way. I can get to the boss of board 7- and it took time to be able to do that...
Yo' Bro - Is it possible to beat that idiotic f*cking Amoeba board? Even on easy??? This game blows.