I am gonna be the Devil's advocate here and suggest that Don Doko Don is the better of the two games. I have been a huge fan of the Bubble Bobble games and after noticing that sellers were trying to make a sale with these games they would name drop "Bubble Bobble". Don Doko Don was initially supposed to be titled Bubble Bobble 4 and is made by Taito. It has great music, similar enemies, and similar power up items...everything you would expect from a Bubble Bobble game. Pop N' Magic on the hand only has a couple of powerups, the stages all seem the same and quite monotonous (the only thing to break the monotony is end bosses and new worlds every 10 stages) and the only similarity to Bubble Bobble would be that when wave your wand at an enemy, they get trapped in a bubble. You can't even combo enemies together to get more points or giant fruits.