Also, I guess I might mention, that Tengen was supposedly working on Marbel Madness & Peter the Packrat(or something like that).
Get out! Damn, that would have been awesome (not sure what the hell Peter the Packrat was, but how can you go wrong with a title like that?0
I played the packrat game awhile back, I think I have the rom & played it on MAME. It's ok, but both would've been cool to have, no doubt, especially Marble Madness!
Hey PD, I finally found some screenshots for Riftwar Saga! You mentioned this game a bazillion years ago, but I had never even heard of it. I looks like it could have been pretty neat. Do you know anything about it?
I know nothing about it, other then those few pictures. Where did you find them?
One thing, an old friend of mine who visited me way back then(92?) told me that his friends dad, was working on some kind of hack n slash for the Turbo, & my friend got to play it, & said it was pretty cool, but, they cancelled it for some reason. I've always wondered if that game he spoke of was indeed Riftwar Saga. I'd love to find roms of these unfinished games. Who knows how many unfinished games there truly are, hidden somewhere!
Seriously, you had the inside scoop! Ghost Manor, unknown hack-n-slash, etc. !
I posted a link to the Riftwar scan, but it didn't generate any interest (I'm not sure why... the game is a big mystery! Who doesn't like a mystery?) Apparently, there was a series of fantasy novels based on the Riftwar / Midkemia universe, so this game was definitely based on the book(s). That alone is somewhat interesting. I don't know if the books are any good, but I'll probably check 'em out just for the heck of it.
I have more neat stuff I found coming soon.