allyourblood, here's some pointers for those two bosses in Stage 5:
For the football boss... when the first form is going down, do a charge to drop a bomb. That way, when that punk comes up, you got damage already going. And a weapon normally comes out when the first form drops (usually boomerangs, which are quite useful for fighting the second form), so make sure to get it if you've got nothing. As for the rest of it... well, it's just timing mostly. Use your charge shot a lot, and make sure you time your movements carefully.
As for the flower boss, I think the first form is harder, since the second form is amazingly easy. For the first form, the circle shots that come out in a pattern are predictable, as they always come out after a few seconds. The snake-like thing that comes out of it is more of a worry, but all you need to do is move out of its way without getting hit by the other shots. It takes a little practice. Use the charge shot like crazy for the first form. For the second form, just stay on the opposite side of the screen... when you're on the left, use your charge shots, and when you're on the right, use charge bombs and rely on the backfire to take out the flowers it shoots at you.
Also, for any boss in the game, make use of the temporary invincibility when you come back from dying to inflict major damage on the boss with your body. Just move in for a second or so to get in a huge hit of damage, then back off. It works great.
Oh yeah... I just played through Bomberman, and three rounds of Populous (maps 1, 5, and 9). Good times.