I went through a bunch of games last night. I relived some of my youth with Splatterhouse, then tossed in Soldier Blade for the first time. I was inspired by all the Solder Blade talk recently. When it first started up it immediately reminded me of Blazing Lasers, but I realised quickly it was only similar. Definitely a game I'm going to have to revisit. Shockman was the next to be inserted. I had never played this one either. The pre-game part screwed me up a bit. I had control, then I didn't, then I did again. All of a sudden the logo drops and I'm waiting for something to happen. It's a full two minutes before I realise I have to hit RUN.

I made it up to the second level. This is definitely a game you need to memorise. Finally I tossed in Final Zone II. I didn't make it very far, but it gave me the opportunity to use my new TurboStick for the first time. When I went to unplug the TurboPad the DIN connector popped off the end of the cable leaving me holding the pinless cable and leaving the pins stuck in the console. They use glue to secure the pin in place? WTF? I managed to get the pin housing out of the console and plugged in the TurboStick. It definitely made the game easier, but being left handed I kept wanting to cross-over my hands. My CD unit doesn't sound that great (refurb) so I could only handle so much FZII. Finally I tossed Air Zonk in. This shooter is tough. I'm not sure which companion is best yet, but I'm pretty sure it isn't SCUD. It was a fun night in the basement at the Quid house.