I liked Final Zone 2 when I first bought it way back when. I still play it evey now and then. The first game is better, but I always have liked FZ2. Haha, cinemas and all. 
I thought the story in Final Zone II was its strong point! I actually liked it. But the game itself is so mediocre
I LOVE THE TOTALLY RANDOM VERTICAL SHOOT-EM-UP HELICOPTER STUFF! I actually do like that this is in the game. I have a weakness for odd hybrid games...not that the shoot-em-up action is exciting (it's pretty blah...)
Gave Valis 2 my first real attempt at a play through. Did pretty good until Act4 which is kicking my ass. Too many cheap shots from enemies makes this a fairly tough game. Thank goodness for the save feature. How is Valis 3 in comparison? I have yet to give it my full attention.
Valis II is a cake walk. Don't worry, you'll figure everything out and realize how easy it is.

Valis III is better...and more challenging.
I don't know if I've ever completed a level in it. It's one of those games that I say I'll "eventually get to play, for real, in a few months"... and here we are, 20 years later. Actually, I don't think I bought it until the late 90's.
You know, I like BB better on the turbo/pce than the BB Collection on PSX. Alot of it has to do with the CD music and the little images after every level. It plays really well and is just all around fun. Plus the fact is on the turbo makes it even more enjoyable.
200% agreed.