I spent some quality time with Bonk's Revenge today, and it's finally starting to grow on me.
I've had it, off an on, since the Duo first launched (It came on the GoT CD when I picked mine up) and I've never liked it as much as the original. But tonight I really enjoyed playing it!
I only made it to the 4th level boss before running out of continues, but, hey, it's the first time I've given it a real stab in awhile.

I love how detailed and colorful everything is. And the music is just as good as the first. Which is a good thing.
It took awhile to get used to the spinning change (which is why I don't think I could ever get into it before), but I think I was finally starting to get it when I ran out of continues. I'm sure when I sit down to give it another go (hopefully tomorrow) I'll get a lot farther.
I love how many secret paths and bonus game flowers there are if you explore!