I'd love to hear your thoughts on Strider ACD...it's not as good as it should be. Still...maybe you'll find something good in it? I'm not finding much! Ahhh...
Hehe, I got the game yesterday.

Strider is an extremely well-crafted platformer. An A class game on any system. Problem is that it is a lazy port.
Some stages are pretty nice, like 1 and 3, but others like the Jungle stage are riddled with slow-down and annoying changes(like omission of T-Rex enemy)
The extra stage is ok, but a nice addition. Both bosses are awesome.
The backgrounds are so lazy though that I cannot comprehend. Many of them are literally one putrid color i.e. Jungle stage.
Game is really fast and fun, but sometimes hard to make essential jumps.
CD quality sound is awesome, but many tracks were cut. Some songs are exclusive, though. Cutscenes are good.
I managed to beat the game within 3 continues the day after I bought it. If you can overlook the flaws, then I highly recommend it!

EDIT: Just 1CCed it on Normal.