Author Topic: What Turbo game are you currently playing?  (Read 125003 times)


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2355 on: June 05, 2013, 11:01:43 AM »
Played a couple levels of Lost Sunheart yesterday, followed by Blazing Lazers. It's so funny: the way B'Lazers plays, I'm utterly godlike for the first 5 levels and then all of a sudden I just hit a wall. Bleh, I stink at shooters.
If anyone gets any leads on a "fair priced" copy of Coryoon, please lemme know!

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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2356 on: June 05, 2013, 11:27:35 AM »
It's so funny: the way B'Lazers plays, I'm utterly godlike for the first 5 levels and then all of a sudden I just hit a wall. Bleh, I stink at shooters.

I suffer from a smiliar problem in Cotton, I more or less breeze through the first four levels, then bam!
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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2357 on: June 05, 2013, 03:00:56 PM »
Woo! I'm at Area 7 of Blazing Lazers right now. I think this is the farthest I've been; can't remember. Those flippy tiles and missile clusters are really trying my patience, but I'm trying to soldier through. Love this game.
If anyone gets any leads on a "fair priced" copy of Coryoon, please lemme know!

Where is fancy bred?


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2358 on: June 05, 2013, 03:17:13 PM »
Been quite some time since I played Shapeshifter, so I popped it in and still suck at it. I make it without a problem to the cliffs and that's where it all goes down hill. If you get too close to the ledge in panther form (which your required to use to make the jumps), when jumping or landing, you slip off and most of the time it's off the screen and you die. Rather frustrating. I gave it a sporting chance though. Maybe next time. :?


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2359 on: June 05, 2013, 04:38:37 PM »
UPDATE: Got to the boss in Area 7 of BL once, then proceeded to squander four continues dying, over and over. I'm fine with the flippy tiles now, but those little circle-y bullet poopers and open-closing-red-eye tank things are just relentless.

I know I don't speak for everyone, but for me the trick to Blazing Lazers is to get maxed-out on power-ups and then not die. For a weak shootist such as myself, getting knocked back down to the standard pea shooter is almost guaranteed death.
If anyone gets any leads on a "fair priced" copy of Coryoon, please lemme know!

Where is fancy bred?


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2360 on: June 06, 2013, 09:55:00 AM »
Played a little bit of Ninja Warriors, until I realized it's the worst PCE game I own. -.- So, I put in R-Type & got to stage 3 before I ran my happy ass into a wall, lost a life, then nope'd the hucard right out of the slot.  Then I played some Jinmu Denshou and, of course, died at the fourth stage. 

Not the most successful gaming day for me, but ehh, 'twas fun.
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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2361 on: June 06, 2013, 10:24:36 AM »
It's so funny: the way B'Lazers plays, I'm utterly godlike for the first 5 levels and then all of a sudden I just hit a wall. Bleh, I stink at shooters.

I suffer from a smiliar problem in Cotton, I more or less breeze through the first four levels, then bam!

I own Cotton, but no CD system to play it on yet. It looks like fun though!
If anyone gets any leads on a "fair priced" copy of Coryoon, please lemme know!

Where is fancy bred?


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2362 on: June 09, 2013, 01:26:47 AM »
It's so funny: the way B'Lazers plays, I'm utterly godlike for the first 5 levels and then all of a sudden I just hit a wall. Bleh, I stink at shooters.

I suffer from a smiliar problem in Cotton, I more or less breeze through the first four levels, then bam!

I own Cotton, but no CD system to play it on yet. It looks like fun though!

BRUTAL situation to be in!
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Damon Plus

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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2363 on: June 10, 2013, 12:13:11 AM »
Playing again a round of my favorite TG games. You know those ones they always seem to enter the rotation? Legendary Axe, Military Madness, Air Zonk, and to a lesser exent, JJ & Jeff and Blazing Lazers are those games for me.

PS: Playing Legendary Axe at this time of the year feels right.

PS part two: JJ & Jeff rocks!


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2364 on: June 10, 2013, 01:14:14 AM »
Working my way through Valis IV. The Act V 3 reapers boss has me baffled though. I either die or run out of time trying to kill them. I'm a persistent bastard and will finish this game at some point.

You know those ones they always seem to enter the rotation? Legendary Axe, Military Madness, Air Zonk, and to a lesser exent, JJ & Jeff and Blazing Lazers are those games for me.

I have a few games I tend to play multiple times a year for kicks. They are Bonk's Revenge, Keith Courage, Space Harrier, Splatterhouse, Bomberman, and the Crush pinball games. The games that, for me, never get old.

Never hear much about it on here, but I really like Davis Cup Tennis. It's a fun little tennis game. I've never been able to get into any tennis video games, but this game I can play for hours without getting bored of it.


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2365 on: June 10, 2013, 01:00:25 PM »
Working my way through Valis IV. The Act V 3 reapers boss has me baffled though. I either die or run out of time trying to kill them. I'm a persistent bastard and will finish this game at some point.

You know those ones they always seem to enter the rotation? Legendary Axe, Military Madness, Air Zonk, and to a lesser exent, JJ & Jeff and Blazing Lazers are those games for me.

I have a few games I tend to play multiple times a year for kicks. They are Bonk's Revenge, Keith Courage, Space Harrier, Splatterhouse, Bomberman, and the Crush pinball games. The games that, for me, never get old.

Never hear much about it on here, but I really like Davis Cup Tennis. It's a fun little tennis game. I've never been able to get into any tennis video games, but this game I can play for hours without getting bored of it.

Valis IV and Super Valis (SNES): I have to do a side-by-side comparison, but I think the PCE got the better game.

Davis Cup Tennis is a decent game and one of the few I actually invested time in (back in the day). It controls well and is satisfying. The sound effects are oddly hypnotic and I remember having some brutal, drawn-out matches that felt so damn good to win.

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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2366 on: June 10, 2013, 01:19:56 PM »
Never played the SNES version, but the PCE V4 is pretty good. Not the best of the series, but not bad for what it is. It offers a challenge and I'm enjoying it. Just wish I knew what the characters were saying and what the story is about. :lol:


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2367 on: June 10, 2013, 01:34:35 PM »
I love Valis IV.  It's probably my favorite.  Also, don't ever play the snes version.  There is no reason to do a comparison. [-(


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2368 on: June 10, 2013, 02:10:08 PM »
I love Valis IV.  It's probably my favorite.  Also, don't ever play the snes version.  There is no reason to do a comparison. [-(

Hahahhahaha. I played both versions, but years apart. 
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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2369 on: June 11, 2013, 03:01:56 AM »
Valis IV is scratch off my list. Finished it this morning. This is the last screen before hitting a button takes you back to the system card screen. Anything important or just a game over screen?

Sorry for the lousy pic, it was hard to get a good one without the camera flash.