Just played through and beat Magical Chase on Bumpy difficulty mode.

I had always got stuck on the level 4 boss who sits in an anti-gravity chair flying backwards, and I would always run into walls and stuff. This time, I just kept at it until I finally won. The last stage was a doozy, but after many continues, it was finally conquered.

Now I'll have to try the hardest difficulty.

I rated this game as '8' out of 10 on
Pcedaisakusen! My comments posted there are as follows:
Magical Chase - an ironic name for the rarest TurboGrafx-16 game, since many TG-16 collectors are 'chasing' this game. This game is a 1-player only horizontal shoot-'em-up/cute-'em-up in the vein of Air Zonk, and were the quantities available for each the same, then their prices would likely be around the same as well. This game is quite well-made, with tight controls, and a nice power-up shop system. (You can customize your ship witch somewhat however you like, based on the 'money' that you collect from destroyed enemies.) The shop appears 1-2 times in every level, but at the beginning only of the final stage. You must beat the game on Medium Bumpy mode or higher, otherwise the game ends after the first 3 stages. Anyway, I rate this game as a solid '8' out of 10. If it had a 2-player mode, I would probably give it a '10'. While it is definitely worth playing, the current price of the game will deter most from ever playing it outside of emulation and/or an Everdrive.