I picked up Ys IV not too long ago and then made me a copy of the English translation. At the time, I briefly tested it to make sure it worked, but it's been sitting dormant since then.
This weekend my son and I picked it up again and couldn't put it down! It's at least as good as Ys Books I & II. I stopped at the ice boss, but will hopefully keep the game moving next weekend.
There is no excuse not to play it.
The US translation is really well done. Really, really.
The graphics and animation are improved over I & II.
The music is phenomenal. Possibly as good as I & II, but I can't yet state it's better because of the the nostalgia cred the original has earned. IMO, all pce Ys games have fantastic soundtracks.
On a side note we also played a fair amount of Devil's Crush. It has been a good weekend of obey.