Author Topic: What Turbo game are you currently playing?  (Read 125016 times)


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2955 on: August 14, 2014, 10:54:54 PM »
Finally beat Dawn of Ys today. Having now played Mask of the Sun and Dawn of Ys I can say that the PCE has the best iteration of Ys IV.

Good, good techno... That's the right answer, well, if ya know what's good for ya 'round here... ;)
Only one real problem, the was kind of.......  :-#

It's alright, you can be honest with me. :) I know, it is kind of boring, dry, it lacks spirit, etc. Turns out that the criminal that I used to work with (AKA B.J.DeuceBag) never retranslated it and Shimarisu/Rachel's translation work remained (94%) for the script. The problem with her is she was a militant purist when it came to translating and would produce very literal translations, sometimes so bad that it was too hard to edit it into SVO English style like it's supposed to be.

In 2009 as DeuceBag was conspiring with Lipschultz and his programmer behind my back, to my face he was talking about finally redoing the Ys IV script, just like he redid the script with Gideon Zhi for Mask of the Sun (Shimarisu was also the first translator for that). Well, things having worked out the way they did, me learning what he was up to, cheating me when it came to the X.X.XSEED commercializing deals, we be won't be working with each other again to say the least... If I had the financial resources and will power, I already would've filed the lawsuits to bring the bastard to justice, so yeah, things are very far from any old plans that were talked about...

I offered the Ys IV script to SamIAm for retranslation, but he's not shown interest. After all, since it's already translated and competently enough, there's less motivation to work on something that's already done. I also offered esteban a shot at just rewriting the English to make it more fun, enjoyable, etc., but he never took me up on it... So nobody has come forward to either retranslate it from scratch or rewrite it Working Designs style...

When I started fan translation work I always hoped I could get Working Designs type results in the final product, but I never met anyone that could do that or was willing. DeuceBag actually has the same kind of hate for WD as did Shimarisu. It was personal for Shimarisu, she learned to translate Japanese because she was in Victor Ireland's chatroom when he snapped one day at the complainers and told them if they don't like his translation work to go learn Japanese and translate themselves. Well, Shimarisu says she was somebody that "rose to the challenge" and learned Japanese to "teach him a lesson." As you can imagine, she went in the complete opposite direction in translation style as Victor and in a petty fashion was cheering when WD shutdown!

I've talked about this before, you might've run into a post of mine here about it, but yeah... Anyway, so yeah, nobody has ever come to me to redo the script and I'm certainly willing!
The translation was fine I was just trying to mess with you. I like WD's translations in Lunar 1&2 for PSX, my only experience with their translations. I think translators should have some leeway in what they do, what would be the point in a joke that a non-japanese person wouldn't understand.

Maybe I should have said the formatting was awful, text was flowing everywhere, the font was atrocious.


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2956 on: August 14, 2014, 11:43:09 PM »
I should give Ys IV a try when i get some time :)
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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2957 on: August 15, 2014, 12:54:16 AM »
Cross Wiber. A great looking game, like seriously nice looking, definitely try it if you haven't. I wish the play mechanics were a bit more polished in some areas. Overall a must try IMO. 


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2958 on: August 16, 2014, 04:52:55 AM »
Hi everyone! I got a turbo express recently and I am playing Dead Moon and Legendary Axe. Love them both! The music is amazing in both games.  :-({|=


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2959 on: August 16, 2014, 06:42:02 AM »
Finally beat Dawn of Ys today. Having now played Mask of the Sun and Dawn of Ys I can say that the PCE has the best iteration of Ys IV. MotS was much shorter for me at around 10hrs and around 17hrs for DoYs. DoYs was much more dynamic, better boss fights and better use of magic. DoYs did a better job of making the world feel connected, where MotS felt like a warp-fest.

Not that it's an unpopular opinion around here, but yeah I liked the PC Engine version more than the SNES version.  Also more than the PS2 version; still want to play the Vita port.

I offered the Ys IV script to SamIAm for retranslation, but he's not shown interest. After all, since it's already translated and competently enough, there's less motivation to work on something that's already done. I also offered esteban a shot at just rewriting the English to make it more fun, enjoyable, etc., but he never took me up on it... So nobody has come forward to either retranslate it from scratch or rewrite it Working Designs style...

The non sequitur in Xak about being a Republican always kinda reminded me of a line from Lunar on PS1 that went "You think I'm the president?  Then I guess that makes me Bill Clinton." or something like that.  I don't recall the Dawn of Ys translation being bad by any means though...
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2960 on: August 16, 2014, 10:37:45 AM »
ALL OF THEM!!!!!1!!!! (just got my Everdrive)


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2961 on: August 16, 2014, 03:15:11 PM »
Cadash... Getting pretty far! Good memories related to that game, too, which makes for a great playing experience.


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2962 on: August 16, 2014, 04:40:25 PM »
Doing a play through of Bonk's Adventure as I just introduced my 7 year old daughter to it.  She's totally loving it .. so suspect Revenge will be next.

At an EB Games the other day with my daughter.  Some employee sees my her looking at the Skylanders figures and asks her if she's waiting for the new game to come out.  She replies "Yeah, but right now we're playing Bonk's on the Turbo Grafx !"  The guy looks over at me, smiles and gives me a thumbs up !  Gotta teach these kids right !
My TG-16/PCE Collection :


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2963 on: August 16, 2014, 04:41:37 PM »
ALL OF THEM!!!!!1!!!! (just got my Everdrive)

Completely love mine .. works flawlessly. Thinking I now need one for a number of other consoles also.
My TG-16/PCE Collection :


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2964 on: August 16, 2014, 04:43:26 PM »
ALL OF THEM!!!!!1!!!! (just got my Everdrive)

Completely love mine .. works flawlessly. Thinking I now need one for a number of other consoles also.

I've been thinking the same thing. I can sell off a bunch of carts and just get Everdrives. Will be cheaper in the long run.


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2965 on: August 17, 2014, 05:35:55 PM »
Wanted to test out my turbo booster plus since I never have..(for some reason) , so I popped in Neutopia. Turns out the save feature works and since the game is so awesome I could not stop playing. That's the mistake I make every time I go to test a game, I don't stop playing.


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2966 on: August 18, 2014, 03:06:26 PM »
Finally beat Dawn of Ys today. Having now played Mask of the Sun and Dawn of Ys I can say that the PCE has the best iteration of Ys IV. MotS was much shorter for me at around 10hrs and around 17hrs for DoYs. DoYs was much more dynamic, better boss fights and better use of magic. DoYs did a better job of making the world feel connected, where MotS felt like a warp-fest.

Not that it's an unpopular opinion around here, but yeah I liked the PC Engine version more than the SNES version.  Also more than the PS2 version; still want to play the Vita port.

I offered the Ys IV script to SamIAm for retranslation, but he's not shown interest. After all, since it's already translated and competently enough, there's less motivation to work on something that's already done. I also offered esteban a shot at just rewriting the English to make it more fun, enjoyable, etc., but he never took me up on it... So nobody has come forward to either retranslate it from scratch or rewrite it Working Designs style...

The non sequitur in Xak about being a Republican always kinda reminded me of a line from Lunar on PS1 that went "You think I'm the president?  Then I guess that makes me Bill Clinton." or something like that.  I don't recall the Dawn of Ys translation being bad by any means though...

I don't remember that line from Lunar but one particular line stuck out to ~16 yr old me. Funnily enough I found it on

" Getting Crap Past the Radar: In Silver Star Story, examine the chicken in Alex's house. An irritated Nall will comment on how they wake him up in the morning and how he wants to "choke them."

    The game is riff with so many subtle and not so subtle references, it's amazing the censors never picked it up."


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What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2967 on: August 23, 2014, 02:22:56 AM »
I'm playing The Addams Family on Turbografx-CD.  I know most of you probably don't care for that game; but it's actually pretty fun.  Plus, it's the only Turbo CD game I have.  lol.  The game is really hard though.  So far, I could only go past the first part of the mansion.  I got to the part where you go down into the basement.  The game really throws annoying enemies at you, and you barely ever get hearts to refill your health.  Nothing like some old school difficulty.

+9.2 PTS. because Addams Family = your ONLY TG-CD (awesome)

I have yet to really give this game a chance. It just looked mediocre to me back in the day (before it was released). I know it has 100% more potential enjoyment than Ballistix, so I am not worried.

Your post, though, is going to inspire me to dig it out and play it. 
« Last Edit: August 23, 2014, 02:25:09 AM by esteban »
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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2968 on: August 23, 2014, 09:57:12 AM »
Finally playing Y's book I and II for the first time, loving it!
Got a Turbo Duo two months back, audio was gimping on Gates Of Thunder, so didn't bother with Y's but miraculously tried Valis II last night and audio works, so excited!!!


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #2969 on: August 23, 2014, 03:30:08 PM »
Been playing Air Zonk lately. It's weird, but I find it much more difficult than Blazing Lazers or any other vertical shooter. Haven't put enough time into I guess...or I'm just bad.