Playing Dungeon Explorer with others has been damn near impossible with me, having two or three people we end up killing each other by accident lol.Started to play Double Dungeons lately, I'm pretty hooked lol.
I've come to understand most people don't enjoy it, but I do, reminds me of Phantasy Star for the Sega Master System, I'm too used to level grinding lol, done nine of the dungeons so far aha.
The best port of R-Type there is. I like the music in it actually more than the pcb.
Nice aha, I'm really wanting a Turbo Express, seen a few over the past few years, but I'm waiting for a boxed one, just picked up devils crush today, wanting to finally try it out but my girlfriends hooked on Xenoblade Chronicles lol.
Quote from: esteban on August 25, 2014, 03:13:19 AMGod, I tried some Valis 1 on Famicom...god awful. Valis is one of those series that I have various versions of 1-4 of. And the only one I really like is Syd of Valis. Yet, I have a lot of them. To me it's a more aggravating less fun Castlevania, I wish I could justify why I own so many games in the series. In any event I have Valis 1 on famicom and it is indeed awful.
God, I tried some Valis 1 on Famicom...god awful.