I picked up Blazing Lazers recently and Alien Crush and Dungeon Explorer. I want to get more CD games.
Three of the best HuCARDs released in North America.

So much goodness, comrade.
For the first time in nearly forever, I started playing Veigues Tactical Gladiator. Holy moly, it's a lot more enjoyable than I remember! How many levels are there? I must have gone through at least 6 or 7 tonight without much difficulty. It looks and sounds great and isn't as funky to control as I remember. I may be on the lookout to add this one to my library if the money fairy makes an unexpected visit anytime soon. 
Please do post your high score when you beat the game in my lonely Hi-Scores thread. I'm glad more people are discovering this game. If only the AVE Pad 3 had an option to use III as button I + II combined for the body cannon.
Will it surprise anyone that I strongly endorse the active playing of Veigues?
I used to write about the minimalist soundtrack (some tracks, especially the minibus/boss music, is very percussive and mechanical and complements the atmosphere and theme of the game)...I think it really works for the game.