Author Topic: What Turbo game are you currently playing?  (Read 125073 times)


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #3330 on: June 30, 2015, 01:58:11 PM »
Yesterday, I beat Cadash. Very good game, though it's a double edged sword. You need to grind in order to survive, but over-leveling allows you to destroy bosses in seconds. Still great hack and slash gameplay. Definitely an A game.

Today, I beat Dragon Egg. Not a hard game at all, once you get homing fireballs. If you die, you are reduced to a little girl with no range or power in her attacks. A C game, there are better platformers on the PCE. There's also a bug with the Cure, as it's very inconsistent with how often you get health back. For example, I bought 3 of them from the store and nothing happened. Sometimes it gives one heart and other times half a heart.


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What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #3331 on: July 01, 2015, 12:59:30 AM »
Yesterday, I beat Cadash. Very good game, though it's a double edged sword. You need to grind in order to survive, but over-leveling allows you to destroy bosses in seconds. Still great hack and slash gameplay. Definitely an A game.

Today, I beat Dragon Egg. Not a hard game at all, once you get homing fireballs. If you die, you are reduced to a little girl with no range or power in her attacks. A C game, there are better platformers on the PCE. There's also a bug with the Cure, as it's very inconsistent with how often you get health back. For example, I bought 3 of them from the store and nothing happened. Sometimes it gives one heart and other times half a heart.

CURE: Perhaps cure was trying to mimic RPG mechanics (I am using D&D as a reference) where you "roll the dice" to see if the cure worked and, if it did, you "roll the dice" again to see how effective it was.

This is not a bug, then, but an intentional decision to make the game less predictable (for the player) and not absurdly easy...

...Even though the game is absurdly easy, anyway.

« Last Edit: July 01, 2015, 01:07:20 AM by esteban »
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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #3332 on: July 16, 2015, 08:29:16 AM »
I finally jumped into Xak II after beating Xak I's laughably easy final boss (I hit the level cap long before I reached him).

The game decided to up the ante with enemy damage-scaling so much that it has gone from fun to frustrating. Not one hour into Xak II and enemies easily kill in two hits, making careful grinding (which is the only remedy for the situation) a bit of a pain.

One of the options on the menu is for "Force Shot." I assume it's a ripoff of Ys II's fire magic, but I can't get it to work. Does anyone who has played the game know anything about it?

EDIT: I needed to infuse my weapons with magic, enabling force shot. With the added range attack, I have resumed my utter decimating of this game's enemy forces. The bosses are now extra pathetic, as they can't even move before dying.

I feel like the balancing of this game is very wonky. You can't cheese your way out of the boss-fights in Ys like you can here.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2015, 10:35:43 AM by EmperorIng »


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #3333 on: July 16, 2015, 08:36:18 AM »
Soldier Blade and Blazing Lazers


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #3334 on: July 20, 2015, 09:10:29 AM »
WOOT!  :clap: Finally beat both Bonk's Adventure and Revenge on Turbo Express!!! The game play on Turbo Express is much harder (especially on Revenge). For me the main reason were the controls. These games are so much easier with a Turbo Pad.

The folk who have done the Turbo Pad mod for your Express, now I see why you did that mod :D  :clap: Before I used to think wow, wtf do they need a controller to play Express? Yep, much easier with controller.


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #3335 on: July 21, 2015, 10:24:19 PM »
I got a 1 life clear on Gate of Thunder a bit ago and since then I've been trying to get a 1 life clear of Lords of Thunder for a while.  I'm close but keep dying on Cielom because I'm too stupid to dodge the tracking fireballs. 

Once I'm done I think I'll move on to Blazing Lazers next.
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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #3336 on: July 22, 2015, 12:28:37 AM »
Re playing Dracula X as I left my DUO unpluged for too long and lost my 100% completion file.  I think I have the game save on a card somewhere but it rather play the stupid game again as I never beat it with Richter, just Maria.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2015, 03:53:04 AM by EvilEvoIX »

Quote from: ProfessorProfessorson
I already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so f*ck him, and his cunt wife.


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #3337 on: July 22, 2015, 03:07:29 AM »
Unified duos, Dracula X is stupid, and you don't have enough wing to beat it with Richter?  Cool story, brah.
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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #3338 on: July 25, 2015, 03:54:48 AM »
I've made it to the very end with Richter but could not quite get out of the way of the giant monster thingy.  With Maria it's cake but I'll try again with Richter.  Just a solid play through and get my skills going.

Quote from: ProfessorProfessorson
I already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so f*ck him, and his cunt wife.


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #3339 on: July 25, 2015, 11:25:56 PM »
Valis 2 is a good deal worse than I remembered it!  The only game I can really compare it to, gameplay wise, is Talespin.  In both games I advanced while attacking because of the speed of everything running at me. 

...good soundtrack though.
Current want list:  Bomberman 93

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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #3340 on: July 26, 2015, 04:40:23 AM »
Having finally got the old TG16 hooked up again, I have been throwing cards at it all weekend. So far I have been enjoying R Type, Soldier Blade, Bonk, and Alien Crush the most
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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #3341 on: July 29, 2015, 04:53:38 PM »
Just got Parasol Stars again yesterday, so played it for a couple hours. Forgot how fun it was but got distracted by a couple other games. Beat ninja Spirit for the first tiem in years again. Yeah, that stupid ninja falling Maze at the end was making me mad until I remembered the secret to beating it...LOL. Good stuff. Finished it off with some mindless Vigilante. i haven't played in a bit so was all happiness...howsit all?


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #3342 on: July 29, 2015, 05:25:30 PM »
The ninja pit is infuriating (outside of the safe spot), but man, what great atmosphere. Perfect Irem darkness!


Beat Fray in Magical Adventure. Of the three Xak games I've played thus far, I think this is the best one. Even if it's rather easy, it's at least balanced for easiness (or just in general better-balanced) than Xak I&II's chump-fest. Bosses actually stay on screen long enough to see all their attack pattern! The final boss and level is even fairly challenging! Wow, is this really a Xak game??? Maybe Xak III will change my mind (looking forward to playing a Xak game in English!), but it's funny that the cutesy gaiden manages to out-game the main series where it matters.


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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #3343 on: July 30, 2015, 01:04:05 AM »

Just got Parasol Stars again yesterday, so played it for a couple hours. Forgot how fun it was but got distracted by a couple other games. Beat ninja Spirit for the first tiem in years again. Yeah, that stupid ninja falling Maze at the end was making me mad until I remembered the secret to beating it...LOL. Good stuff. Finished it off with some mindless Vigilante. i haven't played in a bit so was all happiness...howsit all?

I always go back to those games.

I used to laugh at the thought of ever playing Vigilante again (I felt cheated for getting it in 1989, but played it to death for years since I was a kid with no $$$)..., I appreciate  more than I ever did. Ha!

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Re: What Turbo game are you currently playing?
« Reply #3344 on: August 02, 2015, 10:12:21 AM »

Just got Parasol Stars again yesterday, so played it for a couple hours. Forgot how fun it was but got distracted by a couple other games. Beat ninja Spirit for the first tiem in years again. Yeah, that stupid ninja falling Maze at the end was making me mad until I remembered the secret to beating it...LOL. Good stuff. Finished it off with some mindless Vigilante. i haven't played in a bit so was all happiness...howsit all?

I always go back to those games.

I used to laugh at the thought of ever playing Vigilante again (I felt cheated for getting it in 1989, but played it to death for years since I was a kid with no $$$)..., I appreciate  more than I ever did. Ha!

I always just liked how relentless the very start of the game is.  You pretty much just stand there and kick 9 guys in the face as they keep walking towards you in droves.  At first I thought the game's simplicity (you can't walk up and down the screen like most beat 'em ups like DOUBLE DRAGON or STREETS OF RAGE, your attack options are very limited) was a turn off, but over the years I've come to appreciate it as a mindless masher.  There's something super cathartic about endlessly just pummeling the first stage boss as he just stands there an takes the nunchucks like a man.
I'm a notorious strange man.