Author Topic: FA: TG16, CD unit, US Super System Card 3.0 games (EDIT: SOLD!)  (Read 1019 times)


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Nobody's trolling your ebay auction. We are all self-affirmed experts and pundits here, so you just have to let us heckle, as long as we're not getting insulting.

As for $110 for a US Syscard 3.0? I have no idea if it's fair. It did look a little high to me, but that doesn't mean I'm right. I still remember buying it new with the 3-in-1 CD for under $100, so I'm nostalgia-biased.
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Like I said, I can't speak for collectors since their logic is inscrutable to me. I buy games to play them. If you want to let Digital Press decide where your money goes then fine, but personally I don't consider them very well informed, especially on Turbo stuff, at all. Many of the members here, myself included, have been collecting NEC consoles since they were new and because of that the combined knowledge of the PCEFX is far greater than any other English language internet resource.

The DP is out of date as far as I am concerned as well, but I am a collector and a player so I want to keep everything original and if that means spending an extra little bit so be it.


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Like I said, I can't speak for collectors since their logic is inscrutable to me. I buy games to play them. If you want to let Digital Press decide where your money goes then fine, but personally I don't consider them very well informed, especially on Turbo stuff, at all. Many of the members here, myself included, have been collecting NEC consoles since they were new and because of that the combined knowledge of the PCEFX is far greater than any other English language internet resource.

The DP is out of date as far as I am concerned as well, but I am a collector and a player so I want to keep everything original and if that means spending an extra little bit so be it.

Its not a "little bit" by any means. A Japanese SSC (which is just as "original" as a US one, just way way more common) costs $10-20 on eBay and is often thrown into those huge lots of HuCards that have an average price of $5 a card. That extra $100 goes a long way to buying more games.

You could have a US card, or a JP card with a mod, and enough cash left over for Star Parodia or something like that.


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I'm sure its rare. Back in the day every single TG-16 owner I knew simply bought a Duo instead of a System Card because the Duos were actually in stores and were so cool looking.

However there are so many people buying $100 converters, $50 copies of Bomberman '93, etc that I have to think that they just don't know about the JP scene. Like, they don't know that a Japanese Super System card is nearly worthless/free and a region mod is $50.

The *only* reason that a person should be buying a US Super System Card is if they are just "collecting", period, because they are paying so damn much more for nothing. I really think there are a lot of people that just want to play Super CDs and for them a $110 SSC is a waste of money even though they don't realize it. An informed buyer who wants to play software (not a collector, I can't speak for those types) if they actaually knew what time it was would much rather spend $110 on an Arcade Card Pro and a mod than just a simple SS Card. Then they'd be able to play not only Super CDs, and Arcade CDs, but also the entire JP library which is not only less expensive but also four times the size of the US library.

I understand that me saying this might drive down your auction price, and I honestly hope it does. I hate the fact that the Neo Geo mentality has invaded the Turbo scene. If people knew how to really spent their money on Turbo/PCE they'd realize that its one of the best bang for buck systems out there, not a rich persons domain. Even if you were a regular member, and not just a guy that dropped by for a few minutes to shill his systems, I'd say the same thing. Additionally while the Old Rover and I don't see eye to eye on a lot of things, we do have almost 3000 posts between us here so don't tell us to be quiet so you can make a bigger profit pimping our favorite system.

That's how I afford to expand my collection.

Personally, I have a job.

Man, you sure are angry. I'm glad you brought up Neo Geo. I've been into Neogeo for over a decade and I've learned well to deal with the whiners who complain ALL DAY about high game prices, because there are a LOT of them just like you. It's always the collectors or the ebay hoarders fault. I've read a lot of your posts, and you constantly come to conclusions that are completely narrow minded and wrong.

It's very, very simple to figure out. I understand everything there is to know about PC Engine compatibility issues, the price of a worthless Japanese super system card etc, so you can save your breath.

You are flat wrong that only a "collector" would want to buy a US System Card. What if I don't my console modded, or an ugly ass huCard converter for my Japanese Super or Arcade Card (both of which will add up to close to the cost of a US Super card anyway)? What if I have no interest in playing the handful of Japanese Arcade card games (as I'm sure you would quickly point out, Sapphire is "unfairly inflated", and who wants to play those second rate Neo ports)? AND, what if I don't feel like buying a POS used US Duo on ebay that probably has sound issues and STILL costs $300? What if I just walked into a pawn shop and I found a Turbo and CD unit for $5 and want to play Lords of Thunder (happens more than you think)? I personally use a US Super System card for my personal Turbo setup (yes, I do actually play my games) because I like it better than the alternatives. Face it pal, US Super System Cards still have a place for gamers, collectability aside, like it or not.

I'm not "pimping your favorite system," I'm selling a nice setup that about a half dozen people have already told me is fairly priced. If it doesn't sell, I'll relist it lower. BTW, it's one of my favorite systems too (bought my first new in 1989), so get off your high horse. If you think I just "dropped by" to "shill" something or because I felt like taking advantage of people who you think can't make an educated decision on whether they should spend ~$100 on a US Super System Card, poke around for a while. Or, look me up at digital press. Maybe I'll have Dean "D-Lite" drop by this thread and "edumacate" you about me.

Oh, and that job thing was great. I have a job too, champ. Take some time with your next response, I'll be waiting.  :-({|=
« Last Edit: March 17, 2008, 12:20:50 AM by geddon_jt »


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The US version of syscard 3 is only $49 on the fair market value list. I really don't know why people overcharge the hell out of it.

What is your list based on?  I haven't seen one that cheap for sale here, at other gaming forums, on the Turbo Mailing List, or on ebay in years.

People overcharge for it because they can...because people are willing to pay a ridiculous price for it. If I come across one cheap, I'll sell it to ya cheap, Black Tiger.

Worth is determined by what the masses will pay.  That said, I'll gladly take a second copy off of your hands if you ever come across a pair of 'em for so little.

However there are so many people buying $100 converters, $50 copies of Bomberman '93, etc that I have to think that they just don't know about the JP scene. Like, they don't know that a Japanese Super System card is nearly worthless/free and a region mod is $50.

Even the most naive gamer is aware that there is a Japanese video game market and that the games can be made to play on US hardware (true of nearly all systems).  Even if they weren't aware of that fact, there are numerous threads regarding hardware modifications and converter cards, so you're not helping anyone here.

The *only* reason that a person should be buying a US Super System Card is if they are just "collecting", period, because they are paying so damn much more for nothing. I really think there are a lot of people that just want to play Super CDs and for them a $110 SSC is a waste of money even though they don't realize it. An informed buyer who wants to play software (not a collector, I can't speak for those types) if they actaually knew what time it was would much rather spend $110 on an Arcade Card Pro and a mod than just a simple SS Card. Then they'd be able to play not only Super CDs, and Arcade CDs, but also the entire JP library which is not only less expensive but also four times the size of the US library.

You're reasoning is flawed (once again), as the option you've offered is nearly as expensive and less convenient.  Cheaper alternatives are irrelevant in a sales thread; pointing out examples of an identical product being sold for less would've been useful and pertinent.  You've made it abundantly clear in many threads that your small mind can't understand collecting, so why do you feel the need to derail this thread with your ignorant ravings?  Following your mind set would lead us to believe that all consoles and games are essentially worthless, as free emulators are available and the games can be freely downloaded and burned to disc or loaded on a flash cart.  Sounds like lunacy to me.

I understand that me saying this might drive down your auction price, and I honestly hope it does. I hate the fact that the Neo Geo mentality has invaded the Turbo scene. If people knew how to really spent their money on Turbo/PCE they'd realize that its one of the best bang for buck systems out there, not a rich persons domain. Even if you were a regular member, and not just a guy that dropped by for a few minutes to shill his systems, I'd say the same thing. Additionally while the Old Rover and I don't see eye to eye on a lot of things, we do have almost 3000 posts between us here so don't tell us to be quiet so you can make a bigger profit pimping our favorite system.

Since you've mistakenly attached great importance on post counts, maybe you'll listen to me: back the hell off.  There's no reason for geddon_jt to feel compelled to sell us anything for less than what it can be sold for on the open market, nor is there cause for you to try to ruin his sale. 


Nobody's trolling your ebay auction. We are all self-affirmed experts and pundits here, so you just have to let us heckle, as long as we're not getting insulting.

Derailing a sales thread is insulting.  It'd be different if he simply posted that the price was too high in an altruistic effort to protect the innocent (as Rover did), but he instead chose to deride collecting and offer solutions to non-existent problems.
U.S. Collection: 97% complete    155/159 titles


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Know what I find funny here about Sign of Ezekial?  When that whole TZD to RedFrog thing went down and we were complaining about it he was telling all of us to shut the f*ck up- that we should have bought up all the stuff back in the day and then we wouldn't have to deal with unfair pricing.  Then suddenly he posts about him bringing up the issue on his little "radio" show- and on the show he's bemoaning the TZD issue like we did- as if he wasn't being a total jerkoff in the other direction about the whole thing on the initial thread- basically flip-flopping and saying verbatim what we said like he thought of it.  Now here he is- whining and bitching like a teething toddler without his zwieback- complaining about prices on something he'd never even consider buying- just to try to further show the gaming world how "smart" he is- when in truth he's just a one-act show running the same tired routine until we're all past sick of it.  You've got to yell to this dude how many posts you have on this forum?  What the f*ck does that mean other than that you're CONSTANTLY bitching and sounding sub-moronic?  Flip-flopping wanna-be-cerebral conjob you are.

Rover's intentions on the other hand are different.  I know that Rover gives a f*ck about this community and at least he has a list to compare the prices to- whether that list is accurate is another story and up for debate.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2008, 08:25:07 AM by Sinistron »

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
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they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real


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Heated discussion is fine (and encouraged), but let's keep it in line guys. I've got my finger on the trigger to lock this thread.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2008, 08:27:19 AM by nat »

Michael Helgeson

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Know what I find funny here about Sign of Ezekial?  When that whole TZD to RedFrog thing went down and we were complaining about it he was telling all of us to shut the f*ck up- that we should have bought up all the stuff back in the day and then we wouldn't have to deal with unfair pricing.  Then suddenly he posts about him bringing up the issue on his little "radio" show- and on the show he's bemoaning the TZD issue like we did- as if he wasn't being a total jerkoff in the other direction about the whole thing on the initial thread- basically flip-flopping and saying verbatim what we said like he thought of it.  Now here he is- whining and bitching like a teething toddler without his zwieback- complaining about prices on something he'd never even consider buying- just to try to further show the gaming world how "smart" he is- when in truth he's just a one-act show running the same tired routine until we're all past sick of it.  You've got to yell to this dude how many posts you have on this forum?  What the f*ck does that mean other than that you're CONSTANTLY bitching and sounding sub-moronic?  Flip-flopping wanna-be-cerebral conjob you are.

Rover's intentions on the other hand are different.  I know that Rover gives a f*ck about this community and at least he has a list to compare the prices to- whether that list is accurate is another story and up for debate.

Yep,I was totally thinking this same shit. He bitched and whined about us complaining about the Red Frog thing,esp directing attacks at me,then all the sudden hes out saving the world from Red Frog on his gamessmell radio show. Now hes on here trying to inform and fight against the high prices,jeez Zeta,where were you at back when we all needed you oh wise and mighty savior? Oh yea,I remember now,you were on the other side of the fence telling us to shut the f*ck up,thats where.f*cking bipolar.

Geddon_jt's asking price is high,but its the actual worth of the system combo hes selling. Fully working good condition Turbo Cd units get on average $130-150,and the US system 3 card tends to always get $80-100. Its rarely put up for sale and thats just its worth. The US side of things has become  a collectors field for obvious rarity reasons I don't need to state here. Theres nothing wrong with the higher prices on the USA hardware,its less common now and interest is rising more and more.

Geddon_jt,I will say this however. Unfortunately the US Duo is worth more then the US Turbo Cd collector wise,flaws and all. Even from a gamers  view all the flaws can be fixed on a Duo about where as a cd-drive on a Turbo cd has a larger fail rate on the cogs and the laser is a huge pain to even get to if it needed to be replaced. Also,the arcade card got more use then just a few titles,and the Neo ports are actually really good very close ports. They are far better then anything the Snes or Genesis could put out,and amazing for the system they are on as its hardware is from 87. I can assure you my opinion for that comes from plenty of MVS/AES experience on this,and I love to compare the ports quality.

As for bringing up Dean as a reference or defense,no need to do so. Besides I don't think it will do you any good,he hasn't shown up in a few weeks since he promised the massive sale he is working on. Hes very busy so don't go sending him emails just to come back you up,kinda pointless as the majority here would make their own mind up regardless of what he says about you. Referring to at all is no good because not many have high opinions of their forums here for obvious reasons.

The "pimping" your sale thing is just a indirect comment made because as of late alot of people have been joining up just to sell stuff,it gets kinda annoying to us after  awhile,regardless of what you are selling. So no offense there,thats just how we tend to feel about this kinda activity after a bit. We'd rather have people sign up who plan to stay and post actively in this community then just stop by to make some cash.


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Geddon_jt,I will say this however. Unfortunately the US Duo is worth more then the US Turbo Cd collector wise,flaws and all. Even from a gamers  view all the flaws can be fixed on a Duo about where as a cd-drive on a Turbo cd has a larger fail rate on the cogs and the laser is a huge pain to even get to if it needed to be replaced. Also,the arcade card got more use then just a few titles,and the Neo ports are actually really good very close ports. They are far better then anything the Snes or Genesis could put out,and amazing for the system they are on as its hardware is from 87. I can assure you my opinion for that comes from plenty of MVS/AES experience on this,and I love to compare the ports quality.

You make some great points. I agree 100% that a nice Duo is probably "worth more" than the lot I'm selling. I knew I'd get in trouble "dissing" the Arcade card Neo ports, especially since I've never played them personally... :) I guess the point I was trying to make was that I expect there to be somewhat "niche" interest in those titles amongst most gamers. But I have heard from many that they are indeed excellent ports.

As for bringing up Dean as a reference or defense,no need to do so. Besides I don't think it will do you any good,he hasn't shown up in a few weeks since he promised the massive sale he is working on. Hes very busy so don't go sending him emails just to come back you up,kinda pointless as the majority here would make their own mind up regardless of what he says about you. Referring to at all is no good because not many have high opinions of their forums here for obvious reasons.

Again, great points! I should have restrained my name dropping. My point was merely that I didn't just "drop by" to sell stuff, I've been browsing these forums for a very long time and have been an active contributor in other gaming communities for many, many years. I was even back on the original Turbo list back in 1996... well, there I go again... ;)

The "pimping" your sale thing is just a indirect comment made because as of late alot of people have been joining up just to sell stuff,it gets kinda annoying to us after  awhile,regardless of what you are selling. So no offense there,thats just how we tend to feel about this kinda activity after a bit. We'd rather have people sign up who plan to stay and post actively in this community then just stop by to make some cash.

Sure, I can understand that. I also understand that it sucks not to be able to afford things you want merely because they are collectible.
I'm going to make a point of participating more often in non-selling related threads as a measure of good faith... and thanks to everyone for chiming in.


Michael Helgeson

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Well,even if you get out of the Turbo for awhile stick around,maybe you will decide to get a Pc-Engine eventually or even a Duo-R. :)


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you people who jumped on this thread and started bullying the seller are a$$holes!!   that auction is totally legit and priced quite low, in my opinion.   maybe the market has slowed down a in the last couple of weeks but $250 for all of that stuff including the system card is a fine deal.   If I was the seller and you all had done this to me I wouldn't have taken it as gracefully as geddon.  cos it's bullshit.
"Don't be vulgar. We're artists..."
Jess Franco's La Comtesse Perverse


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I don't think anyone was bullying geddon_jt.


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Back to the topic at hand, I got my copy of Shockman today from geddon_jt. It's pristine! Thank you.

Despite the fact that my mailman tried to roll up the envelope to fit it in my mailbox, the manual amazingly came out without any warping.

Thanks again.


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Nobody's trolling your ebay auction. We are all self-affirmed experts and pundits here, so you just have to let us heckle, as long as we're not getting insulting.

Derailing a sales thread is insulting.  It'd be different if he simply posted that the price was too high in an altruistic effort to protect the innocent (as Rover did), but he instead chose to deride collecting and offer solutions to non-existent problems.

Well, I posted that right about when the thread tipped into heckling territory. Call it bad timing, if you will.

Now, if I had the cash and wasn't a grad student, that TG-16 package would look pretty attractive, though I'd probably try to talk the price down a little.

I can honestly say that the only reason I don't regret trading my TG-16 rig (CD/ACD/SCD/Drac X) on the Turbo List way back in the summer of '97 is because I got a hell of a Saturn setup, and I love my Saturn as much as I loved the TG, and there's no way I could have had both at that time.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2008, 02:59:10 PM by spenoza »
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