....well, not really, since I had to buy it all.
I got a note today that I had 3 packages waiting the post office.
I got home, opened 'em all up and these are the spoils:
Cost breaks down like this:
Lot with Magical Chase, Powergate, Raiden, Dead Moon = $215
M&MIII = $100
XE-1 joystick = $59
That's a total of $374 for all that, shipped. Dead Moon and Raiden I already own (I was after Magical Chase) and those are already sold for essentially $20 each. That means Magical Chase + Powergate for $175. Assuming I can get $5 or $10 for Powergate which I don't really want, that's a US Magical Chase with manual in pristine condition for $165 which ironically isn't much more than the inferior Japanese version goes for.
So when all is said and done, I'm basically in the hole $324 for Magical Chase, Might & Magic III and the XE-1. I'm not complaining however-- I've been after a mint Magical Chase and XE-1 for years. I've been idly interested in picking up M&MIII if the price was right, and $100 shipped is about as good as it gets for the US version. This deal is also worthy of note as $165 is the most I've ever spent on one single video game, ever, in my entire life. The runner-up was Zenki FX which cost me $120 for complete mint-in-box copy.
I was really feeling the burn when I paid for all this over the past two weeks, coupled with an $800 car repair... But now I can sit and enjoy my spoils knowing that once and for all, the magical chase has come to an end.