Author Topic: Cereals that suck...  (Read 2647 times)


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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #45 on: March 25, 2008, 04:22:51 PM »
but those are all my favorite ingredients...
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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #46 on: March 25, 2008, 05:57:31 PM »
thanks for all of that information Nod :) I've been trying to be more healthy. I'll definitely avoid products with those bad ingredients.

Dark Fact

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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #47 on: March 26, 2008, 06:34:26 AM »
Quote from: The Old Rover
High Fructose Corn Syrup (causes pancreatic overactivity which can lead to diabetes and cancer of the pancreas)
BHT or BHA (known carcinogens, also known to cause hyperactivity in children as well as liver damage)
Sucralose (brand name: Splenda; a chlorocarbon known to attack the liver and thymus gland [part of the immune system])
Aspartame (brand name: Nutrasweet; breaks down to methanol [highly toxic to humans] and formaldehyde [known carcinogen], and contains phenylalanines, which some people have adverse reactions to)
Neotame (same basic molecular structure as aspartame but without the phenylalanines; still breaks down to the same dangerous chemicals though)
Acesulfame potassium/Acesulfame K (not tested enough to validate safety...wanna risk it? The FDA says it's safe! Promise!)
But if these ingredients are harmful to human consumption, then why is the FDA approving them? It doesn't add up!
Quote from: Sparky
my vote is for Corn Pops… ok, these little bastards do taste great but rip the hell out of the top of my mouth!!! =;
Question: Do you eat your cereals by breaking them over the roof of your mouth with your tongue instead of using your teeth?

Sorry, but I don't see your library card on the books of Ys.  Now, RETURN THEM TO ME!!!


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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #48 on: March 26, 2008, 08:47:48 AM »
But if these ingredients are harmful to human consumption, then why is the FDA approving them? It doesn't add up!
Thanks for the laugh, I haven't laughed that hard in years! Do you actually believe the FDA is looking out for you? AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

The US government has, for many years, bent and catered to the best interests of corporations...not to its people. The FDA is a government agency who, like all the others, follows this model. Furthermore, the FDA has many people on its payroll with vested interests in these corporations and, in many cases, actually WORKING for these corporations. The FDA garners many millions of dollars in private funds every year; most of this is "hush money". Best case in point is the aspartame scam of the 80s...several key people involved ended up working for the FDA, getting aspartame rubber-stamped despite many years of prior rejection. Do you know what aspartame was formulated to do? Heal ulcers! Remember Vioxx? And about three dozen other "safe" drugs pulled from the market over the last few years after being "FDA Approved"? The FDA will rubber-stamp anything if they can pull a profit from it. Follow the money trail.

So why haven't they approved Stevia as a sweetener in the USA? Because there's no money in it for them. Stevia grows naturally and is much harder to regulate; it's more difficult to produce than all the chemical-based artificial sweeteners. Since it occurs naturally, it's also unpatentable by itself, meaning no company can develop a monopoly on it. Despite being approved in many other countries for being completely safe, the US continues to reject it based on the money trail of aspartame, its younger brother neotame, and its cousin sucralose. Fortunately, one big company has stepped up to the plate to try to get it approved...Coca Cola (with the backing of Cargill), under the brand name Rebiana. The EU apparently continues to keep it out though...due to the incomplete and tainted "studies" done over two decades ago in the USA. I don't believe there have been any big studies done in any of the countries in the EU outside of simply looking up the decades-old tainted reports and even if such studies WERE done, chances are high they'd be shut out by either government agencies or big corporations. Ironically, the American Diabetes Association promotes aspartame (hell, they promote saccharin!!) despite the fact that stevia can prevent and in many cases REVERSE some forms of diabetes. Aspartame makes diabetes worse...but hey, gotta keep those donations coming in, right? If diabetes was to be cured, there wouldn't be an American Diabetes Association anymore!

Oi...there's way too much to say here. It has taken me many years of research to understand all of this, so I wouldn't expect anyone who's never looked into this stuff to understand it right away or even trust this information...I mean after all, isn't the FDA supposed to be looking out for us? Aren't they? AREN'T THEY?!?!


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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #49 on: March 26, 2008, 04:18:19 PM »
Question: Do you eat your cereals by breaking them over the roof of your mouth with your tongue instead of using your teeth?

haha.. well i blame it on eating to damn fast man... my whole jaw turns into an eating machine to get down the corn pop goodness. :)

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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #50 on: March 27, 2008, 06:05:48 AM »
But if these ingredients are harmful to human consumption, then why is the FDA approving them? It doesn't add up!

Thanks for the laugh, I haven't laughed that hard in years! Do you actually believe the FDA is looking out for you? AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

The US government has, for many years, bent and catered to the best interests of corporations...not to its people. The FDA is a government agency who, like all the others, follows this model. Furthermore, the FDA has many people on its payroll with vested interests in these corporations and, in many cases, actually WORKING for these corporations. The FDA garners many millions of dollars in private funds every year; most of this is "hush money". Best case in point is the aspartame scam of the 80s...several key people involved ended up working for the FDA, getting aspartame rubber-stamped despite many years of prior rejection. Do you know what aspartame was formulated to do? Heal ulcers! Remember Vioxx? And about three dozen other "safe" drugs pulled from the market over the last few years after being "FDA Approved"? The FDA will rubber-stamp anything if they can pull a profit from it. Follow the money trail.

So why haven't they approved Stevia as a sweetener in the USA? Because there's no money in it for them. Stevia grows naturally and is much harder to regulate; it's more difficult to produce than all the chemical-based artificial sweeteners. Since it occurs naturally, it's also unpatentable by itself, meaning no company can develop a monopoly on it. Despite being approved in many other countries for being completely safe, the US continues to reject it based on the money trail of aspartame, its younger brother neotame, and its cousin sucralose. Fortunately, one big company has stepped up to the plate to try to get it approved...Coca Cola (with the backing of Cargill), under the brand name Rebiana. The EU apparently continues to keep it out though...due to the incomplete and tainted "studies" done over two decades ago in the USA. I don't believe there have been any big studies done in any of the countries in the EU outside of simply looking up the decades-old tainted reports and even if such studies WERE done, chances are high they'd be shut out by either government agencies or big corporations. Ironically, the American Diabetes Association promotes aspartame (hell, they promote saccharin!!) despite the fact that stevia can prevent and in many cases REVERSE some forms of diabetes. Aspartame makes diabetes worse...but hey, gotta keep those donations coming in, right? If diabetes was to be cured, there wouldn't be an American Diabetes Association anymore!

Oi...there's way too much to say here. It has taken me many years of research to understand all of this, so I wouldn't expect anyone who's never looked into this stuff to understand it right away or even trust this information...I mean after all, isn't the FDA supposed to be looking out for us? Aren't they? AREN'T THEY?!?!

The Old Rover, I want you to do a careful reading of the many articles found on Quackwatch, particularly here. The same kind of information given by others such as Kevin Trudeau, famously, does not need to be spread here.

Basically, I don't find any appeal in cereals, with the exception of Frosted Flakes, that sink in milk, such as Life or Honey Bunches of Oats. These tend to have less flavor in them than those that float, leaving a feeling of boredom after eating. They have been touted to be much healthier supposedly because of less sugar, but all cereals have health benefits since they contain a number of vitamins and minerals, with whole grains present in the modern times. Sometimes I find cereals with separate sweet and nutritional pieces, such as Lucky Charms and Capt'n Crunch Berries, to be a bit of a bummer, too, since the sweet pieces are the last I want to eat, and I have to dig carefully in order to avoid eating them all by the end :(.
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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #51 on: March 27, 2008, 07:52:51 AM »
The Old Rover, I want you to do a careful reading of the many articles found on Quackwatch, particularly here. The same kind of information given by others such as Kevin Trudeau, famously, does not need to be spread here.

I can't believe you actually posted that crock-of-bunk website. I've read hundreds of bogus articles on quackwatch already. I find it highly ironic that there's a site out there about stopping "quack medicine" that's actually run by a quack. EVERYTHING on that website is full of bullshit...I've yet to find a legitimate article there. Furthermore, Kevin Trudeau is also a giant walking quack, nothing he says can be taken seriously.


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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #52 on: March 27, 2008, 09:03:48 AM »
Quote from: The Old Rover
High Fructose Corn Syrup (causes pancreatic overactivity which can lead to diabetes and cancer of the pancreas)
BHT or BHA (known carcinogens, also known to cause hyperactivity in children as well as liver damage)
Sucralose (brand name: Splenda; a chlorocarbon known to attack the liver and thymus gland [part of the immune system])
Aspartame (brand name: Nutrasweet; breaks down to methanol [highly toxic to humans] and formaldehyde [known carcinogen], and contains phenylalanines, which some people have adverse reactions to)
Neotame (same basic molecular structure as aspartame but without the phenylalanines; still breaks down to the same dangerous chemicals though)
Acesulfame potassium/Acesulfame K (not tested enough to validate safety...wanna risk it? The FDA says it's safe! Promise!)

But if these ingredients are harmful to human consumption, then why is the FDA approving them? It doesn't add up!

The FDA equals nothing but money. The same exact reason why there is no cure for the common cold (despite some peoples belief that it mutates too fast) or for AIDS. They would make no money off of it or several other diseases being cured. They also are one of the most unorganized organizations in the US, and their trials and tests they do to check foods, are all a bunch of crap. There are records on file and have been for years where they passed products faster to companies that made substantial gift payments to certain government offices or made agreements for them to receive profit cuts. In return the companies get perks and bonuses to do what they want. It's all a big money chain, and it has been going on since before you or myself were born. Go do some research before you open your mouth about certain things. If you want to think that everything is ok in the world, keep on continuing to watch your Disney movies and being naive and ignorant, just so you don't have to deal with thinking about any of it, or inconveniencing yourself to be picky about what you eat.

Also, I guess you already forgot about the Peanut Butter and Spinach incidents last year. Kinda funny because I half-way pay attention to what I eat, and even though the brand of Spinach that was pulled wasn't sold near me, the Peanut Butter I buy was NOT one of the ones they pulled. I don't buy cheap store brand peanut butter from Wal-Mart or crappy ass Peter Pan (which are actually made in the same factories).

Regardless of what anyone can come up with to bash Rover about this stuff, I hate to burst your bubble if you don't believe him, but the majority of what he stated is either true, or not 100% proven fact yet, but close enough. People that don't pay attention to what they eat are quick to call those who do, quacks and crazy people...kinda funny that they don't seem to say the same after they find out they are sick, and they start doing some research of their own (if they live long enough).

I will no longer be buying any cereals that contain BHT in them because of his posts. This unfortunately includes Quaker Oatmeal Squares and Quaker Life Cinnamon, which I am both extremely fond of.  :cry:

Cheerios Crunch and Apple Cinnamon are also non-BHT.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 09:06:16 AM by quoth09 »
Warm milk, turkey, those can make you sleepy(well, the consumption of, you can't just hand around a turkey or a glass of warm milk, & expect to fall asleep).


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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #53 on: March 27, 2008, 09:49:39 AM »
I won't refute any of Rover's statements, as I haven't done much research, nor do I care to.  I will add that there are many other carcinogen laden foods to avoid, and here's but a few: taters cooked at a high temperature (like both kinds of chips often are), charred meats (sorry, no cajun style for you), and anything with sodium nitrite (a common processed meat and cheese preservative which your digestive system will turn into carcinogenic nitrosamines).  Personally, I'm not overly picky about the food stuffs I eat, as I figure that either pollution or a jealous husband will do me in long before any possibly dangerous chemicals in food.

The FDA equals nothing but money. The same exact reason why there is no cure for the common cold (despite some peoples belief that it mutates too fast) or for AIDS.

Speaking of naive and ignorant, are you saying that the FDA is preventing everyone from developing these cures and that said cures couldn't be profitably marketed?  I would've swore that there were at least a few research hospitals, universities, and pharmaceutical companies outside of the U.S., but I must be mistaken.  :roll:

Also, I guess you already forgot about the Peanut Butter and Spinach incidents last year. Kinda funny because I half-way pay attention to what I eat, and even though the brand of Spinach that was pulled wasn't sold near me, the Peanut Butter I buy was NOT one of the ones they pulled. I don't buy cheap store brand peanut butter from Wal-Mart or crappy ass Peter Pan (which are actually made in the same factories).

Let me get this straight; the combined economic might of Wal-Mart and ConAgra wasn't sufficient to persuade the FDA to let them keep selling their product.  For such a money grubbing bunch of douches, one would think that they'd be easier to buy off.
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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #54 on: March 27, 2008, 10:51:36 AM »
Despite being approved in many other countries for being completely safe, the US continues to reject it based on the money trail of aspartame, its younger brother neotame, and its cousin sucralose.
This is a very true statement. I've seen so many "zombies" fall for the gimmick of aspartame and they don't see anything wrong with it. Americans love finding healthy alternatives, so they think they can get away with drinking a bunch of Diet Coke since it has 0 calories, but they're probably better off with the extra calories. I'm one of those people who reacts to stuff like Diet Coke myself since it gives me headaches.
Quote from: Bonknuts
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).


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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #55 on: March 27, 2008, 02:00:21 PM » least they won't develop ulcers! Six kinds of cancers, maybe...but no ulcers!!!


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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #56 on: March 27, 2008, 02:20:24 PM »
Despite being approved in many other countries for being completely safe, the US continues to reject it based on the money trail of aspartame, its younger brother neotame, and its cousin sucralose.
This is a very true statement. I've seen so many "zombies" fall for the gimmick of aspartame and they don't see anything wrong with it. Americans love finding healthy alternatives, so they think they can get away with drinking a bunch of Diet Coke since it has 0 calories, but they're probably better off with the extra calories. I'm one of those people who reacts to stuff like Diet Coke myself since it gives me headaches.

Funny that you bring that up...I cut back on any Coke and Pepsi products a few years back, and made the decision last year to completely stop drinking anything by them if I can help it. I felt better back then, and I get the craving to want something every once in a while by either of them, but it's just not worth it to me.

Besides all the sugar, I find it very odd that Coca-Cola and Pepsi Co. are the ONLY 2 companies that aren't required to disclose their ingredients on the label, because it's their 'Secret Ingredient'. I'm not going to say anything other than go do a look up in reference to what a certain agency in India found in the products, but yet nothing has been done about.

In another cereal related interest, I found out earlier that Golden Grahams have BHT in them; that is rather disappointing. At least there is a bagged Malt-O-Meal cereal that actually tastes about the same, though I have no idea if it has BHT in it or not. I would guess not, but then again I thought that about Quaker.
Warm milk, turkey, those can make you sleepy(well, the consumption of, you can't just hand around a turkey or a glass of warm milk, & expect to fall asleep).

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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #57 on: March 27, 2008, 02:29:58 PM »
but then again I thought that about Quaker.

noooo...not the Quaker!!!  :(

I don't care. I like Harvest Crunch too much to care. lol

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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #58 on: March 27, 2008, 02:30:33 PM »
The FDA equals nothing but money. The same exact reason why there is no cure for the common cold (despite some peoples belief that it mutates too fast) or for AIDS.

Speaking of naive and ignorant, are you saying that the FDA is preventing everyone from developing these cures and that said cures couldn't be profitably marketed?  I would've swore that there were at least a few research hospitals, universities, and pharmaceutical companies outside of the U.S., but I must be mistaken.  :roll:

FDA = US Government, and they wouldn't lie to you, now would they? I guess they also wouldn't block certain companies or buy out certain people with hush money, just to keep certain products off the market for you and I, just so another company can keep on selling their pain medication?


Also, I guess you already forgot about the Peanut Butter and Spinach incidents last year. Kinda funny because I half-way pay attention to what I eat, and even though the brand of Spinach that was pulled wasn't sold near me, the Peanut Butter I buy was NOT one of the ones they pulled. I don't buy cheap store brand peanut butter from Wal-Mart or crappy ass Peter Pan (which are actually made in the same factories).

Let me get this straight; the combined economic might of Wal-Mart and ConAgra wasn't sufficient to persuade the FDA to let them keep selling their product.  For such a money grubbing bunch of douches, one would think that they'd be easier to buy off.

It probably got under someone's radar to large to ignore, and they threatened to say something about it, not to mention all the people that were going to the hospital vomiting and with diarrhea after eating it, with the possibility of them getting sued. I don't think a pay off would have helped them there.

You know, you can call me crazy or whatever you want for some of these statements, but the fact of the matter that the day and age that 'your government works for you' was gone a long time ago, if it even existed. When or if someday you decide to look around and really pay attention to what is happening that isn't broadcast on the nightly news, then you might find out. Not everything is conspiracy theory or made up stories for a joke.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 02:36:59 PM by quoth09 »
Warm milk, turkey, those can make you sleepy(well, the consumption of, you can't just hand around a turkey or a glass of warm milk, & expect to fall asleep).


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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #59 on: March 27, 2008, 03:21:37 PM »
You know, you can call me crazy or whatever you want for some of these statements, but the fact of the matter that the day and age that 'your government works for you' was gone a long time ago, if it even existed. When or if someday you decide to look around and really pay attention to what is happening that isn't broadcast on the nightly news, then you might find out. Not everything is conspiracy theory or made up stories for a joke.
But the media tells me I should label anyone who doesn't follow it as a crackpot conspiracy theorist!
Quote from: Bonknuts
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).