Author Topic: Cereals that suck...  (Read 2646 times)


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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #60 on: March 28, 2008, 12:32:12 AM »

This is a very true statement. I've seen so many "zombies" fall for the gimmick of aspartame and they don't see anything wrong with it. Americans love finding healthy alternatives, so they think they can get away with drinking a bunch of Diet Coke since it has 0 calories, but they're probably better off with the extra calories. I'm one of those people who reacts to stuff like Diet Coke myself since it gives me headaches.

ahhhh I've been one of them! Lately i've been wanting some kind of dessert with apple, so over the past month i've bought two of these dutch apple pies that are "no sugar added" but they always give me diarrhea...

I used to get apple pies every once in a while from Your Black Muslim Bakery over here in Oakland when they were still open... they were sweetened with honey, so i never had any problems.

I need to order some carob powder online so i can start making my own sweet stuff again... store bought stuff that you can find at supermarkets is usually really sweetened with stuff that's not wholesome at all, such as apartame, refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup.....


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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #61 on: March 28, 2008, 03:19:40 AM »
FDA = US Government, and they wouldn't lie to you, now would they? I guess they also wouldn't block certain companies or buy out certain people with hush money, just to keep certain products off the market for you and I, just so another company can keep on selling their pain medication?

The US government can lie all they want, but they don't control every research hospital, university, and drug company in the world.  It's also inconceivable that the sale of HIV vaccines and flu cures would be less profitable than selling pain medications, of which nearly every type is available as a cheap generic.  Next you'll be spinning yarns of a carburetor that'll yield 200mpg in a mid-size sedan, even though simple physics and the laws of thermodynamics say it's impossible.

You know, you can call me crazy or whatever you want for some of these statements, but the fact of the matter that the day and age that 'your government works for you' was gone a long time ago, if it even existed. When or if someday you decide to look around and really pay attention to what is happening that isn't broadcast on the nightly news, then you might find out. Not everything is conspiracy theory or made up stories for a joke.

I never laid down a blanket statement saying that everything with the government is hunky dory and anyone who disagrees is a tin foil hat wearing nutter, now did I?  I only responded to a couple of specific arguments, which could only be true if literally millions and millions of people worldwide were being bought and paid for.  If that ain't a conspiracy theory, then I don't know the definition of the word.

Back to the topic at hand: I had some Fruity Pebbles today and was reminded that they suck.  Hard.
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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #62 on: March 28, 2008, 08:05:26 AM »
An HIV vaccine is impossible to create; the virus attacks the T2 cells, which are responsible for fighting virii. Vaccines in general are rather useless anyways, and cause more problems than they are supposed to cure (they cure and prevent just about NOTHING).

Whether or not the FDA is in control of every drug company, research hospital, or university in the world is immaterial to someone who lives inside the borders of the USA. Researchers around the world have found many ways to deal with a large host of medical problems, including diabetes, hypertension, and hundreds of forms of cancer. Yet this knowledge, and accompanying products, are banned in the USA because the FDA is in absolute control of these things.

What I wanna know is this: the people who question this information...who are you protecting? You're doing yourself no favors and are playing into the hands of big corporations and government agencies who are exploiting you and laughing all the way to the bank. But hey, it's your life and your health...feel free to continue living this way...only you can decide what to do with your life. Remaining ignorant is your right. My wife and I still say to each other sometimes "Life was so much easier when we were ignorant".


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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #63 on: March 28, 2008, 08:47:26 AM »
An HIV vaccine is impossible to create; the virus attacks the T2 cells, which are responsible for fighting virii. Vaccines in general are rather useless anyways, and cause more problems than they are supposed to cure (they cure and prevent just about NOTHING).

Tell that to polio and smallpox.  Of course, that isn't to say that a HIV vaccine is inevitable, as it may remain just as elusive as a cure for colds.  It's just that never is an awfully long time, so I won't say that it'll never happen.

Whether or not the FDA is in control of every drug company, research hospital, or university in the world is immaterial to someone who lives inside the borders of the USA. Researchers around the world have found many ways to deal with a large host of medical problems, including diabetes, hypertension, and hundreds of forms of cancer. Yet this knowledge, and accompanying products, are banned in the USA because the FDA is in absolute control of these things.

Again, I was only responding to a specific statement.  It was postulated that the only reason that there are no cures for the common cold and AIDS is due to the FDA.  If that were true, then the cures would be available in the rest of the world.  They are not; end of story.  All other medical advances made in the world are not germane to the argument.
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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #64 on: March 28, 2008, 09:35:05 AM »
If we can't trust the FDA's health information, why should we trust yours?
"Fun is a strong word." - SNK
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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #65 on: March 28, 2008, 09:40:20 AM »
Tell that to polio and smallpox.  Of course, that isn't to say that a HIV vaccine is inevitable, as it may remain just as elusive as a cure for colds.  It's just that never is an awfully long time, so I won't say that it'll never happen.
The polio vaccine did no good; polio was already on the decline when it was invented and it actually started giving people cancer caused by a virus known as SV40 which was part of the vaccine's makeup. This was not discovered until 40 years later...that's 40 years of an unessential, destructive vaccine. The smallpox vaccine was the first vaccine ever developed and is the only vaccine known to actually work as "marketed". But the way it worked is vastly different than the way vaccines were developed afterwards. The world is considered smallpox-free nowadays, the common person can't even get vaccinated for it (not like they'd need to anyways). There ARE ways to kill HIV, but again...this is knowledge unknown to the vast majority of people in the USA because the FDA has kept this information out. A traditional vaccine cannot be developed for HIV because of how HIV works. A traditional vaccine for the cold is likewise impossible due to the high number of variations of the virus. This is also why the influenza virus is absolutely worthless.

Again, I was only responding to a specific statement.  It was postulated that the only reason that there are no cures for the common cold and AIDS is due to the FDA.  If that were true, then the cures would be available in the rest of the world.  They are not; end of story.  All other medical advances made in the world are not germane to the argument.
Gotta be careful with the whole AIDS/HIV thing. AIDS is a general acronym; HIV is just one way it can be contracted. I don't think anyone here said that the reason there's no HIV or cold cures is because of the FDA, though we do know that the FDA has kept information on killing HIV out of the hands of the general public. Why? Because of the sheer number of medications and treatments required to deal with the symptoms of all the diseases and sicknesses that AIDS causes. But also, remember that HIV has a very high occurance in the USA but not in most other countries of the world. Why is that, eh?


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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #66 on: March 28, 2008, 09:41:49 AM »
If we can't trust the FDA's health information, why should we trust yours?
Who are you protecting by believing the FDA? That's what I want to know.


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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #67 on: March 28, 2008, 09:52:39 AM »
If we can't trust the FDA's health information, why should we trust yours?
Who are you protecting by believing the FDA? That's what I want to know.

who said I belived the FDA? I'm saying we should be skeptical of all information given to us, by authorities or otherwise.

AIDS is a general acronym; HIV is just one way it can be contracted
umm, no. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. there are no other causes.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2008, 09:54:28 AM by guyjin »
"Fun is a strong word." - SNK
"Today, people do all kind of shit." - Tatsujin


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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #68 on: March 28, 2008, 10:13:49 AM »
The polio vaccine did no good; polio was already on the decline when it was invented and it actually started giving people cancer caused by a virus known as SV40 which was part of the vaccine's makeup. This was not discovered until 40 years later...that's 40 years of an unessential, destructive vaccine.

If Polio was on the decline 70 years ago, so much so that a vaccine was unnecessary, why would there be 350,000 cases fifty years later?  Thanks to the efforts of the World Health Organization and Unicef, Polio has been nearly eradicated (through the use of vaccines) over the last twenty years, and that doesn't sound like useless to me.  Who knows, maybe the W.H.O. and Unicef are lying shills for the U.S. government and just wanted to collect donations.

I don't think anyone here said that the reason there's no HIV or cold cures is because of the FDA,

You missed it.  Try re-reading the discussion from the beginning and maybe you'll catch this one:

The FDA equals nothing but money. The same exact reason why there is no cure for the common cold (despite some peoples belief that it mutates too fast) or for AIDS. They would make no money off of it or several other diseases being cured.

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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #69 on: March 28, 2008, 12:34:12 PM »
but then again I thought that about Quaker.

noooo...not the Quaker!!!  :(

I don't care. I like Harvest Crunch too much to care. lol

I really like Cinnamon Life and Oatmeal Squares, but I will be damned if I will eat the stuff when they could be using something else.
Warm milk, turkey, those can make you sleepy(well, the consumption of, you can't just hand around a turkey or a glass of warm milk, & expect to fall asleep).


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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #70 on: March 28, 2008, 03:13:16 PM »
who said I belived the FDA? I'm saying we should be skeptical of all information given to us, by authorities or otherwise.
Of course you should be skeptical. But the way you said it made it sound like you're programmed to blindly believe what they say. You shouldn't ever trust any source completely. That's why it's taken many years of research and education to reach this level of understanding. It would take you just as many to understand it too.

umm, no. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. there are no other causes.
There are many, many causes of AIDS. What you mean really is that AIDS is the only end result of HIV infection. AIDS can be brought about by drug abuse, genetic mutations, environmental hazards, etc. Furthermore, AIDS is not a disease; it's a syndrome, brought on by one or more of about 30 different diseases.

If Polio was on the decline 70 years ago, so much so that a vaccine was unnecessary, why would there be 350,000 cases fifty years later?  Thanks to the efforts of the World Health Organization and Unicef, Polio has been nearly eradicated (through the use of vaccines) over the last twenty years, and that doesn't sound like useless to me.  Who knows, maybe the W.H.O. and Unicef are lying shills for the U.S. government and just wanted to collect donations.
If the vaccine was so successful, the disease would be long gone by now. The rate of polio's diminishment doesn't match the rate of administrations of the vaccine. The fact is that polio is a dying virus; its purpose has been fulfilled and it is headed for extinction. Natural selection. This is pretty basic science.

You missed it.  Try re-reading the discussion from the beginning and maybe you'll catch this one:
The FDA equals nothing but money. The same exact reason why there is no cure for the common cold (despite some peoples belief that it mutates too fast) or for AIDS. They would make no money off of it or several other diseases being cured.
The cold cannot be cured. Even if there was a cure, the FDA would do one of two things: embrace this crazy medicine which would sell by the billions of units, or block it completely. However, he IS right about the AIDS thing...or more correctly, HIV. There are known ways to kill the HIV virus...outside of the USA. But this knowledge is all but unknown to the majority of people in the USA, as I stated earlier. Reason? The FDA keeps such information out through careful tactics. They have no intention of letting go of the huge donations they make from companies that make the VERY expensive drugs used to treat the symptoms of the various diseases caused by AIDS. If you had a gravy train that brought you many millions every year, would you give it up? Money talks.

This thread has now gone WAY off topic. I need some Cheerios. :P

Dark Fact

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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #71 on: March 28, 2008, 03:42:24 PM »
Rover, Quoth, I go away for a few days and all of a sudden you turn the thread into a grandstanding marathon of government conspiracies, hand-me-downs, and health hazards.  What...the f*ck?

First of all, if what all of you are saying is true, where is the research? I want to know where it says that the FDA is keeping the general public in the dark for the sake of maintaining donations to feed their coffers.  I know there are people in this world that are crooked to hell but if you're gonna start throwing accusations this vehemently, you better be prepared to show where in the pudding the proof lies.

No offense, but I'm sick and f*cking tired of people trying to put words in my mouth so that whatever they're saying is the world of God.  In this world, you gotta learn to think with an open mind and question everything, no matter how inane! So, if you guys are this passionate about telling us that whatever we're buying from the grocery store will poison us to death, then please substantiate your claim.  That's all I ask.  With the way you guys are going, you're making it sound like the only good food left to eat in this world is tofu. 

Sorry, but I don't see your library card on the books of Ys.  Now, RETURN THEM TO ME!!!


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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #72 on: March 28, 2008, 04:03:32 PM »
Dark Fact, it would take me many months to collect a list of sources again. It's up to the individual to do their own research and education, and find out this stuff for themselves. No one held my hand when I read through thousands upon thousands of documents, studies, and research papers. And if the only good food to eat in the world was tofu (which is HORRIBLY bad for you), I'd have committed suicide long ago. There are plenty of good foods out just gotta know how to find them. The whole reason I even KNOW any of this stuff is BECAUSE I know how to think with an open mind and question everything. Life was so much simpler when I never questioned anything, but that doesn't mean the realities were any different.

And if you don't like what we're talking about, then don't read it. If you're too comfortable in your little bubble, make sure you don't let anyone pop it.

Dark Fact

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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #73 on: March 29, 2008, 06:00:00 AM »
I don't need a whole rap sheet.  All I want to see is perhaps 2 or 3 documents showing how and why the FDA is screwing around with us.  If you can show that to me from a reliable source, then I may be inclined to believe you.  Oh, and what is it with tofu that is so horribly bad?
Quote from: The Old Rover
And if you don't like what we're talking about, then don't read it. If you're too comfortable in your little bubble, make sure you don't let anyone pop it.
The irony of your statement is that if everyone followed your advice, we would have to start living in bubbles, be fed special nutrients through a tube, and just pretend that the bubble is nothing more than a fashion sense.  And whether I like the posts here or not is completely irrelevant.  This is a forum! I come here to read posts.  What else are you supposed to do here?

I've been spoon fed Gerbers baby food ever since I was a baby, I used to go outside and inadvertently inhale gasoline and diesel fumes from passing cars all the time as a kid, and hell, I used to inhale second hand smoke from other people in restaurants that still allowed smoking where I live...and I don't even smoke. 

I guess the moral of the story is that the world that we're living in is a dirty place, and it's not gonna get cleaner anytime soon.  Even if I stop eating the "bad" foods like you're suggesting, it won't stop my body from being polluted with other toxic materials floating in the air and water.     
« Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 06:01:32 AM by Dark Fact »

Sorry, but I don't see your library card on the books of Ys.  Now, RETURN THEM TO ME!!!


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Re: Cereals that suck...
« Reply #74 on: March 29, 2008, 06:55:53 AM »
I don't need a whole rap sheet.  All I want to see is perhaps 2 or 3 documents showing how and why the FDA is screwing around with us.  If you can show that to me from a reliable source, then I may be inclined to believe you.  Oh, and what is it with tofu that is so horribly bad?
I could show you hundreds of documents, but which are going to be considered to be from "reliable sources" to you? What one considers reliable is considered phony by another. And besides, like I said before...this is stuff I researched on my own, on my own time...many thousands of hours of research. If this is information you really want (which it isn't, you're just trying to throw the onus onto me, which means you don't actually give a shit about the're just desperate to prove me wrong), it's available to anyone who has the desire and intelligence to find it.

And tofu is bad for you because it is unusually high in soy. Soy should never be consumed in excess.

The irony of your statement is that if everyone followed your advice, we would have to start living in bubbles, be fed special nutrients through a tube, and just pretend that the bubble is nothing more than a fashion sense.  And whether I like the posts here or not is completely irrelevant.  This is a forum! I come here to read posts.  What else are you supposed to do here?
That's bullshit and you know it. You're trying to look at this from a black and white perspective. That's so...ordinary-human-like. I thought you were above that.

I've been spoon fed Gerbers baby food ever since I was a baby, I used to go outside and inadvertently inhale gasoline and diesel fumes from passing cars all the time as a kid, and hell, I used to inhale second hand smoke from other people in restaurants that still allowed smoking where I live...and I don't even smoke.
You still eat Gerber baby food? I don't know who you're trying to impress here.

I guess the moral of the story is that the world that we're living in is a dirty place, and it's not gonna get cleaner anytime soon.  Even if I stop eating the "bad" foods like you're suggesting, it won't stop my body from being polluted with other toxic materials floating in the air and water.
You may not be able to completely escape from toxins, but you could at least reduce the amount you're exposed to. Of COURSE the world is a dirty place. But hey, it's your life to ruin as you see fit.