In Image Fight you don't move over on the left or right more then what you see in the pics on anything,arcade,PCE.
Stretched fattens crap out too much on PCE,Arcade mode looks normal,well as normal as can be considering so much detail is missing. Still a great port for what it is though.
In Dragon Spirit arcade you have to move over to see more of the screen. That was kinda unusual for me to see. On PCE you don't have to do that on either mode,everything is just there. On PCE stretched however everything is fat looking,yet again,and looking at the sprites they look ugly due to being fat. It doesn't look natural. Arcade mode looks the most correct,as the sprites look fine. You'd be able to tell better if I could get better pics,but I suck at this game badly and it was hard to find a good reference point.
After doing all that its clear that full screen mode has stretched the graphics out completely where it looks too fat.
Arcade modes are def more ideal if you want the look and feel,and correct sprite size of the arcade.