Actually the pics I posted were from a second run. I was originally imagining a grand gallery with pics of all sorts of games from my tv,but after messing with just Image Fight on my tv and having no luck getting good clean shots,plus playing Arcade Image Fight I had to tilt my tv,taking one for the team because you know how much I love you guys
,I finally got fed up though and went to the emu directly for shots because I didn't like the blur on the cam pics.
Rest assured though before I did so,I did alot of comparing. I would get to a certain point on the arcade,pause,then switch video channels to the one the PCE was on,play to that point,pause,flip back and forth and compare,run again in arcade mode to that point,compare,then run ME on my tv for the heck of it to get a extra look at things for the sake of doing so. I did this with both Image Fight and Dragon Spirit.
Heres some of the ugly proof that I did take time to do so on a TV: