I posted my top ten card games in the other thread, so for this one I guess I'll list my favorites that didn't have US counterparts
See now that's a good idea Type-R-
if you were to start a new thread for top ten Japanese only hucards- no counterparts. However you'd have to change your list as well.
Anyway- here's a top ten JP only hucard list from me (my favorites)-
and this was much tougher than ten overall hucards for me- there were like twenty that was hard to make into ten- so don't consider this exact-
1 Photograph Boy
2 Son Son II
3 Doraemon Arabian Nights
4 Liquid Kids
5 Image Fight
6 Lady Sword
7 Bonze Adventure
8 Parodius
9 Bomberman 94
10 Coryoon
Honorable mention: Ryukyu
Again- these are my favorites- I'm not saying that they're necessarily the best ones.
Others I wanted to mention: Bikkuriman World, Dracula Boy, Genji Tsushin Agedama, Gomola Speed, Gradius, Ninja Gaiden, Salamander...