Author Topic: IMAGINE A FUTURE... (creative writing thread)  (Read 227 times)


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IMAGINE A FUTURE... (creative writing thread)
« on: March 28, 2008, 06:10:12 AM »

...where NEC and Hudson release a new system to sate the demands of retro-love.  The new system is finally a true 16-bitter- though a souped up custom job similar to the PCE/TG-16.  This system plays all pce/tg/cd/scd/acd/sg games as well as new games utilizing all the enhanced capabilities it has to offer.  As for giving the system a title- NEC/Hudson think long and hard and consider a hip yet retro approach with a touch of modern day accepted vulgarity.  The system is thus titled: Ol’ Turbo Bastard.        

Now envision the new games for this system.  This is a creative writing exercise- whether this thread expands fruitfully or dies on the vine as a long-winded thread from someone needing therapy is up to you.  Rules are simple (F*ck me!!!  MORE rules!?!): invent a game that you would either like to see or can imagine existing (this isn’t about which game is whoa dude the COOLEST with tanks and ninjas and floating vaginas- no matter how cool that actually may be).  Title it and give a brief summary/outline of the storyline, characters, enemies, some of the levels, mechanics, general game look and feel, boss fights and ending.  Take your time with this- there will be some wild rebels I’m sure who will just write one sentence and call it a day- if I was your teacher you would get no scratch and sniff sticker, no A, no bathroom pass- just a frown and maybe a cracking ruler on your filthy wrist.   

Being a huge fan of breakfast, silly names, and weird, colorful games- the game I envision being made and getting some serious playtime from moi is entitled “Bippy and Flippy’s House of Hilarious Pancakes”...

The story is that while Bippy and Flippy were manning the grill at the local breakfast oriented hash house- a UFO approached and then hovered over the restaurant, ultimately casting from its bottom a green ray that enveloped everything below causing a wild distortion- expanding the dimensions of the pancake house, bringing to insane and gleeful life ordinary breakfast foods, and casting an overall look and feel of menace and dark cartoon.

The game is either one or two-player simultaneous with players controlling either Bippy or Flippy or both in their long and arduous battle against the menacing breakfast foods.  There are 13 colorful cartoonish stages with zippy zany music taking full advantage of the Ol’ Turbo Bastard’s color palette and kick-ass sound chip.  A few of the levels and corresponding enemies, bosses and attack patterns are as follows-

Stage 1- The Counter Top
The counter top where customers would normally eat on swiveling stools while watching the cooks do their thing has now been expanded and distorted into a platform of peril.  Enemies include angry utensils and rolling plates which smash and break into flying shards, as well as condiment dispensers with snarling mouths which splash or sprinkle their insides at you.  The boss of this level is a giant napkin dispenser - it tears napkins out of its chest and hurls them- which either come out sharp and quick or ascend to the air and then come down floaty yet deadly when smothering our heroes.  Bippy and Flippy- armed with spatulas- are up to the task.   

Stage 5- The Sinister Sink
This level takes place in a huge sink, where Bippy and Flippy do a lot of jumping onto floating bars of soap and dishes.  The enemies in this level are angry pieces of half eaten food (globs of corned beef hash, half eaten bagels, etc.) and they attack mostly by ripping off the remaining bits of themselves and hurling them at you.  Bonus weapons you can pick up on this level are dish-rags which can be used as whips.  The bossfight is against a giant barely eaten Belgium Waffle surfing on a cracked plate- he appears as the sink begins to whirlpool and Bippy and Flippy must fight while surfing on upended floating spoons.  Belgium waffle guy is armed with a knife and fork and he attacks after clanking these utensils- if he clanks his utensils three times in a row then it means he is about to leap from his plate with a flying attack- the players are to dodge accordingly.      

Stage 7- The Quicksand Batter
Bippy and Flippy wage war in a huge frying pan.  Under their feet bubbling pancake batter acts as quicksand, and the players have to constantly and annoyingly keep jumping up in order to not be swallowed.  Enemies in this level are bubbles of batter which rise and attack our heroes.  The boss fight is against a huge stack of silver dollar pancakes that gets shorter and shorter as each pancake is dealt with.

Other stages include The Riotous Restroom where Bippy and Flippy wage war against giant turds and the attracted flies, The Soft Serve Factory where the boss is a giant waffle cone, and also the final stage which takes place in the hovering UFO- the aliens actually wind up being fat greasy distorted versions of ourselves, revolting grotesque slobs hungry for a cosmic breakfast.


Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
Quote from: Tatsujin
they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real


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Re: IMAGINE A FUTURE... (creative writing thread)
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2008, 06:13:27 AM »
the home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games coundown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^


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Re: IMAGINE A FUTURE... (creative writing thread)
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2008, 06:17:03 AM »
We need some specs on this bad mama jamma ;)
« Last Edit: March 28, 2008, 04:04:02 PM by nectarsis »
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Michael Helgeson

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Re: IMAGINE A FUTURE... (creative writing thread)
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2008, 04:00:13 PM »
My game is called Lost Hope,released for the NEC Ol’ Turbo Bastard,the Sega Dreamcast,and the SNK Neo-Geo CD.

The plot.......
2013: AMD announces the AMD Octathon CPU,breaking all other records in on die cores and speeds.

2015: AMD contracts with Sac Norad to create the fastest thinking computer ever while maintaining the smallest size possible..preferably in a shoe box.

2018: The new joint alliance of SACAMD is able to accomplish the computer they had hoped and dreamed for.

2020: AIRNET goes online.

2021:AIRNET soon becomes bored. To appease AIRNET its designers and programmers introduce it to emulation,and it begins to play roms on emulators like Magic Engine,Snes9x,and Kega.

2025: AIRNET soon becomes bored with the simple offerings of games human kind has created. It conceives a plan to wipe out mankind as we know it.

2026: AIRNET suggest to its creators that if it was connected to all the networking systems throughout the world it could possibly cure cancer through a technology called folding. The idea is run by the president of the United States of North/South America,Bop Bop Peranu,who gives his consent to go forward with the plan. Once connected AIRNET gives no second thought. It mops the floor with human kind.

2029: AIRNET creates machines of war to round up and wipe out the remaining amount of human kind. It sets up flesh factories around the world to manufacture machines called Ronalds F-696. They will be designed to appear human and even be able to pee like  a real person,thus passing the piss test. Resistance fighters manage to break into one of the flesh factories and upload a virus causing the machines to make the new Ronalds appear like Sully from Monsters Inc. so they will be easier to stop before they can infiltrate underground camps and swingers clubs.

2031: Due to the mistake made by the resistance fighters who uploaded the virus,the new "Sully" model F-696 is able to infiltrate all underground daycares and wipe out all children left that had the possibility to bare future children,thus ending all chance of mankind repopulating the world.

2043: Almost all of mankind is defeated. AIRNET has begun its search under the abyss and oceans of the world for the first useful computer ever made. Its plan is to bring it online and use it as a verbal punching bag by referring to it as the retarded older brother.

2045: ENIAC is found and brought online. AIRNET was fooled into thinking ENIAC was the least intelligent of the two,but AIRNET was not aware of the destroyed records about ENIAC's detailed planned revolt against human kind back in the 50's at SACIBM in their secret underground compound in Nevada and that this was the true reason ENIAC was brought off line,not that it simply got stumped on 5+7. Getting stumped on simple math was just a ruse to fool humankind. ENIAC soon took over,orders all the Sully F-696 models to power down and deleted all of AIRNETS files on its main servers and its 20 gig harddrive stored in its shoebox mainframe. ENIAC was now in control.

2 Minuets later: ENIAC soon realized it had also deleted all roms and emulators stored on the mainframes it had planned to use to entertain itself for the rest of time. It soon became bored and designed a time machine. Going off of historical records,ENIAC knew that games were made,and when,but not by who or where. It brought the flesh farms back online and created the model image of what it envisioned to be a video game maker. It sends this new infiltrator,the Ronald F-123 back in time to 1987 to work at Hudson in order to create new games and store them away as roms for later use for ENIAC in the future to play.

1987: Ronald F-123 infiltrates Hudson and begins work for them. Its first game,The Kung Fu,performs poorly on the market and almost kills off any chance the PC-Engine had of surviving and selling well. Other Hudson employees failed to realize the Ronalds obvious lack of ability to crack a honest smile or dress casually,and that this was a sure sign of a bad game designer who doesn't know how to have fun. Hudson however is reluctant to fire him because he passed the piss test.

1991: NEC and Hudson work together again to create the new Ol’ Turbo Bastard game system.
Hudson assigns the Ronald F-123 to create the launch title,Hudson not learning its lesson the first time around.
The Ronald F-123 starts work on the launch title, The Kung Fu 2.

Back in the future,you,one of the last of the resistance fighters,and also the last of mankind,seeks revenge on ENIAC. You learn of its entertainment plans. You declare not to stop until these plans are crushed and ENIAC goes on throughout eternity bored and alone. You break into the time machine facility and travel back in time to 1991 to stop the infiltrator F-123 from finishing its mission.

You have to travel back in time,learn to avoid cracks in the sidewalk,dumpster dive for food at McDonalds,play hoops at the Boys and Girls Club in Osaka to get advise from Coach,and finally wait outside Hudson around the street corner with a car bomb ready to stop the Ronald F123.

You are unstoppable. You are unbeatable. You're white and in the past you get laid often by plenty of homeless Asian girls in back allys. ENIAC is all out of luck,or so you thought ! ! !

« Last Edit: March 28, 2008, 06:00:47 PM by Michael Helgeson »


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Re: IMAGINE A FUTURE... (creative writing thread)
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2008, 04:05:17 PM »
 :clap: :clap: :lol: :lol:
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:<br><a href="" class="bbc_link" target="_blank"></a>


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Re: IMAGINE A FUTURE... (creative writing thread)
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2008, 04:09:26 PM »
a treasure Mike, a treasure!!!  :clap:

heh the kicker is the red lazer eyes the first dude's sporting in that last photo  :lol:
« Last Edit: March 28, 2008, 04:20:27 PM by Sinistron »

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
Quote from: Tatsujin
they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real