Author Topic: Any love for Cadash ?  (Read 1240 times)


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Re: Any love for Cadash ?
« Reply #30 on: March 31, 2008, 07:24:14 PM »
Oh yes, the ninja simply rocks. Although the mage is my favorite character, I gotta say the ninja is stronger. The great thing about the ninja is that at close range he can hit the enemy about 3-4 times for every attack by the priestess or fighter (until he gets the sword of speed, at least), making him the king of physical damage hands down. So... he has the best range in the game, but even close up he outdamages the other three characters! Too good! Plus, it's just badass chucking infinite fireballs at enemies.

Here are all of the differences in the Genesis version, for those who might be interested. I'm doing this by memory so there may be an error or two on my part.

Omission of the ninja and priestess (obviously)
Complete omission of the tentacle boss (no more free elixir)
Floatier jumping mechanics - the mage, at level one, jumps as high as the ninja at level 15 or so
Attack and jump and you'll hold out your weapon until you land
Messed up hitboxes on certain enemies - play the arcade or PCE version then play the Genesis version and you'll whiff your attacks a few times, guaranteed
Weird enemy AI that will follow you down ropes and continue to chase you
Omission of the dragon amulet and chibi golem
Certain sections of levels are longer but have no content whatsoever (meaning no enemies, items, nothing, just more walking)
You can buy elixirs from stores
You can carry more than one elixir
Herbs heal 30 hp (I think)
You use herbs before elixirs

Simply put this game doesn't have the Cadash feel that the PCE version pulls off so effortlessly. Little things like enemy AI and hitboxes change the experience so drastically for me since I know the original game so well. Furthermore, the graphics look freaking weird - all the townspeople (every single one of them) have brown skin for some palette-related reason.

You should make a video to compare realy.

Just a thought given how youtube is lacking for any videos of,Cadash in action for some odd reason.

Wii U:Progearspec

ceti alpha

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Re: Any love for Cadash ?
« Reply #31 on: April 01, 2008, 06:21:47 AM »
I agree with mean TRON.  :wink: I'd love to see a comparison video. Who doesn't love comparison videos?

"Let the CAW and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin"


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Re: Any love for Cadash ?
« Reply #32 on: April 01, 2008, 08:18:52 AM »
Er... I'd love to, but I don't have the wherewithal to make video captures. Plus, I'm lazy.