Author Topic: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.  (Read 682 times)


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Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« on: March 29, 2008, 11:51:06 AM »
Hey all -

My NEC console experience started just recently. I picked up an original, U.S, barebones TurboGrafx-16 a few months ago. I didn't get the best set of games with it, but I did get some I enjoy - two of these being Alien Crush and Devil's Crush.

So flash forward to today - I scored a Japanese Turbo Duo with some games. Some games...I don't really know anything about. I don't know Japanese, and that doesn't help with these games. That's okay I am sure there are plenty "don't need to read text" games out there that are worth playing.

Here is the list of games -
Populous The Promised Lands
<something> Neo Metal Fantasy
Aya Psychic Detective Series vol 3
Legend of Heroes II
F1 Project
Psychic Storm

Some of those have heavy reading. Psychic Storm is one of those "pick up the controller and go go go" games. Do I need to pick up English versions of any of those games mentioned? I'm all ears.

I also picked up a HuCard game - Wonder Momo. I already knew about this one and picked it up due to its "uniqueness."

Other questions:
1: Has anyone played the game Gunhed or Blazing Lazers? I've recently started collecting Compile games & have yet to experience that one (or "those two" depending on how different they are between the U.S. release of B.L. & the Japanese release of Gunhed)
2: While I am not all that familiar with Valis, are there any versions of that worth picking up?

If anyone wants to post their personal "Japanese Duo? Well then you've got to play...." list, please feel free. I am a big side scroller guy, and I obviously like the vertical scrollers if I am collecting Compile games. I'm an RPG guy at heart, but I can't do much with the Japanese language unless this thing plays U.S. CD games as well.

One last question - Do I have all the bases covered? Do I need a U.S. Turbo Duo as well or am I set with a Japanese Duo and U.S. TG16?
« Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 12:20:38 PM by CkRtech »


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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2008, 12:00:12 PM »

1: Has anyone played the game Gunhed or Blazing Lazers? I've recently started collecting Compile games & have to experience with that one (or "those two" depending on how different they are between the U.S. release of B.L. & the Japanese release of Gunhed)

Have we ever!

There is no difference between the two regions besides the title screen.

You do yourself a huge disservice by not owning this game already. It's arguably Compile's best shooter. I think most people who have played Gunhed give it a perfect 10.


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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2008, 12:04:54 PM »
JP Duos play US CDs so all you probably eventually want to increase your compatibility now is an Arcade Card Duo (or Pro) and you'll be able to play all but six PCE and Turbo games (these being the Super Grafx games, which require an actual Super Grafx system, which is more or less just not worth it). Having a JP Duo with Arcade Card and a US HuCard only system is a really great way to go. Even the Arcade Card is debatable since there less than a dozen Arcade Card games and only four or five of them are actually worth owning.

The only games someone like you would need US versions of are text heavy stuff. These are basically the few RPGs that actually got translated back in the day; Neutopia I/II, Y's 1&2, Cosmic Fantasy 2, Might and Magic III, Dungeon Master: Theron's Quest, Dungeon Explorer I/II, Dragon Slayer, Dynastic Hero and that's pretty much it I think. Not all of those games are great either so don't drop the cash unless the research you do seems to indicate you'll really like the game first. All the other stuff is usually better bought as a JP release because the cases are nicer, they aren't censored, and the prices are almost always way cheaper. Sometimes a US game on eBay will go for five times what the Japanese version does even if the only difference is the box it came in.

Gunhead/Blazing Lazers; Great game, but I prefer all of the later "Solider" series games more; Super Star Solider, Solider Blade, and Final Solider. I do have the movie on DVD though :)
« Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 12:08:38 PM by SignOfZeta »


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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2008, 12:08:27 PM »
If you're into side scroller shooters then I think 99% here would agree you must run after gate of thunder and lords of thunder right away.

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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2008, 01:34:44 PM »
Welcome CkRtech :)

If you're into side scroller shooters then I think 99% here would agree you must run after gate of thunder and lords of thunder right away.
Yup yup.

Neo Metal Fantasy

1: Has anyone played the game Gunhed or Blazing Lazers? I've recently started collecting Compile games & have yet to experience that one (or "those two" depending on how different they are between the U.S. release of B.L. & the Japanese release of Gunhed)

2: While I am not all that familiar with Valis, are there any versions of that worth picking up?

0. A forum member here, Black_Tiger, kicks ass and basically spread the love about Neo Metal Fantasy.
Its enough to get you started :)

1. GunHed / BL rules. It was the game that convinced me to get a TG-16 back in the day. Stage 2 is too long and not challenging enough, and a few other sections suffer from this, but overall, this game kicks major ass. The final "boss parade", with double bass drum sweetness pounding away to get your adrenaline in OVERDRIVE is as good as it gets (as far as evoking emotion in a goddam shoot-em-up is concerned)... It's not too hard, but the designers created a really "tense" build-up to the final boss.

2. Get Valis 2 for great soundtrack plus mediocre (but fun, far too easy) platforming. Then, graduate to Valis 3 to get totally crushed by a nice, involved platformer/hack-n-slash. Valis 3 actually requires you to develop strategies (i.e. you can switch between characters, who have different abilities) that are rarely (or poorly) implemented in games of this sort. Not everyone loves Valis 3, but I think it is the highlight of the series. Valis 4 is good, but lacks the magic of the third installment, IMO. Valis 1 is a remake of the original and is OK, but don't get it unless it is cheap / you become a fan of the series.

There are too many games to recommend. Someone here should direct you to the many "We recommend" threads...
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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2008, 02:03:25 PM »
Great information, guys. Thanks.

I figured there were probably some general recommendation threads of some sort. Wanted to let everyone in on where I stand - what games I picked up so far, etc.

It's really good to hear that gunhed/bl is good. Compile has never let me down. I recently played Zanac Neo for the Japanese PS1 & wow! What a throwback to classic style...yet with updated graphics and animation.

nat - You've guilted me. I should own it. Haha! Recent purchases were this Turbo Duo and an MSX2. I'll bump BL up on the priority list. Is it fairly hard to come by "boxed" complete TG16 games? I suppose that is more of a general question, but I wouldn't mind getting an elite-complete copy of BL since it falls into my Compile collecting realm.

SignOfZeta - Definitely appreciate your recommendations. was one of the first places I hit up when I started looking into NEC consoles. Seems like one should get a degree for memorizing The compatibility guide. I knew acquiring a U.S. turbo was probably the easiest (and cheapest) way to get started. It's good to get your input on where I stand on the compatibility front at the moment.

esteban - Ahh man. They should have you doing commercials for these games. Very nice descriptions.

And looks like Gate of Thunder and Lords of Thunder are universal winners.

Thanks for the input, guys. My wallet is weeping.


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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2008, 02:55:52 PM »
Welcome CkRtech!

I agree with SIgn, BL kick ass because it has a faster feel to it but I preferr the later soldiers (not final soldier) since it have better sound tracks and graphics.  Stage 4 on super star soldier have to be the best stages (the tracks really make you feel deep in space with the shaded sun in the back ground.
Turbo fan since 1991 after owning my first system.

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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2008, 03:58:25 PM »
Wow! Talk about shock.

You guys aren't going to believe this (and I am embarrassed to admit it), but I actually HAVE Blazing Lazers! I acquired a few games from a member of another forum a while back. I actually got them before the TG16 got here. Well I pulled them out and what do you know but BL was jammed in there with them! (5 case. All are in baseball card like plastic sleeves).

It's game time.


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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2008, 03:59:31 PM »
hell yeah! Go get your game on.

And I don't think I said it earlier, but welcome to the community.  :D

ceti alpha

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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2008, 04:08:20 PM »
Wow! Talk about shock.

You guys aren't going to believe this (and I am embarrassed to admit it), but I actually HAVE Blazing Lazers! I acquired a few games from a member of another forum a while back. I actually got them before the TG16 got here. Well I pulled them out and what do you know but BL was jammed in there with them! (5 case. All are in baseball card like plastic sleeves).

It's game time.


And yeah, welcome!  :)

"Let the CAW and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin"

Carbon Tiger

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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2008, 04:15:26 PM »
Hello CkRtech. Welcome to the party.

Out of the lot you scored I'm familiar with

-Populous The Promised Lands

What can I say it's Populous :) It's as fun as it always is and played the same as it did on every other system. Not a mega must own but a fun game that's cool to have. 

-Neo Metal Fantasy

This one I got because Black Tiger proclaimed it's greatness and then was kind enough to provide a walk through of the game. Reminded me of Phantasy Star fun game and seemingly under rated for some reason. Very playable in that old school way.   

You say your an RPG guy. If you don't mind stumbling around Japanese RPGs aided by a walk through there's quite a few good ones on the PC-E. The entire Far East of Eden series is easy to find for cheap prices (really I think I got all three for around $25) and has walk through online and is mega fun once you get into it. Then there's stuff like Legend of Xanadu II which while somewhat harder to find is an amazing game to look upon and play. Probably a bunch of other good stuff I'm missing but that's off the top of my head.

For the English/Japanese RPG stuff (be prepared to be driven insane by price comparison):

-Neutopia I/II

I beat the Japanese versions of both of these games. They also tend to go cheap ($8-10) with the American versions being overpriced and part II entering the realm of stupidly overpriced on Ebay. If you can find them in English and not break your bank account getting them by all means do so :) But the Japanese versions are playable on their own and part 1 is damn near idiot proof. It plays exactly like Legend of Zelda complete with bombs, healing potions and so on. If you've played Zelda you can play this. Heck even the plot's the same...   

-Y's 1&2

Get this in English if you can. I've seen Ebay drive up this game but if your calm and lucky you can get an English copy without selling a kidney. I think I got mine for $20 which for a game of this quality is worth it. I also own the Japanese version (I'm an Ys geek) still playable but the game has a good plot and the American version is well translated. I can't over rate this game enough.


The Zelda II of the Ys series. I like it but several folk wish for it's death. Not a horrific game but not the best in the series either. Kinda short, has scrolling issues, weird difficulty curve... Price comparison USA $50+ Japanese version $7-$10. But yeah that's normal as you can see. When it comes to this game I play the Japanese version with a script copy laying near by. The American version is not that well translated imo and the voice acting makes me prey for the sweet embrace of the abyss.


BUY. NOW. There's only a Japanese version but there was a fan translation so make an iso of your game disk and patch the iso and you have a lovely copy of Ys IV in English you can now burn on a blank CD. This game is awesome. Fantastic animation a pretty good plot and amazingly playable. Yeah it's non canon but so what it's Ys shinning hour imo. Gaming has rarely been this fun for me (continues to over hype Ys 4)

-Cosmic Fantasy 2

Another you really should get it in English games. Ebay hasn't driven this one to insane prices yet...last time I looked anyway. Very fun little RPG. A lot of people like it I dug it myself. Part one was only released in Japan but is easy to play due it one being short, two mostly linear and three having a walk through online. CF2 is a much better game.   

-Might and Magic III

Never seem then English version go for a price that wasn't insane. Apparently this game is rare. :) I don't own a copy of it in either language. One of those games I'd imagine you'd HAVE to play in a language you understand due to it being a big wall of text...

-Dungeon Master: Theron's Quest

I own it but never played it much I need to get on that...

-Dungeon Explorer I/II

Own the Japanese version of part 1 not much text to speak of and playable in any language imo. It's Gauntlet's best possible big cousin. Part II is part one but prettier, more anime cut scenes, and more levels, awesome game. For some reason over priced on eBay way past it's real market value. Get it from here: these folks eat my wallet...   

-Dragon Slayer

I own the US copy of this one. Another one of those that ranges from fairly priced to utterly batshit on Ebay (see Ys same deal as that game). It's a wonderfully old school RPG that if you play it right is no cake walk but shouldn't destroy you. Be prepared to bash for loot like any good old RPG. Fantastic cut scenes and a great opening. The American version is sadly plagued by some legendary awful voice acting. Luckily there isn't much of it. The awful voice acting will either make your ears bleed or amuse you endlessly.   

-Dynastic Hero

Wonderboy~! side scrolling action RPG. Same drill as before American version $ = THIS IS MADNESS~! Japanese version goes for $9 welcome to the wonderful world of collecting games for this thing :) Would be easier in English but the game isn't that dialogue heavy for what it is. I do recall needing a walk through for some parts however.


-Yes you should buy Gunhed wait never mind seems you own it already :) and Lords of Thunder and Salamander (side shooter) and also Super Star Soldier. Can't forget R Type either if you like a side shooter format...seriously if you not a fan of shooters this system will make you one on the sole basis that it has so many good shooters for it. You'll never tire of shoot em ups as long as you have a PC-E.

-Valis is interesting. I'd say if your going to get any of em III is the best. It has the most playablity out of the whole series aside from the normal great cut scenes and good look of the series. II as said has some rocking music but it's by the numbers. 

For other side scrollers can't go wrong with Legendary Axe I and II, Adventure Island (Dragon's Curse in the US), Takahashi Meijin no Shin Boken Jima (New Adventure Island in the US) and ahh what else...oh Ninja Gaiden has a great version for the PC-E and thanks to a code on the title screen you can play it in English and the translation is pretty good to be honest.

And no collection is complete without the PC Genjin/Bonk  games.
My game collection at PCE Daisakusen


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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2008, 08:30:55 PM »
Welcome to the forum.  I can't add much to the fine advice already given, other than to say that Blazing Lasers kicks ass.  I wouldn't give it a perfect 10, probably only a 9.5, as Soldier Blade is even better and more deserving of a perfect score.
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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2008, 09:08:11 PM »

Thanks for the input, guys. My wallet is weeping.
keep some cash back and buy sylphia, since the executive guys behind is no more other than compile. altough it became the 2nd expensive shoot'em up on the system, it will become the crown jewel of your c-collection :mrgreen:

the good thing, the game rox a s well!!
the home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
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Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^

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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2008, 07:16:21 AM »
I'll vouch for some myself:

> Operation Wolf
> Dracula X Rondo of Blood (that is if you got the $$ for it)
> Side Arms
> Metal Stoker: Neo Hardboiled Shooting (strangely, though it's only Japanese, the whole game is fully in English)
> All 3 Soldier games (Super Star Soldier, Final Soldier, Soldier Blade)
> Far East of Eden series is definitely worth checking out in my opinion, I came close to beating the 3rd..well not really the 3rd (Kabuki Den) and accidently erased my end game save data  getting zapped by the language barrier while navigating through the Duo-R's memory storage. It was a fun experience though, considering how much japanese I picked up and not being worried about not getting the story


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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2008, 01:44:28 PM »
Carbon Tiger - Thanks for the write-up. That is a lot of good information. I remember seeing something about Neotopia. It was probably a post on a message forum and was most likely pcenginefx. I like your term "stupidly overpriced." There are a lot of items on ebay that fetch way too much money. People on message boards tend to be a lot more fair than ebay when it comes to buy/sell/trade. The ironic thing is that message boards oftentimes contribute to the hype that causes prices to go up on ebay. It's a funny thing - this internet world of ours.

If a game exists in English, I wouldn't mind trying to land the English version. Of course when games go for that much money, it is tough to fork over the cash for something you plan to give a try.

So I'm still trying to figure out exactly how you feel about YsIV. j/k. Seriously though - That English patch thing sounds really cool. Roms get patches all the time, but it's not like people can write out their own ROM to play a NES or SNES game or something on the official hardware. Patching an RPG for English and then loading it up on the "real thing" sounds totally sweet.

I actually do own Valis 3, but it is for Genesis. Is there much of a difference?

That's quite a list you provided. Appreciate it - once again.

Necromancer - Like what I saw/experienced with Blazing Lazers. I must have done my research before I picked up the game since I bought it when I didn't even have a system to play it on yet! (At the time)

Tatsujin - Sylphia, eh? Wikipedia kinda sucks as far as Turbo stuff is concerned. I usually try it out first before simply hitting google. Sylphia looks gorgeous. If the animation & gameplay match the art style, this one looks like a winner. It already gets the pre-approved thumbs up from me since the name "Compile" is associated with it.

There sure are a lot of turbo games that had a great palette. That was actually one thing that made me do more investigation into TD - the colors. Some of the games remind me of the Sega Genesis...except with much better use of color (and hardware color capability).

And what a unique concept for a shooter game! Perhaps I just haven't seen them all, but fairy shooter doesn't seem like it has its own sub-genre yet.

Ninja Spirit - I'm a guy that likes to buy games both to play and collect. I don't really go after emulated hardware or software, really. I don't leech all my games etc. Now that said...I did let curiosity get to me & "acquired" Rondo of Blood as I knew about its popularity long before I picked up any NEC hardware. Wow! I am adding this to my "must buy" list. The only issue is the continuous search to find it for a good price. I was hoping the PSP release would drive the cost down. I'm going to keep my eye out.

Rondo has really enjoyable music. I found myself turning up the volume quite a bit while playing, and the game just looks incredible. One thing I did find out when I fired it up today though (and started at a loud volume) - my Duo seems to take a bit to "warm up" and clear up that redbook audio. Guess I have some capacitors to replace, eh?

One last thought to share after seeing your name - I also own Ninja Spirit. Do I need to add it to the "to play" list? The list seems to grow longer each day.