I've had quite the nice Martin Luther King Jr. today myself. With my father, I went to Target, as I had a gift card there that he gave to me, and Best Buy, as a few Reward Zone program coupons came in the mail being vaild from 1/16/2009-1/22/2009 the day after I bought Kirby Super Star Ultra and WarioLand: Shake It! from one of the Best Buy stores around my area. At Target, I had purchased Super Smash Brothers Brawl, a game I highly anticipated getting for Christmas, and at Best Buy I bought Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2 along with Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, two other games I wanted for the holidays but didn't get. Later, my father and I ate at the Feast Buffet at the Red Rock hotel and casino, which a lot of people were in the lines in the time we were waiting and left. I also had the chance to start Kirby Super Star Ultra today, as so far, it's been a pretty fun title for me (and with some decent challenge, too).