Yes, because Barney is the only other thing that is purple to ever have existed.
PS - Grimace can kick Barney's ass!
There are also other things like Spyro the Dragon, the Grape and Atomic Purple Game Boy Colors, indigo GameCubes and Game Boy Advances, the second variant of the Judge Game and Watch (the other was green, but has said to contain a few bugs in the scoring which was corrected in a later purple back-covered version), and purple Pokemon such as Rattata, Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Crobat, Granbull, Delcatty, Sableye, Illumise, Shinx, Luxio, and Luxray. There are more purple objects that what you're [joking about], Joe Redifer.
My Barney converter is brown. Does that mean I have the shit connector?
Chocolate covered Barney perhaps?
I would say that you have a dog converter, since I normally assicate one of that color, but if you're looking to call it by a familiar character of that color, then a Cousin It or Fazzi the Bear one could work just fine.
So they come in different colors, I see? What other colors are they available in?