Hey y'all, I just did a recap on a TurboExpress which had stopped working (This was my 2nd time repairing one of these, 1st one came out great). This time around went a little different. When I was trying to carefully remove the portions of white glob that were covering the solder pads of the caps in the corner, there was a large piece that broke off and took a piece of the black plastic top off the copper coil pack hidden under that white goop. So I assumed this goop was acting as a insulator for the coil/glue for the 100uf 16v caps that it runs into. I attempted to use hot glue to repair this and continued the recap job.
Once I reassembled and tested the unit, I found the screen to flicker and get distorted with pixels in improper places. After double checking all of the solder points and some other trouble shooting without the back half of the shell, I was able to get the distortion to stop but the light flicker continues to occur as if possibly a slight issue with the backlight. But I wonder if this is possibly related to that coil from under the white goop. Could this occur if it is damaged or not adequately insulated?