OK, I voted Starling Odyssey II. 1994 was a really good year for me PC Engine wise. Diehard was still kicking in Auburn Hills/Waterford so I could rent Super CDs and try before buying.
SOII is a nice game, but the reason I liked it so much is because it was easy to play with very little Japanese knowledge. I still got stuck though, and so I called the developer, Rayforce, and asked for help. They were pretty stunned that I could play a game with virtually zero knowledge of kanji, but they helped me get past where I was stuck (I was trying to get the air ship to warp between those towers). I'm pretty sure they are out of business now, as are so many PCE-centric developers that couldn't make the transion to 32-bit, 3D, and the quadruple budgets that came along with it. Getting suckered into making an FX game didn't help either.
That year I also really liked Kaze Kiri, Dragon Ball Z, Advanced VG, Cosmic Fantasy 4 (there are two of these, btw), Emerald Dragon, and Fatal Fury Special.